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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. would another date be any good to anyone? and has anyone deffo booked this off or can it be changed, my best mates now away that weekend now
  2. mum didnt find the funny side when i said it means she is thick as shit
  3. no difference i found, same with diesel in the car. best fuel i found is shell thou, bike pops less and seems to run nicer wont touch supermarket stuff!
  4. wont be long before they get hurt, or caught;
  5. so gutted that i cant go now looks like a good turn out have fun!
  6. n but you put the pics on facebook! poor kermit whens the latest to sponsor mate?
  7. All good fun. What I can't work out is I've just had for seals done but they sound light their slurping
  8. Cheers mate. Didn't take me long of riding again......
  9. heres the bikes current state, bodged as i duck taped the screen and have a cracked mirror but got me out in this lovely sun. once new parts are here and its had a bit more polishing its sorted
  10. ive noticed people waving, or not bothering to nod back, then they get a hand gesture in return!
  11. some of us have been working! so we dont get to watch these races
  12. well done mate! but what is it? i may sound dumb?
  13. haha! gaz is like a mystery man, random posts every few weeks!! good to see your still about thou mate!
  14. kent police dont do it, but if i went to essex or sussex would they pick up on bits on my bike? small plate, loud exhaust, tinted visor etc?
  15. whos is seasick steve? and no gloves, he will feel the gravel rash its not nice saying that was a touerer looks like a pan euro doing 80 odd down the m20 last week, in t-shirt, shorts and trainers!
  16. no worries everyone, feels like im donating a kidney with all of the messages haha! hopefully there will be some good pics this year
  17. If we leave pics till last min people forget etc. Least this way it gets locked on 1st of November
  18. yeah you could have other bikes in it? as long as yours is there, and you stick to 1 pic i just put a pic from april of my bike before the drop! im bound to change it!!
  19. no worries, also means behing of novemeber gives time for voting if needed, and then get them earlier this year, and often tiny bit cheaper as its earlier which is better for everyone
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