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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. haha! big kid! have fun matey
  2. Happy birthday mate! have a good one and hope ya get spoilt
  3. If I'm. On laptop and free I often log in
  4. what its getting worse chad only for the summer, getting a respray in october if goes to plan, unless i can get a slot in the spray oven then i may re-do it all gloss black
  5. i try but busy now,if not workin im at college, if not there im teaching martial arts at the schools! dont ret a day off!
  6. Cool. And made repair plants, filling tank and prime sealing it, and then putting a plaster vinyl to cover it cheeky
  7. Lovely lol. Thanx for heads up use that to ace
  8. unless thats because their out of stock? if i was a millionaire id click it
  9. says automatic renual then your bit stuck, dad had that problem his renews. however one year they stopped and he was uninsured for a little wheil not knowing till docments didnt conme through. if it doesnt say automatic nothing areed threaten with onbusman
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