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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I don't have any scriptural background to this, but I think gender only matters here on earth...not in heaven. I also believe that if there is no reference in the Bible of female angels, then we can safely say that either God doesn't want us to focus on that or that there aren't any. I believe the old art is man's interepretation of what he believes, not necessarily what is. Great question!!!
  2. There is NOTHING any witch or demon in hell can do to you because you are a child of God. You are hidden under the shadow of the almighty God so rest in that. No weapon formed against you will ever prosper and EVERY evil tongue that has risen against you in judgement will be refuted because that is YOUR inheritence in Christ Jesus!!!! Don't let you "pregnancy" nerves get up in a knot right now. It's normal to be tentative about everything in your final days of pregnancy. Stay as relaxed as you can BlueSkies...God has you!
  3. Yes, I agree with D...you have to set boundaries. That is YOUR baby and God has given YOU stewardship over her life. You will be held accountable so if they are teaching her inappropriate words, they have lost their opportunity to be around her. When they see that you are serious about your training, then they will eventually straighten up.
  4. Okay dreamy...we get the point...
  5. I'm in agreement as well. The attacks right now are relentless, but GREATER is HE that is in US than he that is in the world!!
  6. Have you been receiving the "maintenance" screen? I have gotten that more often for the past two weeks and the way I have bypassed that, in order to log on, I exited out of my web browser and came back on and everything was fine. I'm not sure what error message you were receiving, but I hope this helps some.
  7. Gooooo Lightbeam!!! How in the world did I miss this??? You write SO WELL!!!
  8. Thank you LTWJ, TF and D!!! TF, I 'm not sure that I have an attitude one way or the other regarding this ministry. I just want to leave. I don't think God faults me for my desire to leave...I honestly believe he gave me the desire so that when the time comes, it won't be hard. What I hear over the pulpit is not where I am right now. There are a lot of legalistic things that take place so THAT'S why my inner man is fighting against it. I won't leave the church with a bad taste in my mouth. The conflict is NOT with the ministry itself, it's with the timing of God. I know I'm not happy there so I was crying out to why must I stay in a situation where I'm uncomfortable. We've all been there, the only difference with me is that it has to do with church. I'm fine...I've rested in what God has called me to do (as I stated in my previous post). Thank you D...I believe I know who the "macedonian man" will be...in due season I will reap if I faint not!!!
  9. I will be REALLY honest with you Butterfly and I pray you are NOT offended. The reason why I stopped responding to your posts is because whenever anyone had a different opinion than yours, you became defensive. It happened to me personally with you and I've seen it happen to others. If you are going to post certain things on a board where everyone has different opinions, you should be ready for people to voice what they feel and not just post things like the truth you are sharing is the only truth. I think if someone came behind and read the back and forthy comments, it would keep them from wanting to respond and chime in. When Jesus was here spreading the Truth, he spoke it. If a person didn't agree, he moved on and didn't argue his point or try to force someone to see it HIS WAY. I have not agreed with everything you posted and thats the honest truth. Thank God that you want people to be informed, but you can't do it and expect to be thanked or do it to expect a whole lot of feedback. You should have the mentality that "if I can help just one person, that would be enough". Putting truth out there is a "thankless" job...ask any Pastor or minister who is out there putting the truth of God's word out there. They are the ones that are being persecuted and talked about...not the ones that are putting who knows what out there. So I ask you to rethink why you do what you do...are you trying to get truth out there for whoever? Or are you out there to persuade. Sometimes people won't accept truth right away because they are not ready for it...it can take years before they come back around and say "hey you know what? I heard that some place before." It's the same with Salvation...when you hear the word, you may not accept Christ right away, but one day the seed that was sown in your heart will develop and you make the decision. This is my opinion...please take this in love...
  10. You are NOT cursed..you have been redeemed from the curse of the law. You are BLESSED and like MBstudent said...do not allow your emotions determine who God is. This is the time for you to get before God and seek him in his word. I'm laid off as well and I have used this time to REALLY get into His word and to seek Him in prayer. He will guide you Dreamer...trust me!! God is in love with you.
  11. I'm glad you are feeling better LTWJ! The one thing we all need to know is that we can't connect our joy to people, things or situations. If we do, we will be on the roller coaster of our lives. The bible says that in the presence of the Lord there is FULLNESS of joy and on his right hand pleasures forevermore. We can't find joy apart from the Lord. Disconnect from the temporal things and RE-connect to the Lord...the Eternal One!!!
  12. Thank you everyone. Once I released this from my heart this morning and made a decision that I would NOT move until God told me to, peace rushed in like a flood. It rushed in so fast that all of a sudden God told me to let my pastor's wife know that I felt strongly that I wanted to resurrect the children's choir. She looked at me with amazement and said that she and pastor were on their face the night before crying out to God to bring back the children's choir and to lay it upon someone's heart. My head began to swim and he eyes filled up with tears and said "God gave us you"...so NOW I am the children's choir director. Later as I was driving home, a OLD prophecy came back to me that said, "There is going to be a strong gifting that is in your life that will surface out of no where and by the spring, it will be so magnificent and so joyful that everyone around will know that you heard from the Lord." Then the prophet said "this gifting envolves children". I TOTALLY forgot about this prophecy until I was driving home because it was well over 15 years ago when I received it. I had to search through my old journals to find it and I did. Prayer words everyone. I am NO WHERE near where I was when I posted this. Thank you EVERYONE for standing in agreement and pulling on heaven for me. You just don't know how much I appreciate you!!!!!!
  13. WOW!!!! Thank you Ladies!!! I was getting concerned when no one responded to my plea, but I woke up to a couple of prayer warriors this morning and I appreciate that. V...I know you are right. I'm just not happy and I think that is where the whole thing started for me. I'm not getting anything out of the messages and to me, it's a waste of my time. Like you said, I will know the gift when I receive it and I think I know what it is, based on a prophecy I received several years ago. Thank you so much ladies for praying with me and encouraging me...may God refresh you when you need to be refreshed.
  14. I'm feeling your tenancity Connie!!! I'm a mad sista right about now...THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!!!
  15. God doesn't always come through with the "overload"...especially if he's building our faith. Hang in there Dreamy...God is still on the throne!!!
  16. Kellsy, I will be praying as you have asked. I've been hearing from plenty of ministered all over that there is an attack on the family. Not just marriages, but family relationships. We all need to rise up and speak life to our familes. The Bibles says in Revelation 12:11... They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. The devil doesn't want us to rise up in boldness...he wants us to cower in discouragement and fear. Call your family members name out in prayer and speak love and unity. God told Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones so they can live...you do the same!! Praying for you...
  17. Hey everyone! I've been in much prayer lately regarding my church. I haven't been happy there for the past three years and the only thing that I felt that was holding me there was my job. Well, I've been laid off from my job and to be honest with you, it was the best thing they could have done for me. Being an employee of the church REQUIRED me to be there for different meetings and events and I just hate to be pressured into being a part of everything. I'm normally one who has great tenancity for the ministry I belong to but since three years ago, I haven't been. I've been praying that God lead me because when I tried to leave last year by looking for another job he gave me this scripture in Acts 1:4: “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. This scripture leaped off the page at me when I was seeking hard to leave. Now that they have let me go, I'm hoping God will let me leave, but now I'm feeling a sense of confusion. I'm not sure what I"m waiting for. I can't see the Lord allowing me to be a part of a ministry where I'm unhappy...I mean I LOATHE going to this church. I sing in the choir because God told me to go back to the choir, but I haven't heard him tell me to step down. I'm an analytical person by nature...it's the Accountant in me...so I have a tendency of "overthinking" everything instead of going with what's obvious. I also know that if God has something in this church left for me to do then it would be the devil's job to make me restless and try to leave before my time. I'm asking for prayer right now. I need the prayer warriors right now because I really need God to make this thing clear to me. I've been told by my pastor and his wife that "I need to stay". They said that I may get out there and the devil will "have his way with me" since I will be outside of his will...would I be? Would God allow that even though I've been seeking Him? Not the God I know. I really don't think it's THAT serious however, I'm not ignorant enough to deny the voice of leadership. I'm not one to take their word OVER God's either, but right now their words are speaking louder to me than anything because I haven't heard God yet. Prayers and encouragement welcomed!!!!
  18. It normally doesn't happen in the way we expect. Don't force it...let it happen naturally!
  19. We have to remember that Jesus is the Savior, not us. Sometimes we love our families to a fault...trying to get them to believe and act certain ways. We almost become the "messiah" in their lives. Allow God's perfect timeing in their deliverance and their coming to Him to operate. It NEVER happens in our timing nor in the way we desire. Sometimes it takes us watching them go through rough times as the Holy Spirit begans to minister to them and they transistion out of their way of life. Stay encouraged and I am in agreement as well!!!
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