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Everything posted by Cholette

  2. I think she was "bumping" the post to the top so others can see...I think?
  3. Hmmm...this is interesting. Did you feel that it had something to do with here on this soil (assuming you are on American soil)??
  4. I will say this to you because I've been there too. I was under TREMENDOUS warfare a couple of weeks ago and I was so heavy. The only thing I could get out of my mouth was "Lord encourage me". By midday, I was feeling lighter inwardly and the Lord gave me a desire to pray. Most of my praying was tears and groanings, but I know he heard and understood because things are different for me. I'm not saying that my circumstances have changed...because they haven't, but I'm encouraged and I am willing to wait it out until God blesses.
  5. Renewed... I am praying for you, your son and his family. This a rough time for your family and my prayer is that you cling to God like never before and allow Him to take you through this. I REALLY understand what you are going through and all I can say is to pray like you have never prayed before and watch how the Lord calms your heart and changes your perception of the storm you are experiencing. Please keep me posted...I'm excited to see how God turns this thing around for all of you!!!
  6. Butterfly...as I have stated...I choose to believe in the protection and love that God has for his people and will not give into anything outside of that. As I have also stated, I have my opinion and I am sticking to that. I am not saying that these things will not happen, I just choose to believe that as we continue to focus on the Lord and His word, we don't have to give into the fear that sometimes these types of conversations birth. Blessings to you my friend...I choose to stay away from arguments that at some point will turn into something that does not edify. Continue in your passion
  7. With the upmost respect and love... I'm trying to figure out why Christians continue to have conversations like this. If we TRUST GOD, why do we question if HE put this person or that person in charge? The Bible clearly states that we are not supposed to put our confidence in man and to not lean on the arms of flesh. It doesn't really matter who's in office, our focus should be on God. These are the types of conversations that should not be among us. In Psalms it clearly states that is it is GOD who promotes...there is no gray area to that. Nothing against you Butterfly because you know I admire you and all that you contribute to these boards and believe me, I hear your heart in your question...I just think as Christians we get way too involved in the things of this world. This country is in a recession, but as Christians we are asked to keep our eyes towards the hills from whence cometh our help (Psalm 121) and we should continue to do so and not worry about if our president or any of the people he elects believe what we as Christians believe. We need to turn the blame (if any) to the church because it has hidden it's light. It's sad, but we are beginning to look like the world. People in the church are having abortions...people in the church believe in gay marriage, so why should we expect a president or anyone else to believe otherwise? Yes, we as Christians should all check ourselves, but in the meantime, we need to focus on the Lord during this time because our time here on this earth is short and we must stay away from trying to figure things out since this world CANNOT and WILL NOT get any better. The word promises that this world will WAX COLD!!!! So we need to rejoice...we are right on target to witness the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ no matter who is in office. It's amazing to me that we are questioning our leadership since there is a changing of guards and not once questioned the fact for the past eight years we had someone in office who professed to be a Christian as well, but has recently been labled as one of the worst presidents in a long time. I had high hopes for McCain and Palin who also professed to be Christians, but had the nastiest "lashing of the tongues" campaign I have seen in a long time. What are we saying right now? Are we sour because we feel that the right wing still represents Christ? I'm sorry, but I haven't seen not in the past eight years and not in the presidential campaign. I personally don't think God is judging America...I believe we America is seeing death due to the wages of sin...I believe America is reaping what it is sowing. If it sows greed, it will reap destruction. I still believe in the love of God and I PERSONALLY believe that the same God that spared Sodom and Gomorrah from destruction until the righteous left the city is the same God that will spare Amercia until the righteous are removed. Many people disagree with me and that's fine, but that is my personal opinion on this matter. Blessings to you and PLEASE don't take offense...I just needed to say this to bring another side to this topic...I have tried to stay away from the political side to this board, but this time I felt the need to say something. My tone in this message is in love and once again it is MY OPINION.
  8. Iamfree... We are redeemed from the curse of the law (Gal 3:13). There are no longer curses for God's people AT ALL!!!! If we say that we are cursed, then we are saying that Christ wasn't enough. I do believe that tithing is important for us a body of believers to do under Abraham's covenant. There are benefits to tithing, but there are no curses if you don't. I'm sure that many will try to argue this point, but I'm set and sold on this and my life has tested and tried this. God doesn't curse what he has sent Jesus to bless. Jesus took it all on for us...that's what Grace is. Hope this helps!!!!
  9. All I can say is WOW about God!!!!!!!! He knows our hearts and blesses us accordingly. He knows that we are NOT always 100% in faith, but because of HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for us, He blesses us anyway. I am in awe of the way God came through for you. It just makes you ask yourself, "What do people do without Him?" Oh sweet Jesus...we bless your HOLY Name!!!!!! :PTL:
  10. Oh Dreamster!!!!!!!!! I'm praying for ya. Glad things are getting better for you and you were able to get out an about. By all means...get it checked out. In the mean time...know that God has ALREADY healed you!!!!!
  11. I've been praying for you Mia because I had not seen you around this past week. My former Pastor used to tell me all the time "Where there is much opposition there is much purpose". The enemy never does ANYTHING in vain. Just know that God is doing HUGE things in your life and THAT'S what the enemy is after, but he's defeated already in Jesus Name!!!! Keep your head up to the hills because that's where you help comes from...your help comes from the Lord!!! (Psalm 121) Blessings and prayers for you!!!!!!
  12. Jeanie...every stripe Jesus bore while hanging on the cross was for you. See it, believe it and receive it. It is your inheritence to walk whole and healed. It's amazing at the attack that the enemy has on your life due to the amazing visions the Lord gives to you, but no weapon that is formed against you will prosper. His attacks are powerless and you have to see them as powerless and rise up and praise the Lord Jesus Christ that you are already healed. Have you taken communion lately? Eat the bread and envision that the body of Christ was beaten and torn for your healing...drink the blood knowing that all of your sins are forgivin and there is NOW no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. God is faithful...since he says you are already healed then YOU ARE ALREADY HEALED!!!! To God be the glory!!!! Love ya girl!
  13. Amen Butterfly!!! I am praying for these things. I am sensing a shift that is taking place and that which looks bad, is really going to work out for the good!!! I believe MANY will come to know Jesus in this hour. It's sad that it has to come through a crisis, but "sometimes" that's the only way to get people's attention. I praise God for your compassionate heart and may God answer the petitions you have before him just because you have placed the concerns of others at His feet. Blessings!
  14. He's healed already!!! I don't care what the symptoms say...He is healed and will live and declare the glory of God!!! God brought him here for a purpose and the enemy WILL NOT take him out. I believe with ALL my heart that he will surprise many and GREAT will be HIS PEACE and undisturbed composure!!!!! Lord I thank and praise your holy name for all that you have done in Devin's body because every stripe that you endured represented his healing and we stand in THAT promise. It is not your will for this baby to go through all that he is going through so I know, based on your finished work, that Devin is whole, healed and symptom free. We anticipate a miracle because YOU are a miracle working God!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!! SO BE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Instead of a book, why not try the dream worksheet that is on the main website? I'm noticing that it isn't that easy to recommend books on dreams anymore because everyone has their own interpretation of how things should be. Mia recommended the dream worksheet to me on one of my dreams that I couldn't figure out and it worked wonders WITHOUT understanding what the symbols meant. Now, for the most part, that's what I use. This is just a suggestion...if you still desire a book recommendation than hopefully someone can share a good one with you. Blessings!
  16. Thanks for the encouragement. Just the other night I was going through all of my dream journals and do you know that I came across only ONE dream that has come to pass since the early 1990's? Oy Veh!!!! :banghead: BUT I will wait my turn...I will WAIT on the Lord...I will BE STILL and KNOW and UNDERSTAND that HE is God. Thanks for sharing and I REJOICE with you!!!
  17. Thanks Daph...or should I say Miss "Coordinator/Senior Moderator"...Congrats on the promotion!!!!
  18. I have been there as well and I have found that when you don't know what to do...DO NOTHING!! God will always lead and direct you some how and some way. I've also realized that when those times come when it seems he's not saying anything, there was something he told me to do that I haven't done yet. Go back to see if there were some last set of instructions that you haven't move in yet. Sometimes it's an instruction that requires some courage or that you don't agree with...If not, be still and KNOW that HE is God!!! He is faithful and will never leave you hanging!!!! Blessings to you!
  19. I often wonder is this election a test for his church? Yep, because the church is divided. I live in California too and I've had my "YES on Prop 8" taken off of my front lawn TWICE!! IT's fine, I have plenty of them and I just replace them. We are living in the last days right now so things are NOT going to get any better...the world is waxing cold and because we are God's Children, we can rejoice and NOT get wrapped up in all of this drama. I'm a voter and will always be, but I REFUSE to stress out about this election because if I believe God is in control then HE IS IN CONTROL and His WILL will be done whether I agree with it or not. It's so sad regarding the crimes you mentioned in your post. America, Amercia...we must get a grip...these are men and we have been commanded NOT to lean on the arms of flesh...we must Trust in God and God alone!!!!! :cute:
  20. May I ask what is "facebook"?? I'm a little slow when it comes to all these new websites. What can one do on "facebook"??
  21. I'm praying for you Ispeaktheword. I am in the same situation. My church is downsizing and phasing out my position at the end of the year. God takes care of His own. You sound like me...I've been crying out to the Lord for change as well and was quite excited when I got the news. God is leading us and will direct us to the right positions. Blessings!!
  23. Thank God I'm not into candy and neither is my son...I will pass the word around!!! Thanks Mia
  24. Siriant...check your personal mailbox here...I sent you a response :bighug:
  25. Awwwww...Connie!!!! You deserve this promotion girl. The Lord MUST BE pleased with ya because the Word of God says...promotion comes from him. Congrats...I look forward to being under your "moderatorship"..
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