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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. well she has started stripping for me! i told her not to but she wouldnt stop also my nose cone is in for repair with a mate as this was the damage
  2. i was always told to use that calium sand with my old geckos. ones was fine got others, and it used to make one ill, and clog it up, ended up with drops down its throat,
  3. its fitted my sv 650 discs, and goes on my ninja, its the type with a pin that you push the top and a pin goes through the holes etc? can get pics if you want to be sure? i would use it but got an alarm on the bike, and using my chain locks, it just sits in my bedroom rather than being used
  4. sorry meant heat, knocked the wrong button i know its exhuast stud but worth a try im dredding getting my hugger off 1 bolts rounded, ones solid just wont turn and dont want to round it and other goes round thing rubber bung on other sides spinning, may need the wheel off
  5. its for this new licence replacing the 33bhp law, the ninja 250 was 33bhp and the 300 will be in the 40 od bhp regen that is needed
  6. 62mm so 2.4 intch is your a padlock style? this is the type with a pin that can go other side of the disc or goes into the cooling holes.
  7. lots of these easy outs are cheap and nasty, try again, but add a bit of head, im having same issue removing my hugger, last panel left and bolts are mank.
  8. Like blue just common. Gunmetal hayaye isn't
  9. I've got HTC desire s love it but played on HTC one and want one. There is an even newer one out thou now. Go have okay in shop. Is two week rule where you can send back if you don't like it
  10. and off the road we are going to miss riding the bike. but be worth it as the paintwork now begins.
  11. yes i do , you dirty little bugger not my fault my twitter is corrupt!
  12. make you worry dont it who we are surrounded by.
  13. Chadatious


    summer look imo, look good with a screen like i sold to haveugot1 and welcome back mate!!
  14. haha!! well i may have made my chance of coming bleak. got to pay debt so had bit of money to myself. however. ive started work towar painting my bike and cant back out now £80 for paint £60 for decals and £25 for the cracks to be repaired :/ ooops
  15. i still dont get twitter, thought it was crap but im in love now dave knows why
  16. hahaha last time i go camping with any of you
  17. And my inflateable pillow. Was funny taping my 2 ground rolls together and blowing my pillow up. While you guys tried to sleep Lmao
  18. Mate does auctions. He got a ha500 thought it felt heavy. Looked and engine was full of water
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