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Everything posted by firehawk

  1. bloody hell, he has a bigger penis than Dave
  2. can you fit these to a bike? http://www.stebel.it/stebel2009/products.asp?IDserie=11&uso=&tipologia=ELECTROPNEUMATICS
  3. just go and nick a pair off an old micra.
  4. the toothbrush and autosol thing just made me chuckle. I watched Outnumbered the other day and the little girl shouted 'Mum, is anusol toothpaste?' lol.
  5. firehawk

    aw shit

    Ghost Shit That's the kind where you feel the shit come out, have shit on the toilet paper, but there is no shit in the toilet. Clean Shit The kind where you shit it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the toilet paper. Second Wave Shit It happens when you're done shitting, you've pulled your pants up to your knees, and you realise that you have to shit some more. Brain Hemorrage Shit Also known as "Pop a vein in your forehead " shit. the kind where you strain so much to get it out that you practically have a stroke. Sweetcorn shit Self Explanatory Log shit The kind of shit that is so huge that you're afraid to flush the toilet without breaking it into a few pieces with your toilet brush Drinkers shit That is the kind of shit that you have the morning after a long night of drinking - its most noticeable trait is the skid marks left on the bottom of the toilet . "Gee I wish I could shit" shit Its the kind of shit where you want to shit, but all you do is sit on the toilet with cramps and fart a few times. Spinal Tap Shit That's the one where it hurts so much coming out that you swear it was leaving you sideways. Wet Cheeks Shit Also known as "The Power dump" That's the kind that comes out of your ass so fast that your butt cheeks get splashed with the toilet water. Liquid Shit The kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots out of your butt, spashes all over the inside of the toilet bowl and, at the same time, chronically burns your tender poop-chute. Mexican Food Shit A class all its own The Crowd Pleaser This shit is so intriguing in size and/or appearance that you have to show it to someone. Mood Enhancer This shit occurs after a lengthy period of constipation, allowing you to be your old self again. The Ritual This shit occurs at the same time time each day and is accomplished with the aid of a newspaper Guiness Book of Records Shit A shit so noteworthy it should be recorded for future generations The aftershock shit This shit has an odor so powerful that anyone entering the vicinity within the next 7 hours is effected. The Honeymoons over shit This is any shit created in the presence of another person. Groaner Ashit so huge it cannot exit without vocal assistance Floater Characterized by its floatability, this shit has been known to resurface after many flushes Ranger A shit which refuses to let go. It is usually necessary to engage in a rocking or bouncing motion, but quite often the only solution is to push it away with a small piece of toilet paper Phantom Shit This appears in the toilet mysteriously and no one will admit putting it there Peek-a-boo-shit Now you see it, now you don't. this shit is playing games with you. Requires patience and muscle control The bombshell A shit that comes as a complete surprise at a time that is either inappropriate to shit (i.e. during love making or a root canal) or you are nowhere near shitting facilities. Snake Charmer A long skinny shit which has managed to coil into a frightening position - usually harmless Olympic Shit This shit occurs exactly one hour prior to the start of any competitive event in which you are entered and bears a close resemblance to the Drinkers shit.
  6. Different terms for female masturbation 5 Digit Disco Buzzing the honey hole Backslappin' Betty Bailing out the Gravy Boat Beaver bashin' Bouncing the bearded clam Buffing the box Buffing the jewel Buttering up the whisker biscuit Clam twiddlin' jamboree Critter crammin' Damming the beaver Dialing "O" on the little pink telephone Diddling miss daisy Diggin' for clams Digitis Erectus Fingering the fountain Flicking the minnow Friday night lip service Frosting the muffin of love Giving yourself the finger Going for the gooey duct Impeaching Bush Juicing the clam Let your fingers do the walking Lip smacking Menage a'moi Petting the kitty Piddly Diddler Playing the squeezebox Pokin' the pie Polishing the little pink pearl Pumping the kooter Punchin' the chipmunk Reading in Braille Riding the clitoris-sauras Romancing thy own Roughing up the suspect Self-guided tuna boat tour Smacking Jerry Garcia on the nose Spanking Lucy Stroking the newt Ticklin' the taco Tissue tickling Twirling the pearl Unbuttoning the fur coat Warming the wrist rocket
  7. can you Pm me some details and a rough price mate? cheers
  8. he's forgetting remote central locking
  9. i'd also rub dogshit (or any shit if you like) under the handles. Maybe a few nice key marks in the paintwork aswell. They wouldn't be able to prove it was you
  10. Jimmy carr. He was brill when I saw him quite a few years ago. Especially the way he researches where he is and interacts with the audience. Seen Jim davidson. He's good even if he is a bit crude most of the time. Also seen Jethro a few times. He's damn good aswell. Would love to see Michael Mcintyre, John Bishop and also Kevin Bridges live
  11. Hewlett packard/compaq. That is what I currently have and it's the best laptop i've ever had. I've had this one about 2 years so far. The only problem was the fan died but that's because i used a hoover to try and clean the vents. It was fixed FOC anyway.
  12. mine gets bigger when it gets hotter
  13. Nice one streetfighter. No point being miserable and stuck in a job you don't want to do. i can. my last job was absolute shite but i'm loving this one. the best bit is, next week i finally get to do some routes other than 7's. yay
  14. I want that Daytona. Well sexy
  15. Which one though? Good old fashioned Sage and Onion or something fancy with apples or cranberries etc in?
  16. I know but I also wasn't thinking straight at the time. I haven't done it for every bloke anyways. It was just a way of confirming things to try and sort my head out and it seems to have worked in my favour. It also allowed me to see wall posts between the 2 of them. It will be deleted with swift effect anyway.
  17. I think we are getting somewhere finally. We had an evening out tonight. Went for a bite to eat then we went back to hers for a chat. I met her Dad aswell. She openly talks about Stu and how he is her friend. In fairness, she hasn't been on the Island much more than me and she said that we are her only 2 friends over here. This was without me asking and I haven't mentioned him yet just to stay on the safe side. She also talked to me about personal stuff from her past that I wouldn't have expected her to say if she wasn't confident with me. Again, I said nothing so it was all said voluntarily. I also got to see her playful side tonight which was fun. It's just going to take time for us to progress I think. She has had a hard life which I already knew so I don't blame her for wanting to go slow. I'm not going to push her because it could just blow it all apart. Tonight felt really good and she cheered me up alot. Thanks for all you advice so far guys and if you have any more words, feel free to reply. I'll keep you updated although not on anything explici
  18. definately. Preferably at the same time as Suzi Perry and Keeley Hawes but would settle for one on one
  19. I'm in a situation I've never been in before and hoped I never would be and need some advice and/or moral support. It's really doing my head in and I cannot think straight at the mo. Here goes - I met Hannah about a month and a half ago and we have been meeting up ever since for days out etc etc. The thing is, I'm really confused about where it is going. Yesterday made it even harder to understand. She volunteers at the local steam railway so yesterday we decided to go for a day out there and have a ride etc etc. The first thing that made me confused was one of her colleagues asked if she's seeing anyone but pretty much without hesitation, she loudly shouted no no, still single. Which is fair enough. He then said, oh I assumed this was your boyfriend and again loudly shouted no, he is just a friend. No thought behind it or anything. Again, fair enough. But a bit later in the day, she sees her friend Stu and they dissappear for 1/4 of an hour leaving me on my own. Lovely. A bit later on she sees him again and they stand chatting whilst I am with them. He's stood there with his arms crossed but she has hold of one of his hands. When we go to get back on the train (he is the fireman for it), she hugs him and kisses him goodbye. She does the same when we get off. I don't know if they are just very good friends, or if she is confused about who she likes more or what's is going on. Another thing that's makes it even more weird, is when we first met, she said she was on the local dating website so we used that to chat for a few days since it was free. I've just had a look and she has logged on this morning so does it mean she is also confused and still hoping to find someone. Like I say, it is messing with my head so some of this might not sound like it is meant too. I just really don't know what to do. Do I just come out with it and ask her how she sees us? Do I mention what I saw between her and Stu and see what she says. They could literally be good friends which I wont have a problem with but it all seemed too friendly. I have gone from extremely happy to having no energy and feeling really down. Has anyone got any words of advice. It's driving me insane
  20. you can renew your licence online if you have a passport as they import your photo from that. If I post my licence, I usually make 2 photo copies. I keep one copy myself and send the other off with the licence
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