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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I'm continuing to pray...keep us posted!!!
  2. Hang in there Connie!!! Praying for ya!!!
  3. Well Resolution, I have news for you. Moving into your own apartment will solve only a portion of your issue because unfortunately, criticism goes with you everywhere you go if you don't allow God to heal you. I thought moving away from my mother years ago would solve my problem, but it was YEARS before I realized I needed to turn it over to the Lord and to find out WHO I was IN CHRIST! Your dad only has the control over you that you allow him to have. I'm not sure how old you are, but if you are a minor, pray and submit. If you are an adult...pray and move out and allow the Lord to reveal to you that HE IS YOUR FATHER!!!! Ya still gotta love your dad...he sounds like he has his own issues, but he's loved by God and you should love and respect him too.
  4. OH MY!! My heart goes out to you and I will be praying. If I were you, I wouldn't focus on memorizing the Bible so much...focus on getting it in your heart. What I mean by that is, study it to bring about change in your life. There are scriptures that I know all over the Bible because I'm constantly reading it, but if you were to ask me to quote it word for word, I can't do that. Take the pressure off of yourself and read the Bible for change and not for memory. YOU HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST!!! It's the Holy Spirit that brings ALL THINGS back to your rememberance so He has relieved us from that duty and made it HIS OWN. In Hebrews it says that the Word of God is POWERFUL and ACTIVE!!! As you read it, imagine it going through all those blockages and see yourself HEALED because of what JESUS has ALREADY done for you. I believe that maybe if you get the Word on CD and listen to it, that may be a blessing for you because faith comes by hearing...the more you hear, the more it gets in your heart. Blessings to you Vereli001!!!!
  5. The Lord is upholding you with his VICTORIOUS and RIGHTEOUS Right Hand!!!
  6. I've prayed and I believe God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I had and still have a critical mother. I'm not sure that I am free from it in my mind because growing up with criticism is like a cancer in the soul. It wears on the esteem of the individual and I see where some of it has leaked out on my own son... I'm in the process of renewing my mind through the Word of God and finding out what HE says about me. It's a process that I know will become easier as time goes on. I have to see myself free from all of the negativity that has plagued me my 41 years on this earth. I also have to guard my heart from this point on with ALL DILLIGENCE because now I understand that out of my heart flows the ISSUES of life.
  8. FYI...Paula Price isn't the name of Frederick Price's wife...her name is Betty Price. I've never heard of Paula Price either. I hope you get your answers...sorry I couldn't help more.
  9. I'm in agreement with Connies prayer!!! I have a son leaving for college in January so I can be touched by your situation.
  10. Beautiful Connie...Simply Beautiful!!! Dreamer, I have been there recently. It's like everything is caving in around you and it's hard to breathe at times. One morning I felt myself going there in my mind and it was DARK. I just asked the Lord to "encourage me". That's all I said and through out that whole day He opened up my eyes to see the simplist things. He even put an article in my hand that I forgot I had by one of my favorite ministers. When I read it, it was EXACTLY what I needed. He's there for us. There is no formula on how to reach Him...sometimes sitting in silence is our biggest cry to Him. He loves us so much and once we REALLY understand the breadth, width, length and height of His love for us...these seasons won't be so hard for us. We will understand that His thoughts towards us are GOOD!!!!! (Jer 29:11) Praying for ya!!!!
  11. I sent you a private message Iamfree42 in your mailbox here. Check it please!!
  12. Lifesdreamer, you wrote this??? How beautiful and appropriate!!! I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing!
  13. The first thing I took notice of is your username..."iamfree42"...YES YOU ARE!!! You are free from the opinion of others, you are free to operate and do whatever you desire or NOT desire in the house of God and no man (including your pastor) should dictate to you what you should do. If you have that type of reaction to working in that ministry, my advice is to step back. God has ALWAYS given us the freedom to choose...which means He doesn't force us to do ANYTHING for Him. The only person you need to answer to is God...not man. I stepped down from both of the ministries I was in. I was the worship leader and also the leader over the unmarried ministry. I stepped down because of the "new" direction the church was going in which turned to be legalistic as well as more denomonational than the "non denomonational" church we claimed to be. There was no delay in my stepping down because I knew within my heart that God was calling me away from this ministry (the church). I know you said that you have nothing against the church itself, but the same is true for you...YOU ARE FREE!!! Do what is best FOR YOU and how YOU feel God is leading you. I would venture to say that if you are becoming physically sick then you should quit immediately. PEACE and Blessings to you my friend!!
  14. Praying for you Jeanie!!!! Remember that Jesus purchased DIVINE healing for you so anything contrary is NOT His will. My prayer is that this is IT and no more surgeries...they will correct EVERYTHING that needs to be corrected and you will be totally and completely healed and restored!!!!!!
  15. I will be praying for God's perfect will for her. The story of Haman in the book of Esther came to mind when I read your post. If the AD is pulling a quick one on such a good worker for personal reasons and has built a "gallow" for her to hang on...that "gallow" just may be for the AD!!! God is faithful. I do know that he also uses situations like this to take us to a different level employment wise as well. My prayer is that she keeps her eyes on the Lord and just like Dreamer said...God will cause all things to work together for the good!!!
  16. I've been where you are Desiree and I still go through that in seasons of spiritual transition. People don't like to admit this, but WE DO outgrow certain people in our lives. When we are humbled before the Lord and He is ministering to us on different things, there are people that just can't stick around. I used to be bothered by that...always looking at myself as if there was something wrong with me, but as I have begun maturing in the things of God, I started seeing it as an honor because I figured out that God was doing something in my life during that time, as I believe He is doing in yours. The separation does not have to be permanant because in my case some have only been temporary, but for the most part there has been a massive exodus of friends that have left my life and God replaced them with NEW people...those that add to my life and not take away. Don't see it as someone rejecting you. See it as God opening the door for new people to come into your life. These young ladies may come back into your life someday, but then they may not...whichever it is...the times of your life (your future) is in the Lord's Hand. Your conversation has probably changed and even though you may not realize it...they do. I have a cousin that is just like that...I'll email to see how she is doing and she has no response or she will respond and it will have nothing to do with my email to her. Later I found out that she thinks I'm "too encouraging and too happy for my own good"...hehehe...ain't God good??? I love it!!!!! What a compliment to the goodness of God!!!! People can't take it when you are happy...they want you depressed...AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!! Love ya gurl...hang in there!!!
  17. I can attest to that Miss Desiree...especially the "uh, uh...not yet missy!!" :blushing: That's EXACTLY how God speaks to me...LOL!!
  18. I'm praying as well Delanie! I loved what you said "I totally trust God that I am healed". Those are words of faith and I can tell you are in the right place in your mind and God has honored that. So many times people say I'm trusting God to be healed...but we ARE ALREADY healed. You will use this as a testimony of God's power and grace. Pay close attention to the things he will teach and show you so you can spread the good news that God is FAITHFUL!! YOU ARE BLESSED!
  19. Thank you ladies...this is SO HELPFUL!!!
  20. Resolution, First...you have to recognize that there is NOTHING YOU can do to deliver yourself. Yes, there are steps you can do to not put yourself in the situation, but the ultimate deliverance comes from the Lord. When Jesus died on the cross, he took all addictions to the cross. You have to see the power of the cross STRONGER than the addiction you are facing. You are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ which means God IS NOT looking at "Resolution"...but he is looking at you THROUGH Jesus. It's the condemnation that you are dealing with right now. We have been told in Romans 8 that there is NOW no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus!!! Like Desiree said, be patient...after you have done all that you can do (coming to the end of yourself and your works) then STAND and see the deliverance of the Lord. He hears your prayers and you have to see yourself already delivered from it. Pornography is not more powerful than God and "IT" can't separate you from the Love of God. When the urge comes to turn on the TV or get on the computer...PRAY!!!! Be real and honest with the Lord and let him know how you are feeling and watch HIM do the work. I'm praying for you. I have a former boyfriend who was addicted to porn really bad, but when he got a hold of the revelation of what Jesus did for him on the cross, the pull that it had on his heart began to loosen up. It will be okay...I promise...just TRUST in the LORD because HE IS FAITHFUL!!!!!
  21. Hello!! I wanted to ask all of you if you have ever gone through seasons where you didn't dream at all. A friend of mine is concerned at the fact that she isn't dreaming. She says her prayer life has increased and she can hear the Lord more clearly in her prayer time. Could this be the reason why she isn't dreaming? Could the Lord be letting her know that everything he needs to tell her now she is able to hear in her heart as opposed to seeing pictures in her sleep? I didn't know what to tell her because I'm dreaming like crazy and I didn't want to mention that just in case that would give her some type of complex or something. :zipit: Has anyone else experienced this? If so, do you have an understanding to why this happened to you? Thanks!!!
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