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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Do you think that maybe she's more of an "assignment"...one who you will lead to Christ as opposed to your wife? I know that God is sovereign and can do anything (like introduce you to an unsaved woman and she end up being your wife AFTER she comes to Christ), but I can't get this scripture out of my mind... Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Cor 6:14 I say to give it some time. Get to know her, since you've just met her yesterday.
  2. Not sure if this will help OR if this is wisdom but..not that you have prayed, I would continue to get to know her. Is she a Christian? Do you have the same beliefs? You should start there and as you go, God will begin revealing. You should also ask God to give you the discernment that you need in this situation.
  3. THANK YOU Celesitial One!!!! Those are exactly my thoughts. If we are waiting for God to come one way...like my interpretation of what Elijah did...we can miss Him. I too, don't have a problem with asking God to show me something in a dream, even though I haven't done that yet, but to do that as the only means to hear from God is forcing God's hand. He is a SOVEREIGN God and He can communicate any way he desires. He knows us...he knows the way to properly communicate with us in HIS TIME! It may NOT be in a dream...when we want to dream it...it may not be in whatever way we desire for it to be, but the main thing is that we trust Him to answer no matter WHICH way he chooses. Thank you Jesus!!!
  4. You are NOT kidding...We already need to be prepared that we are going to have a "drive thru" meal because you have thangs to do. Celestial Butterfly...it's good to see you again girl.
  5. WOW!!!! Let the church say...AMEN!!!! I loved this. We have to make sure we keep our standards high. Don't listen to the world who are now saying that if you want to have a man, you have to lower your standards a little...WHAT???? I have been told to lower my standards too, but you will have to kill me first...LOL We have to see ourselves as valuable...if we don't, we will accept ANYTHING! I like this part... So you decide. How much is your life worth? How much is your love worth? You will be able to accept only what you believe you deserve. God himself calculated the worth of your love and decided it was worth His life. Hmmm...
  6. She's focusing on how we ask Him for something and only look for Him to answer us in a certain way. Therefore; leaving us out in left field when He is in right field. EXACTLY!!!
  7. Let me just say that I'm honored to be around women who have a story to tell. I've never had to live in an abusive relationship, but I've known people who have. It blesses my heart to be among women who have overcome such tragedy, with the help of the Lord. I just would like to applaud Lurdys and Connie (and any others I may have missed) for sharing your experiences and advice here. To God Be the Glory!!!!!!
  8. She's in fear right now...EXTREME fear. She needs God to move in a BIG way and I think she is doubting her ability to hear him so if she can get it in her sleep then she feels she's more comfortable. I usually can hear God and give her a word, but NOTHING! I feeling like God wants her to hear only from Him.
  9. Thanks V! I think where I'm going with this is...when I'm perplexed about something and I'm seeking God for his directions, should I "box" God in to answering me in a dream? I have a friend who is going through right now. She told me that she's asked God to show her the answer in a dream. So each morning she wakes up and doesn't have the dream, she's disappointed. I told her that if she's focused ONLY to hear God in a dream, then that's dangerous because he could be speaking to her on so many other fronts. The scripture that came to my mind when I was discussing this with her was 1 Kings 19 about Elijah. He needed direction because he was in fear for his life. The Lord told him to go to the mountain...the wind came, but no direction...the fire came, but no direction...it came in a still soft voice. That scripture tells me that sometimes we expect God to move in a certain way, but he uses another way. It was after Elijah heard the still small voice that God told him where to go. I know it's okay to ask God for a dream, but to ONLY expect him to answer in that way...should we be doing that?
  10. Amen Christa!!!!! God has you! Good word Princessdelia...
  11. Change...this is what I wrote in my original message...please pay attention... This is meant to be a discussion question and not a debate. I'm not even sure if there is a right or wrong answer Your smart/sarcastic tone is not what I'm interested in. This is merely a discussion question to get things poppin and to get us all interacting again. I don't get mad on these boards...I speak what I feel is truth, no matter who likes it. So your comment baffles me. If you would like to join in the discussion you are more than welcome. So I will say the same to you..."don't get mad when I or someone says something that YOU don't like"...here or anywhere else on this site. Thank you very much for your input...let's keep it classy and move forward... Next...
  12. This is a question that is rolling around my head during these wee hours in the morning. I've heard people say "ask God to show you in a dream". I've never asked God to show me anything in a dream before. In my mind, God has the right to reveal himself to me the way he so desires. I know the Bible says that we can call on the Lord and he will show us great and might things, but does that mean we can box him into showing us an answer in a dream? This is meant to be a discussion question and not a debate. I'm not even sure if there is a right or wrong answer. I would like to hear from people who have asked God for dreams and you know without a shadow of a doubt that God did it. Is there anyone in the Bible that asked God for a dream and He did so? Talk to me people!!
  13. I think the church has this whole divorce thing screwed up. Do we honestly think that God would allow divorce ONLY when someone commits adultry and make someone stay in a marriage where there is abuse? We have to put the Bible in it's proper context. We have to pay attention to the time frame of the Bible. All these things were said in the gospels...prior to the death of Christ. We are NOT bound to the law any longer and those rules regarding divorce DO NOT exist any longer. Think about it...we serve a God of love. Read 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) and see God's definition of love and tell me that God would want you to stay in a marriage of abuse. To say that he does, would say that God lied regarding what love really means. If someone isn't treating you according to THAT scripture...or at least working on it...you need to make some changes. You have to get to a point where you make decisions for you and Violet and let people say what they need to say. You are NOT a bad mother...you are NOT a bad christian...those are condemning thoughts and they are not of God.
  14. Violet is the MOST important person here because she has no choice in the matter. She has a father who needs help and I'm sorry to say...you do too Christa. God gave you stewardship to raise her up in a safe and Godly environment and you even considering going back after two weeks of "good behavior" saddens me. You should seek counsel because the Bible says there is safety in the multitude of counsel. Going back without seeking help for YOU is useless. You need to be strengthened...right now you are in love with the man you married...the person he is now is NOT the same person. As you all know by now...I speak quite bluntly and I say it with love and concern in my heart for you so please don't take this personal...I'm like Lightbeam...I've seen the outcome of this type of situation TOO much. We can pray, we can give you advice and we can even take you by the hand and help you, but the ultimate decision will be you. If you are entertaining the idea of going back, then you probably will...that will be your decision...I promise you that things will go back to the way they were and worst if you do...it's a cycle and it won't stop until YOU stop. Much love to you and I pray you heed to what has been said here. Lurdys has given you advice from being in the situation so hopefully you can hear her.
  15. Cholette

    Need a Prayer

    Stand in the righteousness that was purchased for you through Jesus Christ. Fight FROM the place of victory and not FOR it because you have already won through Jesus Christ. Be in the attitude of praise and say thank you ahead of time because you have a Heavenly Father who loves you with a LOVE THAT CANNOT FAIL. I am EXPECTING your next post to be in the Testimony thread!!!!!
  16. This is a true testiment of how important it is to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT GOD IS GOD!!! No one, except for a couple of people, knew that I had actually messed up my son's financial aid. He is on his way to begin his second year in a college in AZ and I went online, filled out his information to apply for his financial aid, but when I gave them my email address, I gave them one that I rarely use. Well, apparently I didn't fill out a section correctly so they emailed me to tell me, but I didn't know it. By the time I saw the email, it was past the deadline. Even though I RE-filed the application, the school didn't get it in time so they dropped his classes that he had registered for before coming home for the summer. All I could do was pray. I didn't know what to do because his fees are astronomical due to the out of state fees. I gave it over to the Lord and I just flowed as if he was fully paid for. Today, my son is packing his clothes and there was a little pit of worry deep down, but I had enough hope that God would come through for him. Well today, my father called "out of the blue" and said that he wanted to foot the entire bill for the entire year of school AND pay his rent for an entire year as well as put money in his pocket for food and utilities until he found a job. :cute: :cute: :cute: :cute: WHAT???? Nobody can do that but Jesus...NOBODY!!! To HIM be ALL the praise and ALL the glory. Last year, a lady I once knew years ago called me and gave me a word that God was going to take care of my son's education. I didn't know how or when, but I just had to BE STILL and let him take over and HE definately did. Hold on everyone...God is on His Way!!!
  17. Praise the Lord...helping you helps me sweety...I'm fighing to stand my ground as well. Glad you are blessed...let's open our mouths and praise our faithful God together. I read a scripture today that blew my socks off and encouraged me to no end. I feel led to share it with you... If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. (2 Tim 2:13) The good news is...God can't turn him back on us because if he does, he is turning his back on himself. That is reassuring and is a good nugget to carry around in our hearts. God can't and won't leave you destitute sweety...because as HE is...so are YOU!!!! Be encouraged and rejoice in THAT!!!
  18. God has the house and the money for you. Keep you eyes on Him and your need will be supplied over and above what you can think of or imagine.
  19. Lovelywomanofvirtue, I will pray for you however let me say something to you. After you have repented before the Lord, after you have gone to your BF asked for forgiveness for offending him, then you MUST forgive yourself. If you don't, even if he does forgive you, you will be no good to him. This may be a relationship that you have to let go of for a season so you can be restored and HE can be restored...if not the relationship can never be restored. You also need to pray to see if this relationship is the will of God. I know this is not something you want to hear at this point...especially how you are feeling, but you REALLY need to see if this is what God has for you. You said that ever since you accepted your calling, you've been attacked...that's normal so stand your ground and FIGHT GIRL!!!!! You are the Righteousness of God and you are an Heiress of the throne...tell the devil to take a hike and take back your emotions and you mind. I AM PRAYING FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
  20. This can only be handled in prayer. When a person who has an addiction to any type of substance, they don't appreciate the "good deeds" because it's all about them. Continue to seek the Lord in prayer and allow him to show you what to do because God does NOT want his children to be in dangerous situations. I understand honoring the head of your household, but you have to also use wisdom and there needs to be balance put to the honoring. Like I said, when a person has an addiction, it's a whole new "ball game". My only advice is to pray because I'm not sure God would want you in that situation. I don't really think you have anything to repent about...to repent would mean you have done something wrong and his decision to go to alcohol and not honor you as his wife is NOT your fault. That's just my opinon...just pray my friend!
  21. Be still and know that God is God. Understand that the steps of a RIGHTEOUS man are ordered by the Lord.
  22. What a beautiful prayer LightBeam...BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! God has heard it and honored it and we expect to see change in the name of Jesus!
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