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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Ive got to say Dave im proud of ya, and im not taking the piss neither, when my parents split me dad had a good payout from me mother and he never had to work again at a very young age he was a pro footy player but never got paid alot as they didnt in the 60/70's...anyway me old man sold everything he owned which included 3 houses in the 90's and pissed the best part of a million on party's pissups and travelling whilst getting pissed as a subsequent my youngest brother and sister sufferd most and i could do nothing but watch...the old man is 60 something and has sufferd numerous heart attacks and liver trouble...hes a prick and selfish c t these words may seem harsh but trust me he his...I myself love a beer from time to time but never want to be told i cant enjoy another hence why i dont drink that often..So Dave please please and im sure you will with the support of your lovelly wife Mel you will do it and get yourself better, im also chuffed to see ya getting out on push bike more these days and like i said before get yourself down the gym and pump some iron thats my drug keep it up mate i ya Sorry to rant on mate but drugs and drinks are the root to all evil in my eyes if not used moderately
  2. Some males reach 6ft in total length, Marco dropped is tail so he may not reach quite that ile find a pic of a fully grown male and post it
  3. He sure as grown and still plenty to go
  4. After the xmas and new year my families gone through it can only get better
  5. I havent bought it in ages as i only read the Racing section
  6. will it make anything else longer ????Think ya better off asking stue but he will say yeah STUE ??Hell yea just ask wifey
  7. 2012 in a few pics Our first ride out march time i think Mike and family popping down for a visit Me chucking wifey over the edge Our meet with Trebor and co in quatford Madsod and co The arrival of me new pushbike A family wedding at mums Dave and trebors meet The birth of another nephew The opening of our new gym Wifeys bday All smurfed up lol Another fancy dress doo Our xmas get together Dave looking into my eyes lol Just a few snaps taken during the year hope to meet up with a few more this year
  8. Here's a couple of pics of him for those who havent seen him and trust me whenever he comes out you need to wear hoodies as they like to climb as high as they can get Oh and hes a male Iguana See this will happen eventually
  9. Nice one Chad we have a little biord tank and a few Reptiles as you all now
  10. Its only a matter of time before they die...some animals should be kept wild...dumb americans yea Tommy would have him easy
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