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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. WHOA!!! One push...I wish I could have said that...JEEEZUS!!!! It was 19 years ago, but it's like yesterday!!!!
  3. I asked my two prayer partners if I could share these two testimonies here on the board because I really believe it will encourage those of you who are believing God for finances. Testimony #1 My friend J was two months behind on her rent. She has a daughter in college and two sons who live at home. She called my other friend and I to pray and come in agreement with her. She felt the Lord telling her to fast for a couple of days so she took off work and sought the Lord. After going to work on that Friday, she was sitting at her desk and she received a text from a friend of hers that told her she needed to talk to her and for her to come outside. J went outside and got in the car and her friend pulled out a huge wad of money. She told her that the Lord laid her on her heart and told her to give her this money. She didn't even know that J needed money, but God caused her to give. She said that even though she was giving her that amount, there was more to come because he told her to give her more. So that amount of money covered ONE month of rent so J continued to believe God. This past Sunday she goes to church and afterwards, one of the elders came to her and said that he needed to talk to her. She was a little perplexed and then thought that he was going to talk to her about her son. He told her to come to the back and he handed her a check for the amount that she needed for the second month...hallelujah!!!! She said that three months ago she asked her church for help with her rent, but they didn't have any funds left. They never forgot her and ended up writing the check once they had more funds. You KNOW it was God because NOW was the time she really needed it and He did. Testimony #2 My friend T (the other prayer partner)...works for the State of California. As all of you know, California claims they are broke so they have all of the workers taking Furlough Days (days without pay). The thing about it, the division she works for doesn't get paid by the state, but a private company so they should NOT have been furloughed. We prayed and warred against the devil and commanded the pay to be restored. Well, a month later, an email was sent to all of the employees stating that the union was going to sue the state for the money...we rejoiced with that, but we kept praying. Then the judge ruled in their favor, but the Governor appealed...we continued to pray. The judged ruled in their favor to receive back pay BUT I told T that the Bible says that when a theif is caught he has to return back seven-fold. We went back into prayer and ONE WEEK LATER, the judge made an additional ruling that said that each employee would receive back pay PLUS interest. People of God...you have to know that Greater is He that is in YOU than he that is in the world. God will move a million MOUNTAINS for you. He will make sure that your need is met REGARDLESS of what your landlord is saying...regardless what your employer is saying and Regardless what the highest official of your state says. Both of my friends are rejoicing in a FAITHFUL God today. Each one of their lives is a testiment of God moving in the 11th hour. We have to believe and trust him beyond what we can see. I have to add to Testimony #1. When J took her back rent in...her landlord told her that they were going to lower her rent to a point where she can afford it. PRAISE GOD!!! TRUST IN THE LORD...HE DOES NOT FAIL BECAUSE LOVE NEVER FAILS ... WHY? BECAUSE HE IS LOVE!!!!!
  4. Girl reeelaaaaax!!! It's YOUR place...the one that has been set aside for you. All that has happened since you found it is simply amazing. Relax and walk in, move in and enjoy your blessing. I was singing that same song a couple of days ago. It REALLY IS a new season and and new day...OUR LATTER WILL BE GREATER THAN THE REST!!!!
  5. GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin about. We are all warriors. We have to stand our ground...our rightful place and stop letting the devil trick us to thinking we don't have anything...WE ARE JOINT HEIRS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST!!! The devil knows that, how come we don't???? I'm proud of you V...speak to those dry bones so they can LIVE!!!!
  6. That's right V!!!! Put him in rememberance of what GOD said!!!!!
  7. Awww, two girls? May God continue to show Himself faithful to you and your family and that baby #2 turns into the correct position and prepare herself for her blessed arrival. May you have an "effortless" and quick delivery... I rejoice with you...babies are SO precious...
  8. Oh Andrew!!! I will definately be praying. I just got laid off of my job last week Friday. God is going to do something mighty...TRUST HIM!!!! Blessings to you!
  9. OMG!!!!! Lurdys!!!! I'm calling my prayer team right now...the devil is a liar!!!! I have no words right now...I'll be back after I make my call!
  10. Beautiful prayer Connie!!! LTWJ, they extended the tax credit for six months???? Girl, that sound like favor to me!!! Just roll with the wave girl...God has you covered. Don't worry about those small things. IF God has to let that homebuyers tax credit run out and allow another one to be created thats way better, then He will. He's God, remember? Congrats on the condo...the Lord is GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!
  11. I guess I'm not making myself too clear. I never said that pain is an "instrument"...Job went through one of the most painful times that I've read in the Bible however it worked for his good. Paul describes tremendous trials in the book of Acts, but it was for a greater good...and let's not forget Jesus himself. That's where I'm coming from. I'm not insinuating that God brings pain as "instruments" to teach us because Jesus came to give us life and the devil to kill, steal and destroy...I'm suggesting that God causes ALL things to work together for the good for our lives. [b]My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4[/b]
  12. I wasn't trying to offend you and if I did I'm sorry. I was only responding based on what you said which wasn't much...just a general statement. Had I known that it was something that was touching and close to your heart I would have responded differently however, I stick to what I said when I said "a soft word turns away wrath". What you don't know is I've been there and done that so I'm just not responding with an insensitive tone...I learned that it's not about others, it's ALWAYS about me and my perspective of things. We go through things, despite how painful they are, for us (to produce growth and preserverence) and not for anyone else. Once again, my apologies...I'm not one to offend, but that's just how you took it! Blessings to you.
  13. Years ago, my pastor told me that fear meant... F - false E - evidence A - appearing R - real The devil will blow up all type of things to cause you to not have a sound mind. I suggest you read on the love of God in 1 John 4. One of my favorite "fear" scriptures is...Perfect love casts out ALL fear. When you understand the love of God...the unconditional love that GOD has for you, it will drive the fear out of your life because then you will understand that he will NEVER allow anything to happen to you. See it from the eyes of a mom (because you are one). You would move heaven and high water to protect your child. God's love for us is immeasurable compared to ours, so how much more will He do for us? How do you deal with it? Renew your mind and when fear begins to come, quote the scriptures that you learn and the Word is living and power...sharper than any two edged sword...IT WILL FIGHT FEAR FOR YOU!!!!! be blessed!!
  14. Yes, your mother is completely right. You allowed "history" to change your attitude. I agree with TrueFlight, once again, you must humble yourself so God can get it in. Your reaction is what made things worse. Remember, it's a soft word that turns away wrath.
  15. WHOA!!!!!! Good word TrueFlight...I ditto EVERYTHING you said!!
  16. WOW Golden Eagle...I'm so sorry to hear that. I will keep them, your family and YOU lifted in prayer...
  17. I have two good friends...one lives in Kansas and one lives in Northern CA...we are on the phone every Sunday evening praying and decreeing and declaring over this nation. Sometimes the Biggness of the problem is intimidating but it comes to me every time that GREATER is HE that is in US then he that is in the world. It's the effectual and fervent prayers of the righteous that avails MUCH! Whew...I feel like going into prayer right now!!!
  18. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Prayer changes things and I'm in expectation to see the fruit of that worship and prayer service. Thank you Jesus! The crazy media doesn't want that out, but they dont' realize that its for THEIR benefit as well. To God be the Glory!!!!
  19. Thank you Jubilee...God is so gooooood!!!!!
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