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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. "We need to believe that God's goodness to guide us is bigger than the devil's ability to deceive us." Girl...I have to memorize this...I've never heard this before...thank you Jesus for reminding us that we need to focus MORE on your goodness instead of the enemy!!!!!!! Thank's Sunshine2 for saying this...it made my day!
  2. Well, here are my thoughts on this. We need to give God a little more credit for knowing ALL things...even before the foundation of this world was created. I believe he already knows the wrong or right decisions we will make and has a plan for it. Just like it says in Romans 8...ALL THINGS work together for the good to those who love the Lord and who are CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE. I love your question because I thought about my future guy and how he made a mistake and married this lady. In my dream she was wearing a wig, which insinuated she was not the real deal. He has ministry all in him and ministers all the time. I think his ministry was stunted in a way because she could not help him at the level that I will be able to. He has a youth ministry and as of late, I have been asked to work with the youth. I love them, but my flesh gets in the way because they can get on your nerves too... I believe this is God's way of preparing me for that. I haven't accepted the offer yet because I was just asked today, but we will see because I'm not sure if I will be staying at this church. God can still get the glory once married to the wrong person, but I do believe that the ministry cannot be GOD'S BEST if we take the "lower road" and marry the wrong person. I have more to say about this, but I have to go...I will be back.
  3. I'm glad I misunderstood because we usually see eye to eye on some stuff... :snicker: :
  4. Stephani...Jesus has already healed you. Sometimes the manifestation doesn't show up right away, but if you believe in your heart that you are healed and keep doing what you are doing for God, the enemy will leave you alone. He already knows he is defeated and what he does is make the symptoms stick around to tap out your faith. YOU BELIEVE and TRUST what has been done for you and it will be done...according to YOUR faith!!!!! I'm praying with you!!!!!!
  5. Okay, so at first I wasn't understanding what you were saying Virtuous. It seemed like you were saying that the pastor is to choose your mate. I was disagreeing with you there for a minute because even in my church, they have premarital and the pastor can only suggest whether or not you are ready to be married, but he can't tell you who to marry or if you can be married...that's in my church. I don't have anything against pastor's and their oversight in our lives, but we most DEFINATELY have to rely on God more than man for our answers and our confirmation. The Bible clearly states to not lean on the arms of flesh. I have been known to put so much stock in the man in the pulpit and when he does something that was against the Word of God then I was devastated. I hate being in that place in my mind because that shows me where I have put a person on a pedistal...higher in my mind then God ever wanted him to be. I'm all for going to the Pastor, but to SOLELY put the decision or confirmation in his/her hands to weather or not to make your decision even when you know God has said yes, I have a problem with that. If I'm misinterpreting what you are saying, help me out. :uhoh:
  6. Oh Connie...I am praying for you. Sorry for the loss however we know that God will be glorified and many lives will be touched and save from the death of this one person. Let us know how everything goes!!!!
  7. My prayers are for you Sunshine2. The one thing we all need to understand is that marriage is NOT a fairytale and we need to work at it regardless if God puts it together or not. Thanks for opening us and sharing. Although I agree with Dreamz and his comments about free will, I felt I needed to bring balance to what was said. I do believe that God gives us ALL free will...however I also believe that God is not a MAN that he would lie. If God takes the time to show someone who their mate is then he knows the decisions that will be made. He is an ALL knowing God. He puts HIS desires in us as we spend time in His presence. We have choice when it comes to mates and I believe that is true to those who don't know who their spouses are beforehand, but if God is BIG enough to show you, then we all need to know that there is a plan for the union. Yes, nothing is absolute in God, but his promises are...the promises of God are "Yea and Amen". We just need to make sure we are hearing from God and not a strange spirit. I knew things about my mate's life before they have happened. Because he is a semi-well known figure, I am privy to read and hear things about his life and so far things have lined up. I saw his marriage to a woman who was no good for him six years before he married her and I saw the divorce. When I read about it, my mouth hit the floor. It was God's way of confirming the dreams to me and I am grateful to him for that. My job now is to prepare myself and get the right perspective of marriage and learn all I can about it. I'm not anxious for it because God said to be anxious for NOTHING...I'm in expectation like I am for every other promise God has given to me. When we are anxious, we prolong things and God doesn't want anything to be prolonged because He desires to get the glory out of the union.
  8. Amen!!!! I agree...however, you should pray as well to see what the Lord says. Are you able to make it financially with one PT job? There are dynamics to look at as well. Are you able to go on maternity leave with this PT job and then pick it up when you are ready to go back after the baby? Being a mother myself, babies take up ALL of your time. I quit my full time job after having my son and stayed home until he went to Kindergarten. That was the best decision for me. Praying for ya!
  9. Find you a place and move. You have a desire to go so you have to trust that it is God and step out on it. I do disagree with the part about God allowing destruction in order to set order in their home. The Bible says that it is the "GOODNESS" of God that leads us to repentance. God will remove the scales from their eyes/heart in order for them to see his work in their lives. God has heard your prayers and with you gone, He will be able to move accordingly. God loves them and because of YOUR covenenant with him a thousand will fall at their left and a thousand and their right, but none will come near them. Go find you a place within your price range and go girl...it's that time!!!! God already has it waiting for you!!!
  10. I have a trainer too LTWJ. I was blessed with one from one of the ladies in my church. I used to be a "gym rat" and then I stoped because I lost my zeal for it. God will supply the need, just trust Him.
  12. I'm in agreement with Connie's prayer for you SisternChrist. God will provide! Continue to trust.
  13. Awwww True Flight...thank you!!!! Chica4Christ and Virtuous...To God be the Glory...I'm glad you were encouraged!!!!!!
  14. Well said Desi... In my most humble opinion...There is nothing wrong with you befriending him and going out as long as it's platonic. Enjoy your life...do what the Bible says and "occupy yourself" until Mr. Man shows up. It's all innocent.
  15. Virtous...Being a hypocrite is a heart thing. YOU WANT CHANGE!! There are some that don't and who walk around and fake it. You aren't faking it...you are before God with your issue...that makes you REAL!!!
  16. OHHHHHH MY!! My heart runneth over right now. First of all...I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with TrueFlight and Connie! Chica4Christ...girl...I can read in between the lines and believe me, I have struggled as well and I want to share with you what God has been teaching me for the past few years...THERE IS NOW NO CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS!!!! This is the devils BIGGEST attack on the body of Christ. If he can trick you into believing that God is mad at you or what you did is unpardonable to the point where you delay going to Him, then he can tear you down mentally. Our sins have ALREADY been imputed upon Jesus Christ...thats why we don't have to walk around condemned from the things we have done. There is NOTHING that can separate you from the Love of God...NOTHING! When you understand and KNOW your position in Him (Righteous) then you will find it easier to NOT do the things that you have been struggling with. The topic of righteousness is HUGE. We throw that word around, but we REALLY don't know what it means. We were MADE righteous because of Jesus Christ and NOTHING that we do can take that position away...no sin...not anything. Part of what Grace is...its being blessed and accepted by God when we do NOT deserve to be. He is a loving God...He doesn't change...nothing you can do can make him be mad at you. He is MERCIFUL!!!! Go to God and let Him love on You...he's waiting. Virtuous...DON'T DO IT GIRL!!!! All that I said to Chica4Christ stands true for you as well. There are liars, fornicators, adulterers, discord sowers, etc, etc, etc who sing. Your gift(s) from God are without repentance. When he gave you that gift to sing, don't you know he knew you would have a problem with smoking? Of course he did. He could have said "no, I won't give that to her because she's going to be a smoker" Instead...KNOWING that you would struggle, he trusted you with that gift. YOU ARE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD!!!!!! That is all God sees. Your "stuff" is in the sea of forgetfulness. What are you gonna do...wait until you stop smoking before singing again? Don't you know that the devil will go bananas on that habit so you WON'T go back? Come on...let the worship that comes out of your mouth aid in your deliverance. Girl, if I could TELL YOU what I struggle with I could make your head spin...but I understand that I am a worshipper and since I've been back on the praise team, God has taken me to another level. Why would he do that knowing my issues? Because He loves me and because he has given me an assignment that I must complete!!!! I can tell you that the biggest area that I struggle with has been subsiding because I remind myself when I struggle with it who I am and that I don't have to obey my flesh anymore. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!! Come on...let's put these vices at the feet of Jesus and move on in the assignments that He has given us. Chica4Christ...be careful in sharing your information with your new group. Discern who they are FIRST because you don't want an unrenewed mind to condemn you even more than what you have felt...ok? Whew!!! Thank you Jesus...you are WORTHY to be praised!! :PTL:
  17. Happy Birthday and many blessings to you!!!!!!!!
  18. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite part is: See my Father told me I'm above a ruby's worth and a gem does not seek, it is sought. Thank ya Jesus!! :cute:
  19. Ooops...am I becoming predictable here???? :blushing: hehehe...glad it ain't literal girl...I thought I might have to come to get in my car and drive from Cali to Florida to have a talk with ya...
  20. Something my Pastor told me a long time ago..."if you don't take it personal, God will". You are being pruned sweety. The Bible says "in ALL things give thanks for THIS is the will of God concerning you". You are still there...that says that God is doing something. You are in the furnace of fire like the three hebrew boys BUT there was a fourth man in the fire with them...GOD!!! He's in this thing with you...BREEEEEATHE!!!!!! It ain't over until GOD says it's over...TRUST!!!!
  21. Lord we thank you for LTWJ. We thank you the that the times of her life are in your hands. We praise you for ALL that you are doing in her life and that there is NOTHING that she is going through right now that is too hard for you. We thank you for the favor that was purchased for her through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Lord we ask that you would open and close doors that no man can open and close. We thank you for peace that is beyond her understanding...we thank you that you would bring about a settling in her heart. May you stir up the gifts that are inside of her and continue to be her strength and ever present Help in this time of trouble. We praise you and thank you in advance because you are FAITHFUL even when we are faith-less. We call this DONE in the mighty name of Jesus Christ...SO BE IT!!! LTWJ...allow God to do this new thing in your life. It doesn't always feel good, but the reward is worth it. Stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord.
  22. Desi...girl...you startin something because after reading the title of that song in your response, I can't seem to get it out of my head now. I started bobbin my head and then I broke out with "mama se mama saw mama mokusaw" (whatever he says on that one part) :roflx: My personal favorite song of his is "Off the wall"...it's my "secular" life song. I had to learn to "leave the nine to five upon the shelf and just enjoy myself...groooooove...and let the madness in the music get to (me) life aint' so bad at all when I live my life off the wall". Off the wall to me means...stop looking at life from the sidelines and get in there and play the game and enjoy myself...Mikey knew he was bad!!!!! Okay...I just needed to say that...
  23. Happy birthday to your dad!!!!! Don't you love it when you can see God in the family? Girl...don't wait by the phone...go live your life...travel...create some things to do...believe me, when the call comes in, God knows how to get you where you need to be.
  24. No, your reaction is normal however commit your daughter into the hands of God and trust that He has her covered. Trust me, it will help you when they get 18 like my son. He's "finding himself" now and I think I would be a basket case if I had not practiced leaving him in God's hand. You won't know the things they are doing or who they are "really" with. Your daughter's personality is her gift...what God gave her and she's outgoing...a "social butterfly". Yes, teach her how to temper it, but until she learns that, know that God has her in his arms...just like your avatar shows. Be at peace...she's okay.
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