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Everything posted by streetfighter

  1. I aint done xmas shopping for ages, I just say to the mrs ive ate something dodgy and its playing me up, coz i can get away with it having had my stomach out due to cancer sshhhh dont tell the wife
  2. My son showed it to me ages ago but it still makes me laugh
  3. Did anyone notice that the bike matched his hair lol
  4. Better not show the wife this pic coz i'd ave to get one of them to ferry the kids about in
  5. I'm not the biggest bloke in the world, but i would kick him so hard between his legs his nuts would come out his mouth
  6. Hope you keep the snow falling on the pages until it settles lol
  7. Cant understand why they do it, wait at least till boxing day to change them if they are in a hurry.
  8. Would'nt like to get in his way when he has had a bad day
  9. well said Dave Thank you hoping to get another bike early part of next year, cant be doing the car thing its doin my head in, plus i feel like a taxi driver with the kids the wife normally does the ferrying about coz ya cant get 4 kids on the bike at once lol
  10. I just love this forum so much you are all a great bunch of guys and girls, thanks to all of ya
  11. Sorry ash ave ya got a spare if so get a move on you will catch them up lol, No sorry mate i no what its like when you miss out on a ride out, i miss my commute to work with me bike that was stolen but the next one will be better i hope
  12. Told ya dunno whats wrong with folk these days..what wrong with a good old fist fight....not that im saying thats fine also but come on knifes not like the old days couple of slaps and homeward bound Thats what frightens me when my boy gets older, and why me an the mrs (deb) supports him in his skating and scootering, its such a shame of what this world is coming to, half of these stabbings and shooting of each other is down to knocking someones drink or something silly, and it happens to the wrong person half the time, its such a shame, look what christmas them families are going to ave now my thoughts are with them
  13. Yeh he does no what he is doin goes all over the place diferent skate parks but he enjoys it, and i'd rather him doin that then on the street corner being a scrot getting up to no good, so a few broken bones dont hurt plus before he try's his new stuff its always in the foam pit first.
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