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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. No...I'm still not married however I sense I am at the end of this single season. I have enjoyed it to the fullest. I raised a son on my own (with God's help) and now he's in college. I'm not sure when the man that God has for me will show up, but it's just a sensing that it's near. I've let go of the anxiety of "when he will show up" a long time ago because the Bible says that when we are in the unmarried state we have time for the "things of God". I think this is an opportune time for you to go all out in your ministry. Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else will be added to you. Virtuous, you got me fired up girl...I just ordered the book from Amazon right when I read your post...thanks for the suggestion...I love to read!!! Blessings...
  2. Don't allow ANYONE to put you in condemnation over ANYTHING. The words your pastor spoke were quite condemning and those are things that God would NEVER say to you. You WILL have a loving relationship as soon as you love YOU and understand that God's love for you IS unconditional. I mean, we say we know his love is unconditional, but we really don't KNOW IT. Don't be afraid to wait on God because believe me, He will make it worth the wait. I prefer to get what He has for me than have to go through relationship after relationship...marriage after marriage, trying to find the right one. One day the Lord spoke to me while in my room and said "I am your ideal man". I didn't get it at first, but what He wanted me to do was pay attention to how He treats me and raise the standard. Those words kept me out of the beds of men who didn't have my best interest and it kept me "dateless" for almost 12 years (by choice). Those were the most rewarding and growth filled years of my life. The longer it takes for us to get into his loving embrace and allow him to love us, the longer it will take for Him to shower us with his best. I will close with this. I was reading in Genesis when God made Adam. When God realized Adam needed a helpmeet the Bible says: "Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man." What this says to me is that God went some place private and created the woman and THEN BROUGHT HER TO THE MAN. It is safe for us women to say that we are being built by God in those quite and private places before we are brought to the man. Think about Ruth...God brought her to Boaz's field...Boaz didn't go to where she was...he just found her. Stay in that private place with God so he can build you from the "rib" of the man He has chosen for you so HE can bring YOU to HIM. I pray this helps you because I really have this place in my heart for you. I believe the things that God has been ministering to me over the years was not just for me, but for you as well. keep on faithing...
  3. I left you a response to this on your other post (The Praying Place). I do want to say this...you can't control the hand of God...He is Sovereign...He only understands His word because He is one with it. I think you ARE trying too hard...let God be God in your situation because if this guy isn't God's best for you then there is no need for you to force it. God loves you too much for that... Blessings to you my new friend...
  4. From the look of your history, you don't need a job, you need a POSITIVE relationship with the Lord and you need some inner healing. I've read a lot of your posts here and it amazes me the way you talk about our HOLY God. Although I can't say what the condition of your heart is because that would be judging, but I will say that you should try having a little more respect for God. You have a lot going on in your life and working on a job that sometimes adds to the personal problems that we already have, may not be condusive for you right now. I know my response is going to cause you to answer back a bit rudely, but listen and allow some of us who are on the outside looking in help you because we can see things that possibly you can't see. All in love...
  5. Hi Claire, I will be praying for you, but first let me share something with you. You need to really take a time out and allow God to reveal himself to you. The one thing I have learned as a single woman is that we can't know the love of anyone until we know the Love of God. You say that this man is a good man who is nice, however if he loves you, you can't see it because you don't know what it looks like. God brings relationships into our lives so HE can love us through them, but we don't want to wait for those relationships to come. I'm not saying that your boyfriend is NOT the one that God sent, but what I am saying is make sure you are in the state of mind where you can recognize when it is. Sometimes we want relationship so bad that we "will" it into existence and we are not ready for it. Please, please, please take some time out and go before God and ask him to fix those insecure places inside of you. Without that healing, you will ALWAYS be on edge no matter what relationship you are in. I'm saying all of this in love...please don't take offense. I believe a loving relationship is God ordained and I want you to be happy. You don't need to pray for favor with this man. The Bible says that when you have favor with God, you have favor with man so focus on the Lord in this season...He will get you to the place where YOU belong... Blessings
  6. Why struggle?? Just relax...God has a way of getting the interpretation of what He's saying to you. There are dreams that I've had that I still don't know what they mean and I had them a LONG time ago, but He reveals to us in part as we need it. Relax and let it come to you. One day you will be reading the Bible or sitting somewhere and the light bulb will come on. He's awesome like that.
  7. If a mentor is what God thinks you need, then you will have one. Sometimes mentors are not just people we can talk to personally, it can be someone we see and can learn from by the way they live their lives. Have the two of you looked out among you to see such a person? Your prayers could have already been answered, but you are expecting it to come a certain why and it hasn't. I had a mentor in my life at one point, but she moved away to the east coast and became a pastor. Since then, I haven't spoken to her or anything. I believe God was saying that it was only for a season. Many things she taught me, even though they were hard lessons, have stuck with me. There are some things she used to do that I though were crazy and silly, but now that I've matured a little more, I realize she was right. Hang in there...God hears your prayers, just make sure you are not overlooking the answer.
  8. No weapon formed against you can or will prosper and EVERY evil tongue that rises up against you will be refuted because THAT is your inheritence through Christ Jesus!!!!
  9. Praying with you... The spirit of strife is broken in the name of Jesus!!!!!! Restoration is in their relationship...
  10. You are NOT alone sweety. I have been under severe attack as well, but greater is He that is in US than he that is in the world. We have to be for GOOD cheer because Jesus already overcame these things that we are going through. We just need to PRESS through because when we do, the reward is great. Step into the finished work of Jesus and understand that healing ALREADY belongs to you and your household. Command that bumpy rash to leave in the name of Jesus and thank the Lord Every Day for His healing power running through Cole's body. It may not go right away, but still thank the Lord for His healing. My prayers are with you...no weapon formed against you and your household will prosper.
  11. Awesome prayer...I'm in agreement. God opens doors that no man can open and shuts doors that no man can open... From one worshipper to another...
  12. Leave it to the Dreamster to say something silly. Hehehe...as you say "OH LORDY"... I still prefer the 70's and 80's music...I do like Neil Young...his songs have a lot of meaning...isn't that right Dreamster!!!
  13. I could just cry right now...the Lord is SOOOOOO Good!!!!!! Now....go get your home...
  14. I'm excited for you!!! May God give you the desires of your heart and show you just how much favor you REALLY have!!
  15. What about Jesus Himself? He was here as man and the Father answered His prayers. That poor little boy would have had to go back home with his two fish and 5 loaves...not to forget those thousands of people would have starved... God help us to remember that you are NOT a respector of persons!! Your desire to bless us was shown in the finished work of Your Son Jesus Christ. Help us NOT to discredit all that You have done for us... Keep on Faithing...
  16. By the way...those two decades had music that can still be played today and it makes sense and you can remember every word. These days, you don't know what the heck they are singing about OR what they are saying in songs these days. The 70's and 80's are timeless...sort of like the 50's and 60's...you can play the music and still bounce your head to the beat...LOL!!!! Can you tell I love music??? :roflx:
  17. I'm feelin the 70's and 80's...I love Old School...there's nothing like it!! Holla!!!!!
  18. I had another response for your prayer request and then this scripture hit me like a ton of bricks for you so I'm going to move in faith and share it with you... Isaiah 54:1-3 "Sing, O barren, you who have not borne! Break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not labored with child! For more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married woman, says the Lord. Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strenghten your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited." May God's word be evident in the life of you and your husband!! Keep on Faithing...
  19. LovetoWorship... I thought about you this morning when I read this scripture. I think all of us single people could really benefit from this... "But as for me, I trust in You O Lord, I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hand". Psalm 31:14, 15a The commentary that is in my Bible regarding this scripture says: "In saying 'my times are in Your hand', David was expressing his belief that all of life's circimstances are under God's control. Knowing that God loves and cares for us enables us to keep steady in our faith regardless of our circumstances. It keeps us from sinning foolishly by taking matters into our own hands or resenting God's timetable." As singles we need to know that GOD'S LOVE NEVER FAILS!! We truly and honestly can't grasp how much He loves us. He won't fail us. It would behoove us to do what Jesus said to 10 servants in Luke 19..."Occupy until I come"...this means, get busy until I show up for you. Keep on Faithing...
  20. Escogida, I'm not sure why the church as a whole do not have MORE for the singles. I know that my pastor says that the word over the pulpit is a singles ministry all by itself, but as a single woman there are trials and temptations that I face everyday that needs to be addressed among my single peers or by a message directed to the single state. We have a singles ministry, but it's not active...which is sad. We need to pray for change in all of the churches. There are some really good ministries out there that have wonderful singles groups, but for the most part there isn't anything. I would like to see someone have "singles retreats" where we go away and receive from the Lord...that's just me! That might me a mess if we have males and females that don't have renewed minds and who go just to "hook up". I guess what I'm saying is that maybe since we question "why", maybe that is a call for us to pray. The fervent prayers of the righteous have MUCH POWER!!!!
  21. LovetoWorship... I can identify with you because I know who my husband is too...I have known since 1991. We don't know each other like you know yours, but the time is coming. I no longer worry about it, nor am I consumed...I just trust God and I sense that he is very near, but even that won't get me off of my mark. The only thing I can share with you is something that my pastor told me a long time of go...whenever you are anxious about anything, you are not ready to receive it. Jesus left us peace...he also said to cast the whole of your care upon HIM because he cares for you and do be anxious for NOTHING. The fact that we know who our mates are is a blessing and that means that there is a divine purpose for God revealing this to us. Rest assured that God will not and cannot lie. In your "signature" you say "I Live For Jesus"...continue to do that and at the right and appointed time, he will arrive. I wouldn't call him, write him or do anything until you are in that place of peace and not being anxious because you don't want your emotions to lead you. He will find you...trust that.
  22. I will be praying Butterfly. Does or has your sister ever served the Lord?
  23. :blushing: Oh...I'm sorry!! We'll just have to believe God for twins next time...
  24. WELCOME BACK MISS DAPHANE!!! Your presence was missed TREMENDOUSLY!!!! How's the baby bump??????
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