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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Praise God Dreamer. The scriptures you listed are before the new covenant. Yes, God hates sin, but he doesn't punish US (His Children who are called by HIS name) the same as in the old testament. If He did, Jesus wouldn't have needed to take all of the punishment for us like he did. My Honest prayer and the purpose for responding to your post was to let you know that I am in agreement with you, along with the others, that you hear God in this season of your life so that you move to the place you desire. Blessings and Direction to you...
  2. I'm reminded of a story in the old testament of Elijah (I think that's who it was) I'm paraphrasing the story because its foggy in my brain, but he was looking for God to answer him as well. He went to this mountain and he waited for God to speak and the rains came, but there was no answer. The winds came, but there was no answer. The thunder came, but there was no answer BUT then a still small voice came and he received his answer. What I got out of that story was that we look for God to speak in the way WE want him to speak, but HE will sometimes come with our answer in a different way. Have there been any scriptures that have come to your mind lately? Has there been someone in your life that has given you some wisdom, but you are not listening? If not, then he's going to come another way. I may be in the minority when I make this next comment, but I don't think God gets quiet when we have sin in our life because he's ALWAYS present and NEVER LEAVES us. I think it's the condemnation that we allow ourselves to live because of the sin we committed that keeps us from hearing Him. He longs for us to commune with him and our sins have already been forgiven and we are already justified through CHRIST!!! Blessings to you
  3. OH MY!! I concur with Desiree!!! What an awesome testimony and that you are still here in your right mind and DID NOT give up on God as suggested. May God CONTINUE to bless you and add to your life DAILY!!!! Cholette
  4. Snikwhite...your post BLESSED me and something that you mentioned caused my heart to go "pitter-patter". I forgot that the Bible mentions that this woman suffered from that infirmity for TWELVE YEARS!! I was going over some of my dream journals and I realized that the dreams I had in 1996 (12 years ago) were dreams where God was promising me some things HOWEVER my life has been an "infirmity' from that year on. It wasn't until the turn of this year that I "pressed in" to God more than ever and learned to receive ALL that Jesus purchased for my life on the cross. God has shown me, from reading your post, just how much he has caused me to abandoned myself in Him in this season of my life. Thank you...you just don't know what you have done for me TODAY!!!!!
  5. Awwwww...I will listen to you Dove Solutions
  6. WOW!!! This happens to me A LOT!!! I have been singing since I was a little girl and what amazes me is when the songs I learned as a child come back to me "out of the blue". When I pay attention to the words, God is speaking to me...I LOVE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!! My favorite place to pray and sing is while I'm driving and most times a song will come out of my mouth that I NEVER heard before. The words just flow out of my heart through my mouth and afterwords I can't remember anything about the song!! God is so awesome and INEXHAUSTIBLE!!!
  7. Hmmm...why hasn't anyone answered yet??? Even though I am a woman, I identify with David because HE HAD ISSUES and SO DO I, but it didn't stop him from recognizing who God was to him and it didn't stop God from acknowledging him as a man after his own heart. He was a worshipper and so am I...he danced before the Lord until his clothes came off (I'll give him that one because that's not going to happen for me...lol...but we share the same passion) and he prayed these honest prayers about his enemies...just like I do, but maybe not as spiritual as he did... I love David and plan on "shooting the breeze" with him when I get to heaven...we have a lot of things to talk about.
  8. I just felt the need to thank ALL OF the Interpreters here on this board for all of the ministry that you provide here for all of us dreamers. I'm sitting here amazed at how God uses each of you to interpret our dreams and answer our questions. My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude right now because I NEVER thought a place like this existed until a month ago. I have dreamed since I was a little girl and now that I am at the awesome age of 41, God SOMEHOW led me to all of you to get some (okay, A LOT) of my questions answered. Words cannot express how I feel right now...Mia, thank you for allowing God to use you to create such a wonderful forum for us to be able to come and understand what "thus saith the Lord". To all the interpreters (I won't name you individually with the fear of leaving out someone), may God CONTINUE to bless you overabundantly for your time, prayers and faithfulness to all of us here. Blessings from the Inquisitive Dreamer...:giggle: Cholette
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