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Everything posted by firehawk

  1. yes mate. that's what i've done except I have an enclosure that the harddrive goes in aswell. have a look on ebay. there are loads about
  2. i've got the same sort of setup. I sold an old laptop on egay but took the drive out so the new owner couldn't restore old po.........files and details etc. Ithen got one of them case converter things for a few quid so now have a spare drive to store my files on. Comes in very handy for keeping backups of stuff.
  3. I want to own one of them one day and restore it or convert it in to a motorhome. Well, I hope to anyway.
  4. and i can send my Olive along you haven't got to look at the mantelpiece whilst stoking the fire
  5. is that a good job to be in being mobile etc? I thought about it a while ago but you've got to guarantee the work which put me off. I sort of do it as a half job/half hobby - I found that initially it was a bit slow, put lots of business cards in the local training centre and other bike related places, but as people used and were happy with my services, they put the word out with their friends etc and now I find myself with plenty to do. I wouldn't say it's always easy but I do it for the love of it and when I lose the "love" I'll give it up!! Admittedly I'm lucky in that I didn't have to put out much initial outlay and I wasn't totally dependant on having a good workload from day one so I've had an easy ride of it (excuse the pun! ) sounds good. I'm an ex mechanic and I've always done all the work on my own bikes so had the knowledge. it was just the cost and getting the work I was worried about. Still something to think about in the future. I do want my own business at some point in my life.
  6. is that a good job to be in being mobile etc? I thought about it a while ago but you've got to guarantee the work which put me off.
  7. Back on the buses as of next month.
  8. hopefully soon mate. my overdraft is nearly paid off, my loan payments have halved and I'll finally be earning a fair bit more than minimum wage. fingers crossed I'll be back on 2 wheels by the summer
  9. I had a secondary interview with Southern Vectis today and I am now back on the buses. I start the 28th March. In the mean time, I'm booked to upgrade my licence so I can drive manuals buses aswell, then I can move on to coaches after a while. I'm over the moon.
  10. you mean that's not allowed. damn it
  11. if people could be sacked just like that because of customer complaints about them then my ex-boss should be well gone. i think they have to give you verbal and written warnings first
  12. I went up to see my sis and meet her new BF. I also had to do some work on his car. it didn't cost much to travel up and we made a bit of a weekend of it. I was a bit alarmed when we stopped at Box hill for lunch and he told me that we were stopped in a Dogging car park. I hope that's not from experience. I'm going to the festival in June which cost 6 times as much . I can't wait though
  13. The band not the continent. I went to see them Saturday night at Shepherds Bush o2 Empire. It's the first ever proper concert that I've been to. I had a bloody good time. They were filming their DVD as well so if anyone buys, look out for me. lol. Anyways, check out my youtube channel below for vids. The supporting band were Voodoo Johnson who I thought were pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/user/firehawk1987
  14. i did find a pic of a very different kind of cage with a very nice lady but I thought i'd better not put it up because it would only get removed
  15. if they want ya,they will find ya lol. They even sent me an apology letter
  16. I know a trick to getting away with it. I've done it before but i'm not going to say how incase plod are watching. lol
  17. http://uk.autoblog.com/2011/02/15/nissan-juke-swimsuit-model/?icid=main|uk|dl4|link3|http://uk.autoblog.com/2011/02/15/nissan-juke-swimsuit-model/
  18. http://www.iwight.com/council/committees/Regulatory%20Committee/16-5-06/Appendix%206%20Knowledge%20Test.pdf
  19. firehawk


    last chance before it goes on eblag. i desperately need the money now. i've got my manual upgrade test for my PCV booked next week and it aint cheap. lol cheers
  20. ta v much. sounds like i've got some revising to do if nowt else comes up
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