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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I remember feeling that way a LONG time ago. The one thing I did realize was that I was being set apart. I didn't get it right away and I couldn't understand why "I" didn't have people around me like I was used to because I'm such a "social butterfly". Well, when God told me that I was being set apart it made me feel SO MUCH better and I started getting into His word and finding out what I was being built up for. Little did I know that he was taking me to another level in the choir. THAT was the season where he called me to the forefront and I became the praise leader. The other thing was, when He did that...the friends that I was so used to hanging around became jealous and didn't want to be around me anyway. God was protecting me. By the time their feelings became evident to me, I was over it and strong enough to move forward. The one thing I will tell you...you don't have to "work" for friendships...God will make sure the relationships you need will be there for you at the right time. If you are feeling left out...snuggle up in the lap of God and let him fill that place in your heart. I can 90% guarantee you that SOME of the friends you have now will NOT be your friends later...it just works out that way and ya gotta love God for loving us enough to handle things because afterall, He knows the heart of man.
  2. You should share (if you can) what the Lord showed you about stopping the enemy att he doors. I'm sure it could help a lot of people here.
  3. WOW...the devil is a LIAR!!! Praying for grandma!!
  4. Hi LTWJ! I will be praying for you. Is that the score your lender told you that you needed in order to qualify? I could be wrong, but I thought they were cracking down these days. We all know that God can do anything...but if you are going to trust him..why not trust him for a higher score...upper 700's and into the 800's?? God is good...he can help you do that.
  5. VERY WELL SAID!!!! WOW!!!!!! You write VERY well Lightbeam!!
  6. Cholette

    A loved one saved

    HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! The devil lost AGAIN!!!
  7. WOW MB!!! The prayer you prayed is awesome enough!!!! I stand in agreement with your prayer to the Lord. As I always say...God is Faithful to His children and everything that we could ever need is a finished work because of Jesus Christ. God NEVER sees our works in the matter because when He sees us, He sees Jesus...the ULTIMATE sacrifice!!! You are a blessed man of God!!
  8. I agree Blossom. Do you what you need to do...maybe there is a way for them to counsel you over the phone or give you materials to read. I know it's difficult with this ministry being in a different state.
  9. GLORY TO GOD!!!! God is faithful MB!!!!!! His love and faithfulness reigns FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Dreamy...God has your back...as usual. This is the perfect time for you to sit back and trust Him. Watch him move MIGHTILY in your life...in your finances. You are a GIVER and God sees all that you have sowed unselfishly. Keep you eyes on HIM and not the growing bills because it's HIS rich supply that takes care of those growing bills. You will have a testimony in the coming days...I know this!
  11. God has you covered by the blood of the lamb. Like I told you...I AM PRAYING FOR YOU GIRL!!!!
  12. I am praying God's perfect will in your life in THIS season...
  13. Hmmm...CB...like Dreamy said, so many people going through right now. There is an extreme attack against God's people right now. The only thing I can say is that you have to fight to stay in the Word of God because it's your lifeline. As much as I LOVE the Word of God...I've been struggling myself to stay in it. There is a fight to keep up out of the Word, but I made up my mind that no matter what, I am going to FIGHT so I can get ALL that God has for me. Be encouraged my sister...God is STILL in the midst. Rise up in the authority that God has given to you and look to the hills from whence cometh your help...Your HELP comes from the Lord!!! When you are focused on something outside of yourself, you feel better. I'm ALWAYS reminded of Peter...as long as he kept his eyes on the Lord, he was able to rise above the water. The moment he took his eyes off of the Lord, he began to sink. We are sinking in discouragement and despair because our eyes are NOT on the Lord. You are not praying wrong prayers...rest in your desires...don't worry whether they are of God or not. The Bibles says that when you delight yourself in the Lord...HE GIVES you the desires of your heart... I see that has he puts the desires there that need to be there. Why fight against that? If they are not going away, then maybe he wants them there. You may need to ask God to change your focus. I usually step out and start ministering to other people...that DEFINATELY takes the focus off of self. I will be praying for you!!!
  14. MB...give us the good report on the audit. It should be done by now...right?
  15. Amen!!!! God used His creation to speak to His creation! That will preach me happy!!
  16. I must share this with all of you. This morning I sort of woke up a little meloncholy...not sure why, but I did. I was dragging around getting myself ready for work and when I finally got in my car and headed for work, I asked the Lord to touch me and to remove whatever this thing was that was weighing on me. All of a sudden I looked up into the overcast sky and there was this interesting and unusual hole in the clouds that had sun rays beaming through it...it was as if his glory was shining through my inner man (the overcast sky represented how I felt inwardly). Immediately the heaviness that I was feeling lifted. You GOTTA love the way God does a thing! Who couldn't serve such a precious and wonderful Savior such as Him? Tell me WHO??????????? LORD, I just want to say thank you for reaching down and lifting me out of the mirey clay. Only you can do that and I just want to say THANK YOU...what I Mighty God You ARE!!! :PTL:
  17. i ve since been praying that the Lord would actually become the Lord of my life. He has been helping me a little at a time. Blossom, I'm so proud of YOU!!!
  18. MB...my prayer is that you hear God in this hour and that all fear ceases in the name of Jesus. The Lord promises that when we call upon His name he will answer and tell you GREAT things that you know not of...Jer 33:3. Just know that Jesus has already conquered, overcome and won this battle. See this situation in its conquered state. When you go to THAT place, God can speak to a heart that is at ease and at peace. May the PEACE of God be your UMPIRE...(Col 3:15 - AMP)
  19. Why are you battling? The battle doesn't belong to you...just trust HIM to handle it while you work on your relationship with Him. Doing it THAT way works out best and relieves you from stress and struggle.
  20. Mark Saint Gunn!!!! Let the Church say AMEN!!!
  21. Go ahead God and take your bow...you are WORTHY to be praised!!!!!! GLOOOOORY!
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