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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. How fun...are you going to stay on Paradise Island? I was there a few years ago and it is so beautiful. My friends and I stayed in a condo on the beach and it was simply breathtaking. Have a wonderful time!
  2. I will pray as well however we can only pray God's perfect will in this situation. God will never override man's will so if your grandmother is ready to go, no one can stop it. I will pray for the family to come to terms with whatever decision she has made. God will never override the will of anyone. I know all too well what that feels like. My family and I have prayed for different family members, but once they make a decision to go, then they go. Blessings to you and your family.
  3. Praise God Mark!!! Your testimony is proof that we already have the answer within us.
  4. Ummm...Your request is VERY important Mark!!! I, too, am praying for God to reveal HIS will to you. Release it into His hand and know that He will work it for His glory...which sometimes means that things may become uncomfortable, but in the end you win!!!!
  5. You must to realize when you received the promise from the Lord and cherised in your heart You do not need to hear another Prophecy about the same issue That will be doubting the word of the Lord. PREACH MB!!!!
  6. Virtuous...I told you I need to come to "Bama" so we can do lunch...I wasn't playin!! I already know that we are connected spiritually...I ALREADY KNOW THAT!!!!
  7. LTWJ...you are the only one that will know if it was of God or not. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it right now...give it over to the Lord and He will confirm your feelings and/or the prophecy. The only thing I was reiterating was that your Pastor was correct when she said that prophecy isn't always for now. I know for myself that I've paid too close attention to the "tense" of what the prophet was speaking in and was expecting my thing to come to pass immediately and in many cases, I'm still waiting. I can literally see how things are lining up for the manifestation however I know that at the time of receiving the Word, my maturity level wasn't where it should be to receive the promise. Many times what I do is ask God for a scripture to line up with the Word...each time I've asked, He did just that. Let me say this about your helpmate. I have friends right now that have prophesied that the man that I "thought" was my husband isn't, but the man that I saw was a "type and symbol" of the one that God was going to send to me. I heard what they said, but I also heard what GOD SAID. I had to battle through some thoughts there for a minute, but one day God told me..."become secure in what "I" say and when the "naysayers" come and discredit, it won't sway you". NO ONE can come to me and tell me that my man isn't my man...NO ONE!! As far fetched as it seems to me naturally that I would be marrying this man of wealth and prestige, I BELIEVE GOD!! No prophet, no minister, no pastor, no demon and no devil can tell me otherwise. It's all good babygirl...it's all good!!! God has this...release it and continue to believe God...He is ULTIMATELY the ONLY one with your time and your life in his hand. I bind the spirit of discouragement, confusion and fear from you in the name of Jesus Christ...every word that is NOT of God may it fall to the ground and NOT bear fruit...
  8. Chiiiiilllld...I had to look up Doppelganger to see what the heck that meant... :roflx: Who would have known it was a German word... Now I'm on the same page with ya!!! Go girl...with your extended vocabulary...
  9. It's interesting that you post this because just this morning I was spending time with the Lord and I was reading in Romans 5. A scripture in there opened up to me and I realized that each of us have a "life package"...which means our life has already been mapped out. God won't do anything more or anything less with our lives. The only thing WE need to do is to RECEIVE what Jesus purchased for us with His blood and RELAX and allow it to happen. This turned the light bulb on for me because I believe that I am supposed to be walking in WAY more than what I'm walking in right now, but because I take the reins over from time to time in my life, it has delayed some of the the things that my "life package" had for me in this time in my life. When we relax, and trust that WHATEVER or WHOEVER God has for us will happen when HE'S ready, then I believe we will be at peace no matter WHO speaks into our life. I remember receiving a word from a prophet Years ago. He said that God was going to lift me out of the debt that I was in. I admired and respected this prophet as a TRUE man of God, but I was not in debt. I walked away thinking that I had a false word and, in my opinion at the time, it was a waste of prophecy. Well, I'm here to tell you...14 years later...God spoke to me and said THIS was the season that He was going to lift me out of debt (I have a lot of it). That's when he brought that prophecy back to my rememberance. I agree with your Pastor...not all prophecies are for now...the man that he was speaking about to you may not even be the man God told you was your helpmate...it could be someone TOTALLY different. We only know in part and when we simply place the prophetic words on "the shelf", God will begin to unfold. I believe you assumed it was your helpmate because that's where you are right now, but I also believe in imposters...individuals that the enemy will sometimes send to throw us off track. I've seen it happen with several of my friends over and over and THEN the real one shows up. Don't discount the word...it may not be for now...it could be a glimpse into something in the future. I do agree with Lightbeam...not every prophet can get it right everytime because we don't know where they are in their heart...only God does. I've ran into some who I KNEW were way off base and God has taken those words they spoke right out of my memory bank. Remain in prayer and let God's "life package" unfold naturally because whatever he has for you is a finished work anyway...it can't be changed...only delayed if we don't believe. No prophet can prophesy anything into your life outside of God's Will...God's Plan Prevails. Blessings to you sis!!!
  10. I dont' see where anyone even agreed...it's all love here, as well as encouragement! WE LOVE YOU TEMI!!!!!!
  11. Dreamz, you are SUCH drama starter :slapfight: :roflx:
  12. Princessdelia...you don't NEED uncommon favor...YOU ALREADY HAVE IT!!! Just trust that fact and watch God move on your behalf!!!!! Seek God for HIS wisdom and He will give it to you. I will tell you a little story that just comes to my mind. WHen I was a young Christian, I owed one of the banks at that time some money. I tried to go and pay them, but they said I needed my account number because it wasn't coming up in their system with just my name. I prayed and prayed and prayed and nothing happened. I heard a message on favor and how it was inside of me because of Jesus. I focused on that and then I changed the way I prayed. I asked God for wisdom FROM the place of favor. I didn't ask for it...I went to him KNOWING I had His favor and guess what? The next day I was writing in my journal and the phone rung. I used to "doodle" while I talked on the phone. As I was doodling I wrote out these set of number "unconsciously". When I got off of the phone, I heard the Holy SPirit say "look down". I had written out a set of numbers. I ran to the bank and YES...it was my account number. This is the honest to God true story. Pray FROM the place of favor and WATCH GOD!!!!
  13. Praise the Lord. We serve a God that KNEW we needed a Savior so he allowed him to be beaten, bruised and whipped so that we don't have to go through sicknesses and diseases. Every BIT of Mia's healing and deliverance has already been purchased through Jesus Christ and we stand on that and expect, anticipate and rejoice in advance for the manifested victory that she will be walking in. No devil in HELL can stop it because they had nothing to do with the purchase in the first place. Thank you JESUS!!
  14. Praise the Lord!!!!!
  15. I used to feel that way because I hate the feeling of failing God. I have realized over the years THAT is condemnation. When I recognized that God doesn't condemn me for my sins and that all that I have committed and will commit in the future has been paid for by Jesus Christ, I go to God differently. It's no longer "bad child going to the big bad God"...it's "imperfect child going to a loving God". The key here is to understand how much God REALLY loves you. Romans 8 says that NOTHING can separate you from the love of God...this includes sin. We separate ourselves from him because of sin, but God doesn't change or move...he's in the same spot...it's us that move...hmmmm! We have to understand that God is ALL KNOWING. He knows when, where and why we fail, but He still called us before the foundation of this world was created. That says A LOT about his love for us. He could have said "never mind because he/she is going to not trust me or do this or that sin"...no, he called us anyway. PRAISE THE LORD!!! We need to be like Peter when he walked on the water...keep our eyes on Jesus. When his eyes was on him, he walked on top of the water (his issues, his failures, etc). When he took his eyes off of him, thos same situation began to overcome him. Faith is simply keeping your eyes on the Lord no matter what is going on around you. Jesus is OUR FAITH...when we recognize that and understand that the only thing we really need to do is focus on Him and all that he represents to us, we willl be okay...no matter what the circumstances say. Sorry...there is a preach down inside of me this morning. This was meant to be a short response...hehehe...thank you Lord...You know me!!!
  16. I see it as this...imagine yourself walking down a sidewalk and you are carrying a load of groceries. Your hands are tired...your arms are aching and you are huffing and puffing. Someone comes along and says that they can help you by taking those bags and carrying them for you. You give them a few, but they say, I can take them all so you can rest your hands, arms and catch your breath. Casting your cares is more about handing over something that you were not designed to carry than confessing something. Does this make sense?
  17. Christa...God has the reigns, you just won't let him lead you. I believe you know what to do, but you are not sold on the fact that you really want to do it. I think everyone has said what needed to be said about this situation so now it's up to you to make your decision. You have described him as a violent and unstable man. Your "feelings" have nothing to do with it when you are dealing with this type of person. Your daughter's WELL BEING is the most important here because you said that she's only 1 years old. She does not recognize the state that her father is in, but you do. It's for the best interest of the child...not the crying man...in my opinion. I dont' want you to think that I'm being judgemental because I'm not. I've been a "No nonsense" person all of my life and much of what I say sometimes sounds harsh, but it's honestly out of love, care and concern. I just want you to NOT see this from the emotional perspective because that's what gets women in your situation hurt. Entertaining ANYTHING that he has to say right now is not wise because you are thinking emotionally. Be blessed my sister and know that I love you with the love of the Lord no matter what your decision is...my prayer is that you make the right decision for your daughter.
  18. Christa...please receive this with the upmost love and respect. I understand your concern, however you are making this a little harder than what it should be. I guess it may be because you are battling with "caving in" as you said in the beginning of your post. You should ask someone you know to give him his keys...you should NOT do that yourself. Do not pay any attention to the friends because it really isn't any of their business. I wouldn't discuss anything with them AT ALL. If you go to the house and get your stuff do NOT go alone. You said you were staying with your parents so maybe they can go with you to get your things. You should not be anywhere near your husband AT ALL...there is no need for it. I'm praying that God will strengthen you and give you a BOLDNESS because in this situation you need it. You took the first step...which was an important one...and that was to leave him. Now that you are gone, stay gone...stay away from him and his "peeps"...get the restraining order ASAP so that if he attempts to come near you, he can be locked up. Once again...do NOT entertain the words that his enabling friends are giving you...they are in the same boat as he is and they all need help. I'm praying for you and your daughter.
  19. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Amen ladies!! It's really sad to read some of the drama here. We have to learn not to be so sensitive about everything. There are people here who are learning to interpret and from time to time will miss it...even those who do interpret well miss it as well. It is a spirit of division that is running rapid...not just this site, but in the body of Christ. Everyone is on edge for some reason and it's sad to see. We are so willing to believe the worst of people instead of the best. If something is said that you don't agree with, we need to be gentle and kind, instead of grouchy and touchy. We post our dreams because evidently there is something that we don't understand so we need to be OPEN to what the spirit of God COULD BE saying that may not always make you feel good. My prayers are for EVERYONE on this site. The rules say for us to treat each other with brotherly love and not be so easily offended...that is a character flaw that only the Holy Spirit can fix. LET'S KEEP THE LOVE FLOWING!!!!!!! :cute: :cute: :cute:
  21. I windered what happened to you. You miss the ones that are regulars around here. I'm so thankful that God showed you the favor that is already on your life. I'm also happy that you were not injured because those behind the car hits are sometimes painful. God bless you and welcome back MBSTUDENT!!!!
  22. All that Lurdys just said, I was going to say. Sadly, when you said he was going into the program I knew he wouldn't stay. He didn't seem to me that he was ready. He has some deep rooted issues and until he deals with that, it will be hard for him to have sobriety...he has to want it...you can't want it for him. It's time for you to step away and let his own process begin. Some people have to reach a low before they wake up. He's in no conditon to be with your daughter. No court, from what I've seen, will agree to a unsupervised visit...especially KNOWING that he left a program to get his life together after a day or so. If he really wants to see his daughter, he will get his life together. I would say NOT to worry about his friends being a negative influence on him regarding the divorce...that's giving them TOO much power in the situation. Your prayer should be that God makes this a smooth transition for you. You need some courage not to compromise because that's what you have been doing. It doesn't matter how much he threatens or cusses you out, stand your ground...stay with the plan that GOD give you and you won't go wrong. Right now, he knows he can control you so that's why he can call you and treat you any kind of way. No one can have control over you unless you give them that control. Your daughter's view of men is at stake here. You need to stay away and be around positivity for HER sake. It's not about your love for him (the one you married, not the person he is now)...it's now about keeping your own sanity and to protect your daugher from developing a thwarted perception of how a man should treat her. Our children learn from us and it's our duty to make sure that they SEE an example. They learn by what the see, not by what we tell them. I'm praying for you...seek God for a plan and put it into action because HIS WAYS are good and He will lead you the right way because He loves you. There is nothing wrong with you...none of this is your fault...you just ended up with someone that didn't make the correct choices. It's your turn to make a GOOD choice...not just for you, but for your daughter. Be blessed!!!!
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