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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. yeh I know its not a definate, and no pressure but would be good if you can make it deffo met 3 of the goons! be good to meet the rest rob, dave, rich who you calling a goon
  2. yay will be good to meet you at last does depend on pay check. do want to paint my bike but spose it could wait anouther month and if james or jordan come and go halves yeh I know its not a definate, and no pressure but would be good if you can make it deffo met 3 of the goons! be good to meet the rest
  3. unless anyone kent way wants to chip in on fuel. be in my nice warm car
  4. yay will be good to meet you at last does depend on pay check. do want to paint my bike but spose it could wait anouther month and if james or jordan come and go halves
  5. ask stan and i lvoe that about bikes. had a golf gti keep trying to race me on ninja, handfull fo revs in 3rd and i looked at him and waved haha
  6. my hair needs a good cut and i look young
  7. good of him. the bloke well weve all seen the pic!
  8. sorry to hear this mate! and sounds like one of those days, tomorrow will be better
  9. ive done something my with own posts said 1 more till like 3000 and i was on 2899 lol. plonka!
  10. £20 posted for the set bargain 1/3 of the price, gutted to sell but just cant put them on my ninja
  11. ive only got a ventura bag kit it will just squash
  12. got them thanks mate pm me your addy and what sticker you want? got loads visor and onle 1 black car left thou need to get some car ones payday
  13. bargain there paid that for my 1999 ninja with 36k on it. till you wont keep it longer than a month
  14. that actually looks really smart
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