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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. lot of its my own fault but this ones not!
  2. at work we did an x5, he had used a turtlewax true black stuff and it was slimey with solocone! we did everything to prevent it, and to get it off and silicones still came through, took 4 attempts of painting untill they were pretty much gone
  3. shame mate but the z1000 is a tasty bike!
  4. yes me again! and the curse strikes again, after two cracked mirrors, a drop, few teething problems, and bits getting damaged, the zx9r has decided to blow a hole in its own radiator!
  5. That's from a mop mate, if I keep doing that ill have no paint left and its very messy compound. At work we use wax top which is great on freshly compounded paint but once its been washed a couple of times doesn't have same properties, and can be a nightmare I've found so want to maintain its shine
  6. what cleaning stuf and polishes do you guys reccomed, my bikes all mopped up etc, and ive just run out of a polish i was using but i fancy trying something else. any recomendations??
  7. but it is a yamaha :P i thought it was bad enough £150 for a second hand nose cone for my bike, so i ended up glassing it up :/
  8. was some loons down on the country roads today :/
  9. And this year I have a good ride planned
  10. yeah thats fine mate, looks like everyones not going like last year :/ even my mates are either away or bikes are broken now, well my mate daves is from his prang
  11. some bloke was having ago at him saying he waas rididng like a loonatic, and started digging at mke saying is he one of my lot! bloody cheek!
  12. okay mate looks like no one my end is going, jordans on holiday, daves come off his bike and wants to rebuild it now, so just me and you for sure :/ anyone else coming?
  13. no mate jordans fine. dave thou anouther good mate of mine came off thursday thou. oh and kev who comes out on the bikes in the evenings sometimes had a road sweeper do a u turn infront of him last night, and his bikes a write off, wonr run, forks are bent to the engine etc.
  14. yards even haha! and yeah mate deffo! only downer for me my exhaust got so hot down the country lanes it bubbled some paint on the end can and its 2k :/
  15. Firstly i was going to a bike show today. it started at 11. out of everyone spose to be going only me and my mate jordan did. then we got there at 11.45 so bit late, and paid our £3 entry. looked and there was an ice cream van; bar; one person with a jumble bike bits, some clothes, and some beer. so big show (not), and then the hotrods should have been there, 3 cars is barely a hotrod show, and all the bikes well, a bike show, there must have been a dozen bikes so after 45 mins we left and went for a ride. then going through aylesford, and we met a sv1000 at the train corssinf. suddenly hes going tearing off on one wheel etc, and as me and jordan get around the corner the bloke is laying on the floor and his bike is 40 years from him. so me and jordan stopped to help him, people were helping him so we got thebike out of the road, it was very hurt! people said he was going round the bend (its a well populated area) like a nutter, and a car went to pull out and he has come off missing it. its was a 30 zone. once the ambulance came me and jordy went as we felt like we was just standing around making part of the crowd, but still hope the blokes okay, he was complaining about chest pain. so we then went for a ride down random back roads purposly getting lost. so what should have been a day at a bike show became a very bizzar day! and sorry for the essay!
  16. thanks guys, not guna spend much more on it this year, needs new seat cover, and ideally an exhaust, but thats if for now as brake pads, and tyres are going to be a job soon!
  17. and that picture is quite creepy
  18. stickers on, didnt get sizes as planned but had a move around and im happy but just feel belly pan looks empty but didnt wana over do it
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