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Everything posted by trebor4460

  1. Fantastic job m8 you have done a first class job there, totally transformed a hack into a cracking bike.
  2. Hes only cleaned it as good as that because Trebors coming I'm saying nuthin Stue but sales of Mr Sheene seem to have doubled in the Leicester area...
  3. Bit far for me but have a gud one and ride safe,
  4. Have a gud holiday m8, though looks like u gonna be busy,
  5. trebor4460


    Welcome to the forum buddy, u done a cracking job on the Bandit m8,
  6. Saving Private Ryan, good choice Luke, fantastic film, gotta be one of the most realistic war films ever, a must to watch.
  7. Yeh, lookin forward to it, will be gud to see u guys again, Andy booth will hopefuly be comin with me too on his B12, so prey to the weather gods lads...
  8. I really wanna get on this one so weather permitting me and Andy are gonna ride up early sat morn and meet u at the camp Site in Notts, and do the run then home later sat night. Weather permitting....
  9. nice 1 m8, gud luck with the test.
  10. Pissing down here too, wanted to get the bike out this affy, it's been stuck in the garage all week, for gods sake I even had to put the trickle charger on her last night...
  11. gud luck with the job hunt, easier said than done nowdays... hope you get fixed up soon,
  12. Gud luck with the bike hunt Wil and hope to meet up soon wn u bag one.
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