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  1. Yep I posted something a few weeks ago about the spirit of suiside. Going to war! Thank u for posting this!
  2. Yep I posted something a few weeks ago about the spirit of suiside. Going to war! Thank u for posting this!
  3. I have people on my FB page praying too..posted as anonymous of course!
  4. I stand in agreement! Lord please heal this family, give this good mother strength and help her children to rise and call her blessed! I thank you for what you are going to do ahead of time, changed hearts and changed lives, and PEACE that surpasses all understanding! In Jesus mighty name, Amen!
  5. I only saw the back of his head and he was wearing black and white shorts. He was several years older than he is now...no black and white shorts yet. But he looks the same as he did in my dream. Mia had a vision of him before I had all my miscarriages. It gave me hope that one day I would have a successful pregnancy again. Anyway she had given me details of the way he looked in her dream, and it manifested the way she saw it. Pretty awesome! Glory to God alone!
  6. Awesome!! I had a vision of my son by the beach before I ever had him. He was around 8 or so in the vision. I can't tell you how much comfort this vision provided for me once I did have him. It took 6 miscarriages before he finally arrived. There was also a time where we were afraid he would be taken from us by CPS because he had frequent bone fractures. Later, he was diagnosed with a bone condition. We knew we had done nothing wrong...his arm broke the day I delivered him...anyway, the threats were terrifying because we were innocent, but that vision was like a promise to me because he was an older boy in the vision. I would just take this vision as a promise and carry it with you in your heart for comfort. Also, a prophetic dream I had about my son , .Max, was that his name was Joshua. I know now why....I had to be courageous during that time of persecution we went through with CPS. They had our case open for 6 months and it was torture. Ended up the CPS case worker over me was crooked and I had to testify against her in court. She was found guilty. I had to be courageous to stand up against a giant like CPS...but that's why God puts the upright in situations like that...and I argued with her lawyer about God! Ha! God got the glory that day!Anyway, I believe God will reveal to you why your sons name is Isaiah..wether it be literal or have another meaning to it...hold on to the promise! Praise God!
  7. Yes I will be in prayer for you! This sounds like something I went through myself, I wrote my testimony about it..perhaps it will be helpful.. /t19849-husband-testimony-revised-and-in-one-part
  8. I didn't know! Lord I ask that you be with justicarjamie during this difficult time. I pray you give the surgeon a steady hand and this tumor is completely removed. I ask that you be with her during her recovery and you send angels to minister to her in Jesus name, Amen!
  9. Oh Praise God! Oh how I Love Him! GLORY!
  10. Lord God I know that you can heal any broken marriage, I ask that you bring to surface whatever needs to be dealt with in this situation and that you breath life into what might seem to be dry bones. We trust you and thank you for by your Spirit and not by our own might are these things accomplished! In Jesus mighty name we ask, amen!
  11. I agree with what's been said! We love and miss you!!
  12. Oh goodness...I'm so sorry to hear that Mark. Keeping you in my prayers...
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