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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. What do you mean when you say you usually get a discernment or confirmation?
  2. Amen...I'm in agreement with the prayer!!!
  3. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!! Girl, we spoke to your body and we commanded any and every foul spirit that was trying to come over you to loose you in the name of Jesus!! God is SO FAITHFUL...we don't have to put up with sickness...diseases...depression...dispair...poverty...lack etc. We are the righteousness of God and we've been given authority!!!! Greater is HE that is in US than he that is in the world. I rejoice with you...God is Gooooooooooood!!!
  4. How do you feel today Christa. My friends and I prayed for you yesterday.
  5. Praying God's perfect will in your situation. However...I don't think you meant to say... I need a high paying that job that will allow me live above my means Right? No one should EVER live about their means. I think what you meant is to be able to afford everything that you need, correct? Just trying to clarify my sweetness...
  6. WOW!!! Praise the Lord MB!!! It makes me wonder what you are getting ready to walk into. The enemy NEVER comes like that for no reason. To God be the Glory for having His angels of protection surrounding you and that you had a hearing and obedient heart. Lord we bless YOUR HOLY NAME!!!!
  7. BLESS THE LORD!!!!! By the way Christa...your picture is beautiful girl!!!!
  8. Yes, but you don't do it out of fear of the curse because we've been redeemed from the curse of the law (Gal 3:13)...you do it out of worship because of what God has blessed you with. If you are unable to tithe then give an offering. God LOVES a CHEERFUL GIVER!!! (2 Cor 9:7)
  9. Sickness and disease has to bow to the Name of Jesus!!! He took Melanoma to the cross and left it there so she has victory over that in Jesus Name. Rise up woman of God...take up your bed and walk!!!! Thank you Jeeeesus!!!!!
  10. TF, how is your daughter doing today?
  11. OH GOD!!!! The devil has lost his mind!!! I'm praying righ tnow TF!!!!
  12. Amen...I will pray God's Perfect Will in this situation. Divorce is HORRIBLE!! It's happening more and more these days. God's Plan will prevail!!!! What a compassionate heart you have...PTL!
  13. Look what the Lord has done!!! Lord we praise you and we magnify your name RIGHT NOW for you goodness and what you did for Christa and her baby!!! Thank you Jesus for being a faithful and LOVING God. You are awesome!!!!!!!!!
  14. The beautiful thing about the Lord is that nothing surprises him. He has an answer in place before we know we need an answer. I like what MB said "All things work together for good for those that 'love' the Lord"...I was just listening to a message about this scripture this morning and the preacher said...EVERYTHING is used by God, whether it's good or bad, our fault or others fault...God uses it for OUR good. Just know that if God allowed this to happen to you, He is going to work it for YOUR good. Don't allow fear to paralyze you because it will. God didn't open the door for your new place to put you out...TRUST HIM!! I'm so excited to see what he's going to do in your life.
  15. Is it a teaching from your Bishop? Or is it someone where it can be ordered? I'm a daddy's girl NOW...yes, even at the age of 42. My dad came around in his older age, but the time when it was needed the most, he was absent.
  16. I left you a message on the "Father's Love Letter" regarding this. I am praying for you!!!
  17. Oh Tkay, I just want to hug you. I SO know what you are going through and I can sympathize AND empathize with you because I raised a son by myself and the high school years are probably the most trying. At this point, you can't be her friend and you have to give the tough love out on a CONSISTENT basis. The moment you stop being consistent you have to start all back over again. She will hate you (on the surface), but you have to push through that. The one thing that I can identify with in regards to you daughter is this...I had a dad in my home, but he was emotionally UNavailable. He was always working and if I had an issue, he was never there as a father to help me. My mother was a bit distant because of her issues with my dad so I was alone to handle my own stuff. I know what it feels like to NOT have a fathers love and attention. I was just like your daughter, I went after older men...WAY MUCH older than I care to admit to, but when I looked back on that I realized I was looking for my father in other men. You have to entrust your daughter into the Lord's hand and let him take care of her. Trust me, it's the hardest thing to do in the beginning because the natural mind wants to take over, but how awesome is it to have a Heavenly Father on your team that goes everywhere she goes and sees everything she does? No natural father can do that...you have an advantage with the Lord. You may do what I did...I put my son on the altar about a million times until I finally left him there and guess what? I've been in peace ever since. My son has made some choices with body piercings and tattoos that I don't agree with since he's been away in college, but I don't say a word. I look to heaven and tell the Lord "Do you see what your son did? Handle it Lord!"...a few months later, my son decided to remove the piercings because he was trying to get a job. God is good Tkay! Hang in there and if you ever need anyone to vent to...I'm here because I've been there and done that... Much prayer going up for you...
  18. Christa...you have been on fire girl!!! Take that fire into court tomorrow and let your Heavenly Defender defend you!!! The favor of the Lord envelopes you!!!
  19. Thank you so much MANOFGOD17 for sharing this. I've been saddened in my heart lately because God has gotten a BAD WRAP and his love discounted...not from the world, but from his own children. This sounds so much more like the loving Heavenly Father that I serve...one who created us to be his own...The One longing to give us His best...The One who is interested in the little things of our lives...The One who watches very carefully as a strand of hair falls to the ground...The One who makes sure my heart continues to beat as we sleep during the night. THIS my friend is a breath of fresh air for me. Thank you Loving Heavenly Father for reminding us of you love towards us...YES!!! I AM Your Child!!!!
  20. Oh my sweet Lord!!!! Our prayer team has been really praying for the next generation. It feels so much bigger than our prayers, but that's what the devil wants us to believe so we will give up praying. I have been speaking to the next generation...speaking life...speaking salvation...speaking protection...speaking their God given purposes into existence. There is so much power inside of us. We contain the POWER of God...the SAME power that resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead. When we get that and understand that...when we believe that we are kings and priests and have the authority to speak and watch it manifest, we can and will change things in this world. The church has to WAKE UP!!!
  21. From my understanding about mold is there is a certain type of mold that causes physical problems. My cousin has mold in her bathroom due to poor circulation in there (no windows and a bad fan system) and she doesn't have any problems. She called the Department of Consumer Affairs and located a building inspector and he said that it wasn't toxic mold. I'm not sure, but I can only go by what he told her. You have to be careful. I do know that there is toxic mold and it can cause health problems. Don't allow your mind to play games with you either. The fact that your friend is concerned and told you to leave and now you are having pains in your body could just be your fear manifesting. You should call your local Deparment of Consumer Affairs or look them up online for your state and see if you can get some information. Your apartment supervisor may not want you to know that it is toxic mold so you have to bring someone on the outside to determine whether it is or not. I'll be praying for you.
  22. I wait and I'm quiet or go to the Word of God. Either way, He's faithful in answering.
  23. To say that God uses the very thing that He sent Jesus to conquer in order to chastise us, is wrong. Boy, it saddens my heart. I'm hearing more and more stories these days on how God is getting a bad wrap. He is such a loving Father and has sacrificed His precious Son for us so we may LIVE. It's the GOODNESS of the Lord that leads us to repentance...
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