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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Nice one Alan look forward to the pics
  2. look at them fat fingers you need a bigger mug.Bloodyhell mate im not taking the piss....you look like youve lost a bit a weight and you look better for it
  3. Sorry just read the thread properly...in arrears WTF yea def taking the piss
  4. They are taking the piss Stan weve had this conversation before havent we.....it all depends on how soft you wanna be or how hard you should be ...
  5. Come and see me Jon ile fill ya tyres with nitro told you didnt i Chad
  6. Awesome Den, wish they'd lut us here the bikes though i subscribe to Motogp every season but the site never lets me copy the vids and paste em anywere otherwise i'd put em up for everyone to see
  7. only Jezza would notice that On a serious note Dave they look great
  8. Mid-life crisis innit [1]... light up valve caps next, neons and a "Dukes of Hazzard" horn... I'm gonna buy him a bandana and some fingerless gloves, so he's ready for his full on "chrome cruiser with leather bags and tassles" phase thats due in 2014 Dave, the first one of those two is far better. [1] Yes I know he's a bit late, but when did you ever know a builder turn up on time?
  9. I will do one of these one day never heard of anyone dislike it as we all know we get bad habits over the years and not realise it
  10. Stue11


    If they arnt bust dont fix...they will look fine
  11. Just goes to show how easy it is...wifeys dad had similar accident on his bike 30year ago and he was left with his left leg hanging by a thread...he was doing no more than 20mph...he was very lucky tbh... bloody cages
  12. They are comfy me mate onslows a big lad and hes had his for a few year 2004 model and he just doesn't want to part with her
  13. I enjoyed that didnt realise how steep the hill was
  14. Doesn't take you long to move on does it, it was only Sunday when I announced my lotto win that you wanted to be MY bitch .you slut.
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