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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. you text back and said it was safe i would but my battery was dead. im too trusting my mum says. went camping, with a dead phone battery, in middle of no where, with 3 guys ive never met!! think you done it on purpose yes who wouldnt
  2. dick stop eating gaz's mushrooms
  3. you text back and said it was safe i would but my battery was dead. im too trusting my mum says. went camping, with a dead phone battery, in middle of no where, with 3 guys ive never met!!
  4. found a hat what was sennas weeks bfore he died, mum was good friends with him as she worked for f1 back in the day. and these warnings etc are load of crap. on tracks days your responsible for whats infront of you not behind, fi you can get past do so etc. i think thats how it should be. when i did motocross people yoused to catch to get caught by being beaten to the inside of the corner etc. not any warnings
  5. oh yes! he even texts me asking if its safe from you lot
  6. you just have no luck. so far ive got a seat cowl for the bike, doesnt fit bought some air horns for the bike, both horns sound weak so thought use high tone one, so the lug snapped leaving the quieter low tone. so thats broke, and i reversed my car into a bollard this morning in town infront of everyone, ooops spose call you can do is laugh and carry on
  7. when i was on my sv650 dave overtook me, i was going to try catch him, but i waited for my mate jordan lol. i have a better chance if he does it again now
  8. I have done other bits but first full respray. Just now need to find money for polisher
  9. I've learnt that polishers are bloody expensive haha. A nd black mate.
  10. at least theres a light at the end of the tunnel mate, let make 2013 a good one
  11. 4 days left and only dick has a pic in november, last chance people! we need some nice winter pics rolling!
  12. ive got shaft drive he said 2012 not 1912 and i dont get the pic?
  13. thouse wheels on the top one look rather nice
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