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Everything posted by sweban

  1. I think the chance that it would be the same bike several times is small
  2. today thinking i would do a short ride in the sun but after a few hundred meters it was to too much ice so i turn back home
  3. let us know where and when , you never know I will when we have decided which day we are in strattford
  4. the swedish team will be there in may hop we can meet one day then all plan are not clear yet we are 5 peolple to make the plan
  5. it must be when i took my motorbikes licens when i was 16 and a trip to australia
  6. stick with what you know m8 that yamahas all youll need for a few years
  7. it is hard to find time to do every thing (and money)
  8. loking forwood to see it it is fun with old guns
  9. more or less diferent from year to year
  10. the one on top is a BRNO 22 the semi-automatic is a ZAFER 12 the double-barreled is a husqvarna 12 i only have them for target practice
  11. I got huntinglicense so i dont hav to re-newe it
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