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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. i have my headlight on. that will do them. if they can look properly then they should be taught how to look!
  2. good news for a change, whats these local rumors that by 2015 we have to wear high vis? or is that crap?
  3. thats bad! ive found a local bike shop, that just does mechanical etc. and they are the dogs danglies. he keeps posting pics on facebook of stuff coming from main dealer history such as leaving an old copper washer on the sump and putting new one on rather than just replacing it fully etc! and due to being an industrical unit not a shop he charged 1/2 the price. to service my bike to keep history goinf he told me £70 as i get 10% discount for being on kentsussex bikers
  4. i never usually burn. but got suin stroke at margate on monday last week. burn my ear driving the car last saturday and cooked like a gooden at work today! njust seems so stuffy, and muggy, just no air. saying that if you want to feel heat ask, dave, robbie, and rich about the sothern meet last year! was in the 30's at a couple of points during the day!
  5. i think its the g1 and 2 that are the same or something along those lines mate :/ and true stue, i landed on my arse! byt my mate if he was sitting on his bike even said it would have landed on his leg! but today ive been busy. took most of the broken bits off, and ive de-stickerd the tank and seat cowl (stickers under the laquer) feathered it out, bit of primer, and then based them in black, so that when the solid black goes on it the same colour underneath and i had some going spare. but it reacted like an arse! dont know why thou as it was on freshly sanded primer, was c9olpletely dry, panel wiped and tacked off. need to sort that before the paint! screens deffo buggered and the brace :P also i got bored and attacked the tool box as usual!
  6. cant get shot just yet and i love the bike! but it may go for a blade as said in march anyhow im not wasting anytime, the work has began! its being a nightmare to feather out on the tank! 7 layer of lquer from previous repairs!!
  7. never get fully comp at my age mate! 3000 to insure the at fully comp!! and parts are looking hard to source nose cones are around £130, scrrens are easy to get for under £40, mirrors are a tenner, but the brace doesnt excist for my model at the moment :/
  8. cursed mate. maybe thats why the last owner ended up in a gravel pit! i cba to do it fancy again so gloss black it is, with some hotrod type pinstriping on the side
  9. my bike fell over today while i was sitting it, was in gear and the electric start function got pushed in my button and lunged it forward onto my mates bike. it is quite hurt considering. i now need new, nose cone, fairing brace, mirror, and the screens broken. also due to have a respray for sure now!! if anyone has any of the parts i need can you let me know please, colour is irrelivant as ill be respraying the bike over next couple of weeks, thanks
  10. here my lot on video! gutting about the bloke dropping his bike!
  11. dj? i was only 10 then so maybe bit before my time?
  12. almost gone, jordan looks like a baboons arse! and im the ginger one! haha yesterday thou i had a spell of feeling very sick, and felt funny last night, and all morning and early afternoon i had headache, feeling ill and felt really hot so not sure if it was a light case of sun stroke! as it was very sunny but also windy which makes it worse!
  13. is one of the better ones mate end of april is southend, really enjoyed it but all motorway. hastings is big but just hrtic, when margate is organised. and on way home we took sceinic route to the roads that we will use on the southern meet. so was cracking ride home! and thats where my neck burn being exposed! feeling it now! haha
  14. it anoys me when they dont know what their on about, ive been tugged a couple of times lately, one was a multi agency thing in my car. traffic cop pulled me into it, local cops went voer my car and were checking things that went even needed, like reversing lights? which ive been told you dont even need? stue or lee may correct me? i got a defect notice for my horn not working, the fuse had gone, ooops, i didnt even know!! just lucky he couldnt find anything!
  15. glad your liking it! any othe rnew bikes on the horizion? ive lost trakc of what you now own, thruxton, xjr and honda bros if i belive right?
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