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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Also...I heard the word "Witchcraft"...girl, GET IT OUT in JESUS NAME!
  2. Hi Reepromotions!! Yep...there are oppressing spirits in your home. I've been there and done that, but they have to go. Get you some holy oil and if you have a prayer language, PRAY!!!! They can't harm you...they are just trying to raise up, but they have to do when you put the blood of Jesus. Do you live alone? You have to anoint the windows and door posts and ask the Lord where the "open door" is that allowed them entry into your home. They HAVE TO GO!! A month or so I had the same thing. The only thing, they didn't start coming out until I started praying and warring. Prior to that, I was always tired in my house. I could go anywhere and not be tired, but as soon as I got home, I didn't feel like doing anything and I slept A LOT! The Lord revealed to me that it was the spirit of oppression and I became UPSET that it thought it could come in on my territory. I walked my floor, in and out of each room and warred my behind off. I started hearing things in the walls and seeing those same shadows you saw. That made me go more indepth because I knew they were on the run. All of sudden I had some physical reactions...like I wanted to vomit...I coughed and coughed, but I kept praying NO MATTER WHAT. That whole episode took all of 15-20 minutes and my home is now free of that spirit and any other. The power is in you to get rid of them. They are more afraid of you than you should be of them. Rise up and get them out! Whew!!! Girl...I fired up now... :slapfight: I hope this helps because I just went on and on and on...
  3. Yes, you make sense. I think there may be some things that you just can't explain because there could be a plethora of reasons why God has allowed him to stay in your life. It could be that he's a connection to something that God wants to do in your life or vice versa. I have that issue, but for different reasons. I have ex's showing up and wanting to get in contact with me, but it's their own guilt and I'm just not interested because I've moved on. There isn't anything like what you are describing with yours. Have you prayed and asked God why? He will tell you. It's always good to know the purpose of a thing or a situation so you can treat it accordingly.
  4. I feel you LTWJ...it happens, but the best thing about these moments is that they pass. You KNOW what God promised you so when you REST in that there is hope. CONTINUE to focus on getting yourself ready internally so when he comes, things will be well. Marriage isn't easy by any measure...I keep hearing that from all of my married Christian friends. There is a dynamic to it that we single people can't comprehend and I'm preparing myself in prayer for those times. I was reading last night in 1 Cor about how important it is to be in the unmarried state because we have the opportunity to give God our all. It's a "calling" to be unmarried and I can appreciate that. I started to feel proud to be chosen to live this season in my life as an unmarried woman of God. My words may not lift your tiredness, but know that I am praying for you and all of those who are here on this site desiring to be married. Remember that God loves us WAY TOO MUCH to send a "half baked man" in our direction. We just need to put on patience so He can finish "baking" our husbands....we've waited too long for him to come "incomplete and gooey inside"... Here's a scripture that came to my mind while typing this... "For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise" (Hebrews 10:36) Blessings my sista!
  5. AWESOME!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I KNEW God would come through for you!!!!! Not only did he come through for you and minister and touch lives through you...promotion came with it. HALLELUJAH!!!! :PTL:
  6. By the way...cute avatar Desi!!! That pic makes me want another baby! The child looks just like my son did at that age...18 years ago.
  7. HOLLLAAAAA!! Congrats girl!! God takes care of his own EVEN IN the famine!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!
  8. I've heard the same thing from my former Pastor too Virtuous!! Okay, so since the beginning of this topic on knowing your husband/wife beforehand...I've been listening out for the Holy Spirit to confirm some things to me regarding this topic because there are SO MANY naysayers that have been in my life when I first told family and friends WAY BACK when I first started dreaming of mine. I was like a "Joseph"...I told everybody and was persecuted to no end. Virtuous recommended a book to me a while ago called "Women: God's Secret Weapon" and this morning the Holy Spirit reminded me of one of the chapters in the book where the author mentioned how he met his wife. He had seen her in a group picture and the moment he saw her, the Holy Spirit said to him that she was going to be his wife. Now, I forgot all of the particulars of how they hooked up, but the one thing I remembered was that he went to his pastor's house on a "spontaneous" visit and she was there. The awesome thing to this story was around the SAME TIME he saw her picture, she saw a picture of his youth group and the Lord spoke to her and said "the tall guy is the one I have for you". It took them awhile to get married because they were young, but they have been married for awhile now with four grown daughters. This is a beautiful example of God speaking to BOTH people regarding the other. In my case, I know who he is because he is a public figure who "use to be" well, well, well known. He has pretty much fell off of the radar, but I still see him around in the media from time to time. It will be interesting to find out if God showed me to him in some way. I'm no public figure by no means, but maybe in a dream or a vision. Just thought I would share. If I am shown or reminded of anything else, ya'll know I'm coming back here...
  9. People who make up stuff like this need to stop...how sad! It's okay Butterfly...you didn't know...it's all good!
  10. This is so beautiful!! I am glad everything worked out well for you LTWJ..God is good!! I'm glad you stayed and didn't run from all of this. I've seen it happen to often...people running and end up in a different place only to find themselves back facing the same situation with a different person. Pass this test Woman of God and WATCH GOD!!!! Hillobeans...you are a jewel!!!!
  11. WOW!!! How beautiful is THIS story??? Thank you Jesus!!!!! :PTL:
  12. Well thank you Desi...so much! The only thing is...even though I love being in my 40's and I feel the best I've ever felt before, I just wanted you to know that I'm 42 not 43...at least not until another 7 months or so... Since we are on this topic, I wanted to share a really niiiiiice story that I heard from one of our church members last night. I noticed a glow about him. I joked with him and asked him was he pregnant or something...hehehe. He told me that he was getting married...I was shocked because I never saw him with anyone and he is a pretty reserved type of guy. We sat down and he shared with me the beautiful testimony. He said that after his divorce 6 years ago, which included a horrifying custody battle, he decided he never wanted to be married again. Back in December, he had to go to the east coast for a meeting and he told himself that he was going to go and visit his sister and bro-in-law. The night before, he was praying for them and the Lord spoke to his heart and said that he wanted him to tell his sister to take him to the neighbors house. He was shocked, but since he is heavily into evangelism, he felt it was to pray or lead someone to Christ. When he went to his sister's house the next day, he asked his sister to take him over there. She was shocked because it didn't make since to her. She took him over there and he said the most beautiful woman answered the door. He froze...he couldn't get two words out of his mouth. He figured that it wasn't her that he was there for so he finally said "is the man of the house home?" She told him the only man of the house was her three year old son. He quickly said okay and left. He goes back to his hotel and begins praying and praying asking God what was he doing and if he missed him. God said "you are the man at the door"...of course he didn't know what that meant so he went back the next day and apologized to young lady and said that the Lord had asked him to come to her door and he didn't understand why, but if she needed prayer for anything he would pray. Instead of prayer, they finally switched phone numbers and to make a LONG story short...he had to leave out early the next morning, but they stayed on the phone all night until it was time for him to leave for the airport. He said that she told him that God spoke to her heart a year ago and said, "I am sending your husband to your front door"...that is all God told her. She is much like me because she analyzed it and didn't think it was literal, but it was. Once she told him that, he understood what God meant when he said "you are the man at the door". He said after seeing her at the front door, he knew in his heart that she would be his wife, but when they spoke on the phone and everything lined up...oh my!!!!! They met in December and he flew out there in February to ask her for her hand in marriage. I used to think that you had to date someone for awhile to make it official and to see if they were the right person, but I think that I'm wrong on that. If God confirms this blatently that someone is your mate, why do you need to date for an extensive amount of time? I understand that you have to get to know that person, but does it take that long? They are going through the proper steps of premarital counseling, which at my church is pretty extensive. I think this story is SO GOD!! This is how he puts people together in this season...supernatural and quick. I just thought I would share with all of you...I thought this was a GREAT STORY!!
  13. Oh my goodness Virtuous!!! We are so much alike!!! I won't even go into it, but we are SO MUCH ALIKE!!!!!!!!!!! :zipit:
  14. Father in the Name of Jesus I thank you for Believer and I that you that he/she has a desire for a deeper and more intimate experience and relationship with you. In your word you say that if we draw nigh to you, You will draw nigh to us. I thank you right now that you would allow Believer's heart to be receptive to your drawings to come into your presence. I thank you that as he/she gets into your word you wil begin to open the scriptures up in supernatural ways. We give you the glory Lord because you desire this for Believe even more they he/she desires so we thank you in advance in your sons POWERFUL name...JESUS...amen!!!
  15. Remember...she can't take away anything that God gave to you. NO MAN can do that!!
  16. Yes Virtuous...I ran the other way. When your dreams meet your reality, it is a trip. My friend was calling me crazy all the way home. She kept saying that I messed everything up and I may have missed God because I ran, but I don't believe that. I believe whenever it happens it will happen and things will go smoothly. I think the fact that I saw him, and I got that close to him was God's way of saying "I got you girl...it's going to happen". You have to know that he is well known in my area...a public figure. So the chances of me being in the same place as him was ONLY God!! I'm sort of happy I know because I'm 42 years old...I've never been married...it's time out for dating and going around figuring stuff out. If I was in my 20's or early 30's then that wouldn't be a problem, but I've crossed that "freedom" threshold and mama don't have time to weed through the crowd tryin to find out who's right and who's not. I agree with you Virtuous...me knowing and once he shows up...IT'S A WRAP!!!! :roflx:
  17. Okay...Amen...Just trying to encourage you!!!
  18. By the way Vile...don't give up on "the man" or the idea that you know about him. You don't have to be waiting on pins and needles, but please don't give up because it's for a purpose that you know. We really don't know why we were chosen to know, but we gotta know it's for a purpose, right?
  19. Yes...he knows who I am. It's been confirmed through several prophets over the years. I even had a lady...come up to me (which is one of the reasons why I started back believing) say to me that I let go of a dream, but I needed to pick it back up again because he's on the way and he will know you when he sees you. The strange thing about it is I saw him from a distance at a gospel concert and we locked eyes. I think I was so stunned I ran the other way. Not sure what his reaction was, but LORD HAMMERCY that was a trip!!! :blushing:
  20. Thank you Lightbeam...no one knows that I'm believing God for property too except for God so I thank you for your prayer.
  21. Great Question Virtuous!! Being one who knows who her husband is I have asked the Lord this question a lot over the years and have not received a question to WHY. I let go of the possibility of meeting this "dream man" for about six years because I never met anyone who knew who their husbands or wives were beforehand until I came to this site. None of my friends know or knew who their husbands were, but I did. It seemed strange to me and then to top it off, I was hearing different ministers saying that God is NOT into "arrange" marriages. I heard that so much that I just stopped believing and got into "wait" mode for whoever was going to come my way. One day I was led to Genesis and began reading about how God created Eve from Adams rib. God went some place and built her in private and brought her to Adam and then he said "bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh". My eyes bugged out of my head because that to me is God creating someone especially for him. I know your question is "Why does he reveal to some and not to others" and the only thing I could ever come up with is that it's his sovereign will. There are plenty of people who never knew beforehand, but will tell you in a heartbeat that they were made for each other. Maybe Daphanie could shed some light on this because she is the ONLY one I ever met that dreamed, met and married her dream man. I'm interested in what others have to say on this. Blessings
  22. Good Dreamz...I was supposed to mention a ladies meeting and prayer group and forgot...we are starting to think alike man...yikes...that could be scary...for me!! :roflx:
  23. Lord we thank you for wisdom...you said that if any of us need wisdom the only thing we need to do is ask. Lord I thank you for my sister in Christ who desires to invest in homes and lands. You said that the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof so we thank you that every place her feet tred is blessed. I thank you that even those places or deals that look bad that the favor that is on her life will turn everything around. Bless her beyond her comprehension and help her to remember to give you all of the glory and honor...in Jesus name AMEN!!
  24. Praise God!!!! I am in tears right now because right now I just realized why I went through that season. It wasn't about me, it was about all of you and others who would be able to be encouraged. I couldn't figure out why I went through all of that drama in a church...now I do. Praise God for being who He is in ALL of our lives. I'm deeply touched...
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