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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Im sure theres plenty of fans that also now this to be true..afterall they were the folk pushing themselves into the ground crushing and killing there own...lets face it, you were there i wasnt, i can only imagine the horror of a disaster unfolding in front of your very eyes, im sure you wont lose any friends over this, youve only spoke your mind truely of what your very eyes seen.
  2. Nice one Matt we have enough time taken up by our Reptiles nevermind fish good work though Matt im sure some of our members keep Fish
  3. def not i sell Michelin energy in the same size for £70 Therefore your new tyre works out with 8mm tread at £8.75 per mm. The part worn say 5mm tread remaining £10 per mm with the potential to cause serious injury or worse. With 4mm tread remaining its £12.50 per mm.
  4. A tyre can look perfect on the outside..and the inside could be ruined with cord damage
  5. def not i sell Michelin energy in the same size for £70
  6. Has ive worked in the rubber industry for 20years i know a thing or 2..but as its me job and not hobby i tend not to join in on any Tyre issues as i see it has work and not pleasure, but theres one subject i cannot agree on...Part Worn Tyres.. Heres a subject and few facts for you all to read and make your own minds up on... Each year in the uk, more than 1,200 motorists are injured in an accident where illegal, defective or under-inflated tyres are a contributory factor. To maximise the life of your tyres are enhance your safetyon the roads, tyresafe recommends regular checks of your tyre pressure, tread depth and general tyre condition. When replacing your tyres, tyresafe strongly recommends the fitting of new tyres. However, tyresafe recognises that legislation exists which permits the sale of part worn tyres, subject to them meeting a number of criteria. You should be aware that a part worn tyres that do not meet these legal requirments pose a risk to you, your passengers and other road users. Under the motor vehicle tyres (safety) regulations 1994 (reg.7.) part of the consumer protection act, it is an offence for anyone to sell part worn tyres that do not meet the following principle requirments. 1 The structural integrity must not be compromised. It should be free of large cuts, any buldges or lumps both internally and externally. No plies or cords should be exposed. 2 Tyres must have passed an inflation test prior to sale...strongly agree with this as ive had a mini tyre with 40 psi explode on me a few year ago..the wheel didnt hit me when it exploaded..the force of the explotion fractured me eye socket and bust me nose 3 The original grooves must still be clearly visible in their entirety and must be a depth of at least 2mm accross the full breadth of the tread, around its entire circumference. 4 Part worn tyres which have not been clearly retreaded must clearly show the relevent E mark alongside which PART WORN ,MUST be permanently and legibly applied in letters at least 4mm high. These words cannot be hot branded or cut into the tyre. 5 Part worn tyres which have been retreaded must show the relevant British Standards mark as applied at the time of retreading alongside which 'PART WORN' must be permanentaly and legibly applied in letters at at least 4mm high. These words cannot be hot branded or cut into the tyre. Retreaded tyres must also show speed category and load capacity index marks in accordance with BS AU 144e 1998. 6 Any repair to a part worn tyre must have been carried out in accordance with passenger 4-7 of BS AU 159. Many drivers who buy part worn tyres do so because they believe they offer better value for money. However, this isnt necessarily the case.Rather than just considering the initial purchase price, drivers should look at the cost per mm of useable tyre. New tyres are normally sold with 8mm of tread depth whereas a part worn tyres may have as little as 2mm of tread. With a legal minimum tread depth of 1.6mm in the uk, the cost per mm of useable tread of part worn tyres can be considerably more than that of a new tyre. Equally, a part worn tyre will need to be replaced again much sooner than a new tyre meaning further expenditure will be required. Adequate tread depth is essential for safe driving on wet roads. The tread grooves help to remove water from the contact patch between the tyre and the road surface, which is essential for effective acceleration, cornering and braking. A tyre with lower tread depth levels is less affective at removing water from the road, leading to longer stopping distaces and reduced road safety. Indeed, according to tests conducted by the British Tyre manufacturers association, breaking distance in wet weather of a tyre with only 1.6mm of tread depth is almost 12m longer than a new tyre from 50mph. So please please please guys and gals think twice when purchasing your rubber its your life in your own hands...
  7. Big biceps yea...cant argue with that...prime example of a brain dead guy that just concentrates on one muscle group...As a result of this his shoulders, forearms just make his biceps look fake.. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/meet-big-mo-the-man-with-biceps-as-big-as-a-grown-mans-waist.html
  8. Give me his address Stan ile send me bro's round
  9. Cant take it with ya thats for sure so spend it and enjoy it
  10. Nice one Matt we only live once and why not, if its what you want and can afford then go for it
  11. Honda 650slr spent more time in the garage i wanted to love her The only good thing she was used for was for pulling wheelies...it was also my last winter hack [quote]
  12. Must be something in the name Gaz
  13. Go in with a posotive outlook and stay calm and polite...if that doesn't work ile pay em a visit with me bro's
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