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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. You need peace Michele. Are you studying the Word of God? I just prayed for you on your other post regarding allergies and in that prayer I asked God to give you peace and joy where there wasn't. I believe that you need to spend this time while you are a housewife studying and getting the word down inside of you. God will show you what he has for you to do. You will know you are in his will when you have the peace that surpasses all understanding.
  2. Father in the Name of Jesus We thank you for the healing power of Jesus that was already purchased for Michele. We thank you that by Jesus' stripes she has already been healed. We come against the spirit of infirmity that has come against her body and say that it has to GO in the name of Jesus. Michele is healed from the top of her head to the souls of her feet. We thank You for wholness in her body and come against the assignments and the attacks that have been formed against her and say that they are null and void. We thank you Lord for the life more abundantly that she desires to walk in...may you give her peace where there is no peace and joy where there is no joy in the MIGHTY AND POWERFUL name of Jesus Christ...SO BE IT!!!!!
  3. I would say yes because I've had plenty of dreams that told me things that were going to happen the next day or soon down the road. There weren't any symbols, voices, angels or anything. I believe it was heavenly inspired so that I would be warned. Does this answer your question?
  4. What if I don't like or drink coffee? Can I have a HOT cup of "CoCo" :giggle:
  5. Your fight is NOT against flesh and blood. The one who you should be fighting is Satan. He is using her to get you off your mark in God. My Pastor was teaching about being anchored and he said that when you KNOW you are doing what God has called you to do then you must put your anchor down and rest...remain steadfast. Being steadfast is like being in a "sitting" position (like a ship or a boat at the dock). When you are sitting, it's hard for someone to get you out of that position if you have a mind to stay. What the devil does is "irritate" you so that you can move off your mark. He gets your mind off of what he's doing and causes you to see others doing it...which breeds unforgiveness and strife. My point to you is...it's not the director...the onlly thing she has done wrong here is allowed herself to be used by the devil himself. The devil is trying to take something from you...and it's not just your position...there is something deeper going on for you in the spiritual realm that he sees. You have to know that NO WEAPON formed against you can prosper. If God gave you that schedule then that schedule belongs to you and no one can take it. I will share this with you...last year I had to deal with a pastor that, in my opinion, was not a real pastor. He and his wife were transferred to our church due to a political and ungodly move. This pastor and his wife USED me because they didn't know anything about the church and since I was the admin asst for the past 6 years, they "picked" my knowledge so they could learn the church. I knew they were doing this, but I did what I could do to get them knowledgeable. The moment they learned, the pastor decided he wanted his wife to take over my duties. I was angry inside, but I complied because I didn't like him as a pastor...I didn't like his messages so in my mind I was ready to leave the church anyway as soon as I found a job. I trained the pastor's wife so she would know how to do the finances of the church and everything. When she was secure, the pastor called me in the office and right when I was walking through the door, the Holy Spirit said "it isn't over until God says it's over". I knew then that they were getting ready to lay me off. He said that the church could no longer afford three people on payroll and since his wife knew what to do now, the only other option was to let me go. He said that he would give me 6 months to find a job (this happened at the beginning of the recession when there were no jobs). Well, no door of employment opened and I had made it to the 6th month (December) and I was four days away from not having a job and all of a sudden, they were let go and shipped back to where they came from and my former pastor, who was wrongfully moved from the church came back and I was able to keep my job. I said all of that to tell you this...NOBODY can take anything away from you when God has given it to you...NOBODY!!! The enemy will try to wear you out so you can give it up, but you have to fight!! I had to fight for my position. I didn't fight them...I fought the principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places. I got in the word of God and in prayer. That pastor was a Haman...the one who built the gallow for Mordecai, but ended up hanging on it himself. I say the same thing for you...that director is a Haman to you. You have to do what Mordecai and Esther did...make God your source and take your eyes off of her and let God fight this battle for you. I will say this again...NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER!!! It's not her...IT'S THE EVIL SPIRITS ASSIGNED TO YOU TO GET YOU OUT OF PLACE IN YOUR MIND AND POSITION!!! May God continue to be with you...you have the favor of God...walk in in girl!!
  7. I will be praying too...God has it already worked out and your name is on it...which means, no one can out bid you or take it from you...hallelujah!!! If you haven't already, call the city or county that you are interested in living in and check for the available monies for first time buyers. With these stimulus packages that are out there in order to boost the housing market, you are bound to find lots of it.
  8. WOW LTW...how awesome...I wish I could be there to support you in person. I know how you feel. Just remember to NOT look for reaction from the people to determine if you did a good job or not. The power of God will move no matter what because you are called and anointed. Just know that the hearts will be touched whether you realize it or not. Let us know how well it went, ok?
  9. Happy Birthday..may you experience the abundant life that Jesus came to give you....
  10. It's so wonderful that you are here again Daph...missed ya girl!!!!
  11. Ya gotta love the way God confirms things...He is SO GOOD!!!!
  12. PRAISE THE LORD!!! The scripture I heard while reading your response was..."Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth..." God is doing something new with you and it is SPRINGING forth QUICKLY!!!! What a blessing!! I'm still prayin!!!
  13. Any MY GOD will supply ALL your need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We serve an awesom God and I agree with Lurdy's...he AIN'T finished yet...it's only the beginnin because HE is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that you can think of or ask for. We bless you Lord!!!!!!!!
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DESI GIRL!!!!!!!! Many mo to ya gurrrl!
  15. I will DEFINATELY be praying for you. What I've learned about delivering messages (not that I've done that before, but I am my pastor's assistant) is that you prepare and study. Once you begin ministering, the Holy Spirit will put it together the way it needs to be said. Sometimes you will say everything you've studied and prepare for and other times you will say things that have nothing to do with what's in your notes or in your heart. The beautiful thing is that God knows EXACTLY who is going to be there on the 5th Sunday and He has heard their prayers and the questions that have been in their hearts...you better believe their answer will for sure come out of your mouth. You ARE God's mouthpiece so their is no need to worry...they will be HIS words and not yours...just be a willing and open vessel with no fear and let the Spirit have His way!!!! Please come back here and let us know how well things went, ok? Blessings and prayers for you my sister!
  16. Hmmm...Renewed...I thought about the meaning of the name "Vile" when I first saw it, but didn't say anything. Glad you did!!!! Blessings
  17. You definately got some things off of your chest LTW and thats a good thing. I will say this though...you dont' have to pray that God will release him at the right time because that's what He's already going to do. That's the beautiful thing about God...he's willing for us to go through a time of discomfort so we can have an "expected end". All I want to say to you (besides the fact that I am praying for you) it to be at peace. The things you have gone through, going through and will go through could be preparing you for him. God knows your future mate's heart and what he's asking God for in a woman and God cares about His desires just as much as he cares about your desires. Hold on daughter of God...you won't miss your man...He will come knocking on your door when you least expect it!! :cute:
  18. Keep your eyes open and make sure if there are any signs that are questionable don't overlook them. We as women LOVE to fix people and feel as if we can "change" someone. Just know that the man God has for you will make you both feel like you are a part of each other (i.e. Adam's rib being used to create Eve). When Adam saw Eve he knew she was the one...there was no question. If you have questions...check them now before going any further. Just my opinon...praying for you sweety!!
  19. Happy Birthday!!! So that's what the 512 in your name means, huh? May 12th?? How clever!!! Many more blessed years in Jesus name!
  20. Thank you MBStudent...I just ran across this post and checked out the website and it is LOADED with some really good information. Thanks for sharing!
  21. In my opinion, it's up to the dreamer. I liken it to the Word of God. There are parables written in the gospels that are there for our benefit, but if we don't seek God for the meaning and how it relates to our lives, then it is what it is. I think many dreams are like parables...they are full of symbols that God wants us to seek HIM for. There is one thing that I've learned here on these boards. When I first came here someone stated that if God is the one that gives us the dreams, He is looking for us to seek HIM for the answer. So I said all of that to say this...if you don't know the meaning of your dreams...it's on you. God would NEVER speak and not give the interperation...I think we go wrong when we seek everything and everybody and not Him. If you are seeking him and do not have the interpretation, then be patient and the answer will come in due season.
  22. Oh Virtuous I am in tears right now!! Praise God for your release from that hard place. It has encouraged me beyond what you can imagine because I've gone through myself. I've had some of the same attacks you have had. I WANT to lay down my ministry of praise and worship because the whole team is getting on my nerves. I have had things happen to me that make me wonder if God is "for real"...hehehe...of course I know he is, but you know what I'm saying. It's funny that you mention the Hezekiah Walker song because I just heard it on the radio on my way home yesterday from church and told myself that I needed to get that song and listen to it because that song spoke volumes to me. It's a beautiful thing when God sends a timely word for you and your situation. I've experienced that and there is nothing like feeling that God personally speaks to you when you need it the most. You have made it. I guess you can sing the Marvin Sapp song "Never would have made it" and SCREAM the part that says "I MADE IT, I MADE IT"... Blessings to you HIGHLY FAVORED one!!!!
  23. I will be praying in agreement with you and the Will of God... Keep on Faithing...
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