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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. send them round here then I said bald not old lmao
  2. He's grumpy whilst shedding one of mine used to always be grumpy she would have your hand off, would put hand in tank for fresh water etc, and this lizard would jump out from under bark and be hanging off of your hand!
  3. nice one! and see hes shedding his skin, my lizards used to year it
  4. big bloody smurf lmao looks like good fun mate
  5. thanks just coundt get it too clear as was on phone :/ but was out mote park its like a lake, nice in the summer and decided to get a pic
  6. keep us updated on hotel etc, if not ive found a travel lodge 40 miles away me and james could go t9o, 2 single beds £29 for the room for the night, if not ill go back to gloustershire and stay at my mates as plan to see him as well.
  7. absolutly love it. i am being bit cheeky with the throttle lately but one thing im fidning helps me. the sv was always wantiong to be pushed but pop this in 4th gear on slow roads, and 6th on faster and it will just cruise so easy, beent old its ram airf, so as long as its below 5k revs it will cruise along happily, once im past 5k it does pull no matter what,
  8. only thing i got was bit of a tank slap earlier, going round a corner bit too much throttle as not used to it completely yet, and front wheel tried to lift caused a twitched and chucked me sideways, throttle is so sensitive im used to the sv650, but will be find once im used to it. but im loving it
  9. Bought it biatches. And fook my does it shift. Flicks about like a smaller bike but gets to silly speed in the blink of an eye. And why did I ever get naked bikes so nice to tuck behind that screen. I forgot. Isn't mint but ill clean it up but runs fine and lots of history.
  10. launch night wednesday 7th november,. ill try and make it. fed up with roads round here, sure dave, rich or robbie will tell you their not great in kent. and the spot where i got knocked off i feel should have double yellows as people park on the junction and thats why the driver ddi not see me and i went into the side of him.
  11. MAG are strating a local group, just wondered what its about i know its the action group, and they did the protests but what is it fully about i an make much sense
  12. ahh what an arse. things like this i mush check tomorrow on the kwak. if you can mate id say get a new tank. otherwise the coatings your only choice.
  13. yeah all luggage is there as he goes to the t etc so mileage is more long miles not short blasts and hes older so been looked after not abused.
  14. It's fallen off the stand. Crash bung stopped cost but couple marks but I can paint the panels that need it. Crack by screen and marks on side. And yeah. It's a good price. And local 39 mikes away.
  15. hoping to make this but depends if i can get this bike cheaper as the tax and insurance is somethin i need to consider and ive got a hold in my car exhaust now. but fingers crossed.
  16. bump got loads of these sitting on the shelf!
  17. very nice, at moment im sitting her full of cold looking at a grey grotty england! fun fun
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