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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Ohhhhhhh I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish it was me....ooops, did I just say that?
  2. Thank you everyone for rejoicing with me. Lightbeam...YES!!! He is our Rock, Redeemer and our Healer...THANK YOU JESUS!!!
  3. Prayer is the only way through this Butterfly. The Bible tells us that our fight is not against flesh and blood. Anyone who reads this should back you in prayer because the devil is a liar. She is obviously under the control of the evil one and we have the authority through Christ to command the enemy to loose her. I will be praying along with you and present her to the prayer team. It's time for us to take back our families because the devil is REALLY trying to disturb the families by using anyone he can to divide. The fact that you have family members that don't want to be around her out of fear is DEFINATELY a confirmation of that. NO MORE!!! Not under our watch...we have too much power that has been given to us to let this happen. UGH...I hate the devil!
  4. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Amen Connie. I saw them on Oprah and I really felt for him. Unfortunately there is a lot of that going on because people are reaching their wits end. This is where WE come in...the people of God. We must pray for this nation because believe me, this is happening more than we know. I wonder if we would have known about this if she DIDN'T pray for him? This nation NEEDS the Lord!!!! I'm in agreement with your prayer!!!
  6. And you definately have the most Dreamz...that $200 million, the two cars, the two dirt bikes and all of the other inheritence stuff you have dreamed about means that you will be on this earth a LONG TIME!!! Haaaaaappppppy Biiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrthdaaaaaaaay!!!
  7. Keep moving forward...you can only stagger, but you can't stay down...God won't let you. Look up and get up and do what you said...press toward the mark!!!
  8. I'm not able to see the graphics that hillobeans is putting here. I see the first one, but not the second one...hmmm ANyway...HAPPPPPPPY BUUUUUURRRRRFFFFFDAY!!!! Five more days left if you live in America...FOUR more days if you live in New Zealand...
  9. DD = dear daugther. That's right Justblueskies...don't take it anymore!!! Thank you everyone for rejoicing with me.
  10. I have a TESTIMONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have suffered from Eczema for my entire life. I have had these seasonal outbreaks and the only thing the doctor can give me are creams. If you know anything about Eczema, it is a skin rash that itches in the worse way and it spreads the more you scratch. Each season I get it on a different part of my body. This season it was on my right hand...on top. It had spread over my fingers and on top of my hand it has been a nuisance to say the least. I was watching my favorite minister on T.V., Joseph Prince, and he mentioned that one of his leaders within his ministry had a bad case of eczema on her legs. He said that she began confessing her righteousness in Christ and believed that Eczema no longer could stay in her body because of who she is and who she belonged to. The lightbulb came on and I realized that I needed to do that because if it worked for her, then it will work for me. I began holding my hand up and speaking to the Eczema and telling it that it was trespassing the temple of the Lord and because I am the Righteousness of God, it had to go. I did this for a few days. It wasn't until a couple of days ago that I looked down at my hand and it was completly gone. NOTHING...NADA!!!! I looked in amazement only because I had been keeping a close watch on it to see if i could see changes, but because of my schedule lately, I just never looked down. People of God, there is NO MORE ECZEMA on my hand. The Lord is faithful... Whatever ailment(s) you have in your body, remember, it can't stay because you are the righteousness of God. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and any sickness or disease that you are experiencing is trespassing. You have the right, the power and the ability to command it to leave and it will. It's all about us knowing who we are in Christ and understanding that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of us. SPEAK TO THE MOUNTAIN AND IT SHALL BE MOVED!!!! Hallelujah and to God be ALL the Glory!!
  11. Hi Kelsy...I want to say to you that pressure is a good thing. Most of the finest stones and metals were created from pressure so rejoice in this season of your life the best way you can. The other thing I wanted to tell you is that you already have the victory and you are already delivered. The one thing that I have come to learn over the past several years is that we are overcomers...why? Because the very path and this very season that you deem difficult has already been experienced by Jesus. He already won this battle for you. That is why He tells us that we are overcomers through Jesus Christ who is our Faith (1 John 5:4). The thing that I've also learned is that when we understand that we are the Righteousness of God and that we are Holy because He is holy, there are some things that we just won't do. We don't have to fight to stop or use "will power" to stop, it's just something that can't live in and around us because of who we KNOW we are. Trust me, I know where you are and I know how you feel. Just know that we are told not to walk by sight (our feelings) but by faith. We need to know and understand that we are living this life because Jesus paid a HUGE price for us...that's what Grace is...it is a rest...a rest from doing and fighting. The battle has already been won so whatever you need to be delivered from, give it to the Lord and walk in your life as the Righteous woman of God that you are. Being righteous is not what you do...it's who you are!!! Be blessed and I'm praying for you...TRUST ME!!!
  12. If she's accepted the Lord, she is well. I will pray that her blood work and all that appears to be wrong with her dissipates so she can continue to live her life and have some quality time with God learning of Him. Blessings!
  13. Yayyyyy....here comes the baby!!!!!
  14. WOW!! Look at all of the love for you dreamy!!!!!
  15. I saw this on the news Lurdys...God is so good!!! That lady truly trusted in the Lord. Sadly, I don't know if I would have done that. My first instinct would have been to beat him to a pulp and run...LOL! Just kidding! Thanks for sharing...they only showed a portion of the video on the news.
  16. Ohhhh Hillobeans that was so funny!!!!!!!!
  17. Ohhhhh that's good Lurdys...very good.
  18. You KNOW I had to do this... You are a good guy and very helpful on this site...afterall, you are the KING POSTER!!!!
  19. All I can say is that your family is on your way to something BIG!!!! Rejoice in this season and don't let fear stand in your way. Know without any doubt that the devil and his pack of demons have ALREADY been defeated. When you understand that Jesus already went through this for your family and won the fight for you, you can walk in the victory. That's why it says in God's Word that we ARE overcomers. You are just walking through this "valley of the SHADOW of death". It's only a shadow and your husbands attack proved that...nothing happened. He did he was supposed to do and went to the Word of God. I applaude the two of you, God is doing some remarkable things for you.
  20. I'm sorry that you are having a tough time. You are most likely in the right place because the devil wouldn't push that hard at you if you were outside of God's will. Continue to spend this season seeking God and only speak when He tells you to speak. Your feelings of isolation is of the enemy...you are NOT alone and God desires for you to use this time of not having people you can turn to and use it to turn to him. I sense this is a season of maturing for you and your family. The wonderful thing is that God loves to reward you well after going through something as difficult as this. I will keep all of you in my prayers. Also...check the renter's laws in your state. Make sure what your landlord is doing is legal...where I live, it's ILLEGAL for them to inter the property without notice or permission. If you find that it is ILLEGAL...report it. That is the only way you are going to keep them out of your home. Do this ASAP!
  21. Okay everyone...we have SEVEN days until Dreamy's birthday. We all know how high maintenance he is...LOL!! So I decided to make a thread where we would post some nice things to him until the BIG DAY!! He's had a tough season lately and as his friend I felt this was necessary. So feel free to come here as often as you can and just say something inspirational and/or funny. This is just something to do since he is relishing in the fact that he is the top poster of the board... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPY BIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHDAY!!!!!
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