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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I can be touched by what you are going through. When I first came to the Lord I was a part of a very large and mature church. I felt out of place. People used to get up and say what the Lord was telling them and I remember thinking "man, I want to know what it feels like to hear God's voice". I went and bought books just like you did. I prayed, cried and became frustrated because I couldn't hear him. I was a single mom of a small son at the time so I know what you mean about the rambunctious little one. It seemed like I couldn't get a quiet moment. One night I had a dream about an open Bible...the scripture was 1 Corinthians 2. I read it and read it and it really made sense to me, but I just didn't "get" why he was showing it to me. It didn't dawn on me that God was showing me that He wanted me to get into His Word. Once I understood that, I realized that the way He was going to train me to hear His voice was to speak to me through His Word. I began turning to scriptures and it was like they were speaking directly to me. The ones that seemed to pop off the page at you. God chose to speak to me in that fashion until I was able to hear him speak. I can't tell you when it happened, but one day I just began to hear His voice. I think the main point I'm trying to make is, God speaks to us in different ways...sometimes it's with the presence or absence of peace, sometimes it's through His word, sometimes its through someone else and then sometimes it's by hearing his voice. If you can't hear Him speak inside, then go to His Word and let Him speak to you there. I ended up becoming so used to him speaking to me in his scriptures that I find myself looking for that same thing now in my life, but it doesn't happen that way for me anymore. He's speaking to me directly now. Start in His word and then let Him take you from there. God is ALWAYS speaking, but you have to find the right frequency for you. Most likely, due to your schedule with children, the Word of God is the best thing for you now. I hope this helps...
  2. I have prayed that God's perfect will be done in this situation!!
  3. Cholette

    Prayer Needed

    I gottcha MB!!!! Let PEACE be your umpire (guide)...Col 3:15
  4. I owe you some scriptures...I will email you tomorrow with them, ok? Sorry...I forgot...I've been busy!
  5. Monique...you and your children are already anointed. It's all in the receiving of it and stepping out in what you KNOW that you have. I will pray that you will understand the power that is already inside of you and that you will tap into it.
  6. God will give you a settling in your heart...not necessarily a voice. In Col 3:15 it talks about peace being your guide. If you feel peace sitting in the service, it's God!!
  7. Personally, I wouldn't pay attention to which demnomination. Denominations is of man...Find a church that is teaching the uncompromised Word of God. Look for a church that is ALIVE and the ministry is thriving. You will know when you step into the place if it's for you or not. You may have to visit several churches and/or sit in a few for a couple of weeks to get a "feel' for it, but believe me, God will tell you if it's the church for you.
  8. MB...the ads seem to only be on the sign-on screen. I believe this site is a free site and when you belong to a free site, anything goes...which means, the creaters of the site get their money from whoever will pay them. It's sad, yet true...
  9. Praise God ManofGod17...you are on the right track. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!!!
  10. I stand in agreement with Connie's prayer and I would also like to pray for a complete and total healing in your body! God is able. You are the righteousness of God and any sickness and disease that is lingering in your body is trespassing the Temple of the Holy Spirit. You are already healed through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Know this, believe this and walk in this and watch your body line up to the Word of God in Jesus Name!!! So be it!
  11. Look what the Lord has done!!!!! Glory to God!!!!! COngratulations and welcome to the world Marie Joy!!
  12. Yes Hillobeans...those are the same three that work for me too and I'm tired of them...heheheehehe!
  13. Thank you Lurdys for the info. I was wondering if anyone cared that we didn't have any emoticons...LOL! I will be patient!!!
  14. You never have to ask God for favor, you already have it. You don't have to ask God to frustrate the plans of the enemy because that was done at the resurrection of Christ. You just have to walk in it. You just have to know that God has ALREADY given you the victory. Fear comes so that you won't have peace. When you get on the other side of this court hearing, you are going to look back and realize that you wasted precious time being fearful. If you are fearful, it's not of God. Satan brings fear so you can believe that He's bigger than God. Sadly, Christians have done this and what it says is that what Jesus did on the cross wasn't enough. I'm not going to pray for the court case because you've already won that, I'm praying for YOU to see your Heavenly Father as a loving Father...the One that loves you beyond what your mind can fathom. Be blessed
  15. A minister from back in my hay day told me this..."If you want to know what the Lord is doing for you, watch the devil". I didn't understand that until I became more mature in God (not that I'm mature). I realized that the devil only comes at you in the area where God is working on you the most. Since God has been confirming about your mate and all these honey lipped men are showing up...ummm...guess what? I'm just sayin... Tell the devil to leave you alone and continue forward in your walk. Also, don't be in condemnation over not reading. Some people are not readers. I have my seasons where I look at the Bible and just stare at the pages because it all looks like braille. Listen to CD's of the Word or listen to your Pastor's teaching tapes...just get the Word of God in you! It's okay girl...really it is!
  16. Amen Lurdys...I believe that too. I'm thinking about the 200 million that is coming your way and how I will have a little somethin somethin set to the side for being your BFF!!!
  17. I don't have notes or a study, but what I do know is that the resurrection power of God is on the inside of you and you have the power of death and life in your mouth. You need to speak to the mountain of distractions and command it to BACK OFF!!!! Distractions are harrassing spirits and they are subject to YOU because YOU have the power and the authority!!! SPEAK TO IT...COMMAND IT!!! Behold...God has given YOU THE POWER!!!!! Pray in your Heavenly language and pray the perfect will of God for YOUR life!!!!
  18. HAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPY BUUUUUUURRRRRRRFFFFFFDAAAAYYYY! Dreamy Bear!!!!! God has blessed you with another year and another day of life. This is the first day of the rest of your life so enjoy it. I asked God to SURPRISE YOU!!!! I asked God to restore what the cankerworm has stolen from you!! I asked God to give you the desires of your heart. BE IN EXPECTATION!!!! The Angels have been launched and are putting things in order. You are a BLESSED MAN OF GOD!!!!!!
  19. Ummm...it's your birthday in NZ, but not in America...PATIENCE MAN!!!!!
  20. Jeeeeeezus!!!!!!! Lord help our children...
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