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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. dont let james see this hes a cheeky sod on offers and is that tax disc holder pink? anyhow good luch with the sales mate
  2. repairs in order. im repairing my dent good insight for thouse who dont know how much goes into a repair. so this is then dent and tank before work, well tiny bit started on the side okay to get the suzuki sticker off to re-paint this is how much effort goes into removing a sticker. bare metal and some filler work now had a coat of top stop on which will need sanding tomorrow, only coments are it was an ass to get the right shape, but got there in the end, im also now colour matching it but as im off college next week its being aerosoled to get me out on it next week and then week after ill put the proper paint on
  3. ouch, must say i like where the exhausts are!
  4. nice one stue!! will they have enough ink for that leg? or is it just your arms are big
  5. My pet hates 1) police 2) people tail gating you 3) people turning towards you while filtering 4) people going reallyyyyy slowwww 5) people overtaking on blind corners 6) horse shite in the road 7) bikers not wearing proper gear people chucking fags out the window 9) people cutting infront more but im just angry on the road!
  6. made in england, brand new in box, cost us £50, looking for £20 + p&p, was bought for honda crv when mum had it, but will fit most cars as fully adjustable.
  7. Ahhh you going to see dave? think you lot should come down kent way
  8. hope so! next couple weeks will tell! if not its guna be hard insurance is enouh being 19.
  9. get on the correct side! and looks like some nice roads there I dont now about wrong side ask Gizmo what she thinks (just 3 moore weeks to we come over) Thanks all you going to may meet! daim daim daim i wish i could go now
  10. i am a tit ent I! looks like im possible looking at a fine and 3 penalty points i was coming home from college today, going 70 in a day dream as usual, and as i got to this down hill slop i hadnt noticed my speed had creeped up, I then saw a police van with a camera sticking out the back, thought nothing of it, got within 10 yards looked at my speed and was between 75-77 on a 70mph duel carriageway! and that was too late im hopeing it wasnt more when they got me! time will tell! look like half my wages could go onto the fine! i just cant believe i did it! really need to pay attention, such and idiot! Rant over!
  11. cool! always good to treat yourself
  12. very clean but still dont like it
  13. get on the correct side! and looks like some nice roads there
  14. im guilty for the following -jeans in boots -cuddly toy (got a keyring crocadile, and since worn a kermit the from back pack ) -have had rim tape in the past -got a chrome visor -got a high vis strip for long night journeys -stick on ears kinda (had a mohawk )
  15. its very sad! be nice to have it mate! keep the memories of him alive
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