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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. It sure is a sad occasion, im sure whatever you bought with the money it will remind you of your dear parents enjoy Alan as im sure all'though not knowing your parents im sure they would like you to spend and enjoy whatever you choose
  2. Both bikes are crap.......buy an Harley
  3. Awesome Mark glad you had a good time
  4. Spot on mate. If he comes back with a very good deal I'll be in a right dilemma Robbie you know you want her otherwise you wouldn't bother asking about a deal gotta be honest though its a tough choice mate i'd also love em both
  5. Stue11

    Evening all!

    Hello and welcome onboard
  6. Nice one Alan i'm sure you'll make the right choice
  7. Well done Dave ain't going near mine til serviced
  8. A lot of fitness and also a lot of luck
  9. most of us would have to pullover after most of these
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