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Everything posted by firehawk

  1. Heyup guys. I have recently been offered a self employed job doing taxis and coaches for one of the islands large firms. I was just wondering if you could give me a bit of advice. I'll probably find it out once I start but would be nice to know before hand. The biggest question I have is, is it true that declaring myself self-employed for taxi driving is different to other occupations? What sort of stuff can I/do I need to claim on my tax returns as expenses etc etc? Do you tend to have to invoice the companies for the hours you worked or do they give you a wage slip? I know it may be different between companies but was wondering if there's a general rule. Apart from those, do you have any other tips or advice? I have my knowledge test Thursday and my Medical the week after so won't be long Cheers in advance guys/gals
  2. blacks just fine once you go black, you'll never go back
  3. this one may be going a bit too far - http://www.jango.com/music/Village+People?l=0
  4. http://www.jango.com/music/Village+People?l=0
  5. In the Navy, yes you can sail the seven seas..................
  6. lol. Maybe I'll have to do an engine conversion if I got another SV although there's more than enough power for me on a little island like this . Especially with my experience of the crap brakes.
  7. i prefer the look of the sv tho. just look at it. that is 1 sexy beast
  8. For pure grin factor, it had the be the big SV. The torque and sound was brilliant. It was also very comfy even though you wouldn't imagine it to be. I used to get numb wrists on the B6. That said, I'm wanting a b12 soon. I loved how I got the b6 looking and they are much easier to mod. I want to do a full project b12. If it doesn't give me as much fun as the sv did then I'll either sell the b12 for another sv or I'll have both
  9. realistically, a B12. I would love a daytona 675 tho
  10. my uncle has a 1993 306 D that he bought off my ex boss for the grand sum of £150. Apart from routine service stuff and the common fuel stop solenoid and alternator faults, it has been perfect and is still going strong. It wasn't serviced for 3 years until I did it earlier this year but was still running well. Just the cambelt to be done soon and he'll probably get many many more years out of it. No-one expected it to last more than a year or 2 for that kind of money. It was used as a loan car at the garage I worked at so was used and abused constantly. You wouldn't get that from a newer french car
  11. the silly thing is, if you set it to walking, it tells you to take the ferry. If you set it to driving then you have to swim
  12. and don't drive with stilts-on
  13. My dustbin's absolutely full with toadstools. How do you know it's full? 'Cos there's not mushroom inside.
  14. It was weird at the start. I'm probably not the only one thinking what I am. If I'm not then you'll know what I mean
  15. 35 hours over 5 years. The CPC is a piece of pish though so if it's being paid for, I wouldn't complain. The theory (mod2) side of it is all obvious and the practical (mod4) isn't exactly rocket science. If I can pass it all first time then I'm sure anyone else can
  16. I may not be right but I'm pretty sure that the CPC wont apply because you wont be driving vocationally, unless they class mechanics in the same group. I'm looking to do my class 2 as soon as I have enough dosh. It shouldn't be too hard. I have my PCV and I've driven a few lorries off road too. It's just the gears that I will need to get used to. I can do it for £475 inc test but not inc the theory and medical. I want to do it more to upgrade my PCV from auto to manual. I may aswell do it in a lorry for almost the same cost and get the extra entitlement thrown in to the bargain.
  17. Somethings telling me not to open those links
  18. thats inbreeding for you I'm not actually FROM the isle of wight
  19. That's why I very rarely wear them. I had the toenails removed from both my big toes when I was a teen. They grew back upwards rather than outwards. Good job I have a dremel
  20. Nowt wrong with that There is!! You haven't seen the state of my feet
  21. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/TaxationClasses/index.htm insurance may be different so well worth checking
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