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Everything posted by trebor4460

  1. You know that top box would look quite nice on a certain Rizza Bandit....
  2. Thought JLS was gonna rear their ugly heads for a sec then....
  3. Sry to hear bout this m8, hope u get her back.
  4. I would feel a bit deflated myself too....
  5. No brainer really...... go for a blast m8.... although if my mrs said "cut the grass" i would be riding the mower not the Bandit
  6. am pretty certain you will turn it into somthing special like your old Bandit Lee, nice to have the extra ponies of the 12 aint it,
  7. clean the plugs, charge the battery as it might be low on charge, could be why it didnt fire up the second time you tried and it just flooded, if a battery is low it can turn a motor over on the starter but not have enough to give a decent spark, hence it dont start but the plugs are wet.
  8. you sure shes fueling right, were the plugs wet or dry? if she was ticking over but not reving right it could very well be a carburation problem, carbs cleaned and set maybe,
  9. gud pics ... and that bloody bikes just toooo shiny Stue ... now wheres my Mr Sheen....
  10. They look great Luke, bargain m8.
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