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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Yes, I know... . I feel better today. I don't have that "fear" feeling deep down. I know fear is of the enemy, but to say yes to the Lord and not being able to see what's actually in front of you is a trip. I trust His love for me so I surrender all! Thanks!
  2. I understand credit being an issue, but I understand even more the Favor of God. That is what you need to focus on. Credit is MAN'S way of determining if your worthy, but Jesus is God's way of determining your worth. Ya feel me?
  3. Aww thanks Dreamy...I accept the honor. Now post away. I know you've been waiting to post something. You wanted me to see the 2000 under your avatar. It's been an hour and 20 minutes since you've last posted and you are online right now...hehe...go ahead man...post away!!! Thanks Lurdys...I'm like Paul...I'm in fear and trembling, but it's not in my power, but it's all in the power of God. Help me Jeeeezus!
  4. Today was one of those days of confirmations...back to back. A few months ago, Dreamster told me that he saw me in high heels preaching to women and he also saw two books that I had written. When he told me, my flesh said, "I don't want to preach to women...I definately don't want to write". So I smiled and was very diplomatic with him and said thank you. Today, a friend of mine called me out of the blue. I haven't heard from her since last year. She called to tell me that she had this vision of me walking across a stage with boldness and preaching/teaching women about inner healing. No one knows this, but I have this compassion for overweight women. I hate to see how society has made them outcasts and how much emphasis has been put on them and how they are told that they are not beautiful...it rips my heart to pieces. I think I have told ONE person in my life about that and my friend told me that she saw me on the Oprah show with my book on inner healing and it was going to heal this nation of obesity. I don't want to go into the specifics about Oprah because this is a public forum and you know what that means so I will leave it at that. All I wanted to do was to testify about the goodness of the Lord and no matter how badly you don't want to do something, God will cause a barage of confirmations to come that will change your heart. I KNOW that I have the spirit of my former Pastor who went home to be with the Lord. The way I minister to people is the same way she used to...the way she prays is the way I pray. The way I tear down the kingdom of darkness in my prayer time is the way she used to do it. It's all over me and I can't control. So today, September 22, 2009, I have finally humbled myself to say, "Ok Lord, I'll Do it !!!!!" I praise God for all that He has done and continues to do. The Bible says to give honor where honor is due so I would like to thank Dreamster for following the Holy Spirit and being obedient to His leading. I don't think people understand the gift that lies in you here on this board. Thank you so much and I praise God for you. May God CONTINUE to bless you and give you the desires of your heart. Your labor of love here is NOT in vain. Blessings to you Dreamy Bear!!!
  5. I agree with the others. You CANNOT go back at this time. He is emotionally abusive and abusive people tend to be controling and manipulative. It's amazing to me how they all do the same thing. That let's you know that there is an evil spirit in operation here. He has to show a LONG consistent change in his life and even when THAT happens, God still needs to let you know IF you can go back. It's amazing to me how he says that the emotional stuff will stop once the two of you get together and work on it together...WHAT??? No...HE has the problem so HE needs to get HIMSELF together before any reconciliation can be considered. Alcoholism is a horrible thing and it's hard to break outside of God. I think you and your son need to stay where you are. Like Dreamster said, 'No peace, No reconciliation". God has already been telling you what to do by NOT giving you peace so please listen. I have shared a scripture here plenty of times and once again, I will share it here. And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always. Colossians 3:15 AMP As far as your son is concerned, being a mother of a son myself, the only thing you can do is pray and entrust him into the hand of the Lord. Since God told you to fast, evidently He is going to give you some instructions. It's rough to contol what goes on outside of the home when you are not around. The only thing you can do is pray and trust that God handles the situation...and He will...he always does.
  6. I'm sorry Linda...I was confused at whether this was a real story or not. It was written as if it was a story and not a real life experience. Sorry for not takint it seriously...
  7. I will also agree with you in prayer. I believe what her mother said... She said sometimes when a person does not want to change and respect household rules you have to entrust them to God. In other words let them go. Tough love she calls it. You can become an enabler. I'm a firm believer in entrusting our children in the hand of God when they don't want to follow them. It gives you peace knowing that an ALL KNOWING God , who sees EVERYTHING is standing guard over them. I believe she has to hit a "wall" in life before she wakes up. It will be okay...God is faithful!!!!
  8. We are going to pray Christa...trust me! It was good information that you gave, but I was trying to respond to your statement about them praying curses over the Christians. Where we go wrong is that we put so much emphasis on what the devil can do and NOT ENOUGH emphasis on WHO GOD IS and what HE can do. This is a sly and subtle way he works. We are more focused on what these Muslims are doing and understanding that all we have to do is yell out the name of Jesus and that evil launch of wickedness will be defeated in a nano second. I'm a WARRIOR from the core of my being. I hate the kingdom of darkness and they hate me. I will go in and disrupt a camp of demons with NO SECOND thought. So trust me...this matter will be handled when we all pray. We are ALL in agreement with you and your stand so I don't want you or anyone else who will read or has responded to this post think that we are against rising up in the spirit against this situation. I just needed to say that because I'm sensing a divide here where we are agreeing with people and we are all saying the same things...that's all!
  9. Very well said Lurdy's May I add that Allah has NO POWER! They can pray all day long, but Allah can't give them anything. Our Heavenly Father is the KING of kings and the LORD of lords. We don't have to fear another religion and their quest to intimidate because we know in the end who really is going to win. EVERY KNEE will bow and EVERY TONGUE will confess that JESUS is LORD! Yes, we should pray, but not be afraid of them putting "curses" on us because we have been redeemed from the curse of the law and NO MAN can put a curse on Christians unless you are living by the law (Romans 10:5). Christa, I appreciate your zeal in this, just know that God has our backs... A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked. Psalm 91:7-8
  10. Lovelywomanofvirtue...WOW!!!! God can do ANYTHING!!!! The miracles happen "according to our faith". The miracles that happen in the third world countries happen because they don't have the word like we have here. We have become desensitized to the move of God. Over there, they have radical faith because they no nothing else. I've been praying for that over here, it's going to take people like us to allow the Lord to use us as examples...vehicles for his glory!!
  11. PRAISE YE THE LORD!!! How exciting is THAT?? Thank you Jesus! I saw the same exact healing that your aunt had with my own eyes YEARS AGO!!! God is soooo good!!
  12. Who sings it...I'll bring it up on YOUTUBE...like I do everything else...LOL!
  13. Alright now!! My sisters are preachin this morning!!!!
  14. Cholette

    Amazing God

    Ya gotta love God and appreciate the way he protects us.
  15. WOW...awesome read!!! I couldn't have said it better myself...GO GIRL!!!!
  16. You are right Selena...you ARE in fear. Fear is NOT of God so since that is true, you have to rise up against it and do the very thing it is trying to keep you from doing. Fear is the tactic of the enemy that keeps you from God's best. Promotion comes from the Lord and in this day and time, when you hear of ANYONE getting promoted such as yourself, I see it as a blessing. God will provide...the thing you should be praying for is that your children DO NOT get sick. Working from 8:30 -2:00 is a GREAT schedule (I'm jealous )...God will give you a plan on how to complete the things you are concerned with. The LORD will perfect that which concerns me... Psalm 138:8 Praise the Lord!!!
  17. Hi Andrew...welcome to the site! I think you and your wife should NOT be discouraged...instead, be encouraged. I see the closed doors as God's protection. He isn't letting you walk through just ANY door...He's going to wait to open the door that He designed just for you. Ministry is HARD WORK and God wants to supernaturally provide for your ministry and it can only be through the door that HE has ordained for the two of you. Be patient my brother in the Lord...God is still working some things out in the two of you. I likened the process to baking a cake. We anticipate eating the cake so we keep opening the door to the oven to check it...not knowing that every time we open the door, we let the necessary heat out that is needed to bake the cake. Sometimes you can look in and it looks ready, but when you stick the toothpick in, it's still undone inwardly. I see the opening of the oven door like being impatient...it allows the necessary components flow out that God needs in order to complete the process inside of us. The Bible says for us to be anxious for NOTHING...relax and rest in the Lord...He desires this ministry to come to pass more than the two of you put together. It's HIS WORK that you are doing and believe me, when the door opens, you will know it and you will be in the place internally where you will be able to handle it with ease... Blessings to the two of you and may God allow the peace that Jesus left for you to overtake you and give you rest!!!
  18. Cholette

    Amazing God

    WOW!!! These days, that is hard to fathom when everyone is looking to make money and not help those who are in need. You have the favor of God and God doesn't care...he takes care of his own. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIA!!! I ditto what Lurdys has said....
  20. Powerful word Virtuous!!! Let us know how things go Mark...I believe God in this situation...I REALLY DO!!
  21. If you don't mind me asking, what was wrong with your brain? No matter what, this is an opportunity to praise God for his Faithfulness!!
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