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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I agree with Connie. I would also like to add that when a Pastor tries to have "power" over a congregation, then he's after control. At that point it becomes bondage. This seems to be happening a lot these days. I see pastors coming up with their own "do's and don't" lists and it becomes their OWN doctrine and not according to the Word of God. I would say to you that if you are uneasy and restless, you need to be in prayer to see what God desires for you to do. God doesn't want us in bondage because He sent His Son Jesus so we would be free. I went through something like this recently and I've received my walking papers from God to leave. I haven't left yet because I'm finishing up a committment however my life is filled with peace now that I know God has another church for me to worship in. Blessings to you...
  2. You have his favor already. To need it says it's outside of you. See it as a magnet inside of you and no matter where you go, God's best is attracted to you. This is the way it has helped me over the years. I was always taught that we had to "achieve" God's favor, but it's unmerited and already belongs to us because of Jesus Christ. Go on out there girl and get what you want...it's yours because you are HIGHLY FAVORED!!!!
  3. Take it from me...it's all in the way you DON'T react. All you can do is pray and remain in peace. If you don't, the plan of attack (from the enemy) achieved what it was after...your peace.
  4. You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. I believe this is the will of God and in the will of God there is ALWAYS provision in ALL areas!!!
  5. Thank you everyone!!! I'm still in shocked of the Lord's goodness. My father still doesn't know we found them, but my brother and I will sit down with him soon and talk to him. In the meantime...we are having fun getting to know everyone. I will be talking to them on the phone for the first time soon...I can't wait!!
  6. Connie...you and I have ALWAYS been on the same page regarding our rights in the kingdom of God. I SO love that about you. JBS...I forgot to add a scripture for health..."who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed." (1 Peter 2:24) Sorry about that...I just noticed that I forgot to include that in my response to you.
  7. Think of something you can make...something "crafty" that has low expense. Even when I was working and made a really nice salary, I never spent money on gifts...I baked. I made cookies, fudge and brownies...wrapped them in something classy and beautiful and presented it to the people that were in my life. It's an idea and it is something that is LOW in cost and can go a LONG way!!!
  8. Hmmm, interesting question you are asking JBS. What is the cause of these types of trials? Ultimately the enemy is behind them all HOWEVER, the lack of understanding of who Christ is and what His death, burial and resurrection means to us as Christians is the real problem. We were given authority over these things but what happens is we get into the mode of 'accepting' what the enemy dishes out to us because we don't understand. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6..."My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." When we don't understand our authority and our position as Christians, we open the door for the enemy to lie to us and reak havoc in our lives. When we have money problems we have to believe..."For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. (2 Corithians 8:9) Generational curses..."Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Cor 5:7) Also...we were told that we would be cursed to the third and fourth generations in the old testament laws, (so here is another scripture..."Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”)," (Galatians 3:13) For Sins..."Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace." (Romans 6:11-14) How should we respond? By studying the word of God and renewing our minds to what Jesus has purchased for us. We need to stand our ground and not be pushed around by the enemy and allowing him to make us think we have to settle for things we've been redeemed from. Don't tolerate it...stand in his face and tell him to go. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) Submitting to God is the same as submitting to His Word because he and His word are one. I hope this helps!!!
  9. When I think of the goodness of the Lord, I just want to run around this house and scream Hallelujah!!! I had two older siblings out there, walking the face of this earth, but I didn't know where they were. It was by another woman when my dad was in high school (so you can only imagine how long ago that was...my dad is 68). Last year, I sent a prayer up that the Lord would somehow allow me to get in contact with them. I had NO CLUE how to do that because I'm not really close with his peeps back south because my brother and I grew up in Cali. Soooo, my son is on Facebook and some lady with the same last name is sending him these messages saying that she thought they were related. You have to understand that my dad has a HUGE family and because our last name is an uncommon one, if you find someone with that name then YOU KNOW you are related to them somehow. My son and this woman were talking for several days and he thought that she was just a cousin. She finally asked who his parents were and he says my name...she has no clue who I am. Then she asks him who his grandfather is and when she responded she said "that's my father"...WHAT???? So my "Blessed and Private" son took in the information and NEVER told me ANYTHING!!! My brother, who isn't a person to be on the internet for any reason decided to get a Facebook account to keep a watch on his teenage daughters. My son became his friend and my brother saw the conversation between this woman and my son on his "wall". My brother sends her a private message and she confirmed that she was his older sister. I get this phone call from my bro that says "did you know that dad had more children?" I told him yes and I asked why...He said that she's on Facebook!!! I could have dropped the phone. My eyes filled up with tears because it was a miracle. Only God could have brought that together. My wonderful and private son would have NEVER told me that information because to him it wasn't a big deal (typical 19 year old boy), but God allowed my brother to not trust his hormonal daughters to be on Facebook without his oversight and THAT'S how I found my sister. Not just that, but I have a brother as well. When I think of His goodness and ALLLLLL He's done for me I can DANCE, DANCE, DANCE ALLLLL night!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!! If you are looking for ANYONE...talk to your HEAVENLY INVESTIGATOR because He sits high and looks down low and sees EVERYONE. He will make it happen in HIS timing..TRUST ME!!!!
  11. I will pray for your peace LTWJ. I think the dreams you had are causing some fear and anxiety. Only the devil would bring that to you...not God. Be careful about reading more into what those dreams meant. You already have God's protection and the enemy is trying to make you think that you don't. If he can get you in fear, then he can allow all the other attacks to come in. You are fine...you have your Heavenly Father who LOVES YOU! If your earthly father was living there with you and would protect you, how much more would your Heavenly Father? Go back to what you know...take authority over that fearful spirit and any other demonic activity that he is trying to bring your way and take your peace back girl!!! I'm praying...
  12. God will provide! When I didn't know how my son's college and apartment was going to be provided for, God raised up someone to pay for EVERYTHING!!!! IT happened at the "11th" hour, but the whole time I never said anything contrary. I allowed my son to prepare to leave for college (packing, etc) and I NEVER told him that nothing was paid for (even to this day). The day before he left, this person called and asked me how is his education being paid for and they said that they had the intentions all along to pay for everything...including rent. When I tell you that God is good and that He ALWAYS comes through...I know what I'm talking about...GLORY TO THE LORD!!!!! We have to TRUST in an all knowing God. The negative circumstances are needed to strengthen our faith and we are told to count it ALL JOY. God would NEVER tell us to count it joy if joy was never going to come. God is a GOOD GOD!
  13. Continue to pray for them JBS...prayer goes a LONG WAY and it WORKS!!!
  14. Praise the Lord Christa. Even though it's hard, do all you can to keep your heart pure. You can do this by praying for him because when you understand that it's not him doing these things and that it's the devil...it will be easier to pray. The Bible says that our fight is not against flesh and blood. Be encouraged because God saw everything. Each thing that is done in the dark (literally and spiritually) will be uncovered in due season...
  15. AMEN!!!!! Thank you Lord for Your Faithfulness!!!
  16. The best way is to do exactly what you are doing. Children learn best from their parents. That doesn't mean that Sunday school can't teach her, but at three years old, you reading to her is best. I will tell you how my parent taught me. For as young as I can remember, they gave me memory verses and taught me at home. I remember this little book I had that had short verses and my parents took time out and taught them to me. Children at that age may not have a great concept of who God is, but when you put the Word of God in them and teach them about the Bible, they will have a foundation. By the time they are older, learning about who God is, will be simple. When I was 7 or 8 I was memorizing entire chapters like Psalm 1; Psalm 3; Psalm 23; The Beatitudes, etc. It didn't happen overnight...my parents built it up in me one verse at a time. Also, if you haven't already, teach her how to pray...when she goes to bed, before she eats and if she falls and has an accident. That will lay the foundation for prayer. I always tell my parents I give them a lot of credit for me being a prayer warrior now because they used to make me pray for and about EVERYTHING!!! Be blessed...I think it's commendable that you are interested in teaching your baby...that is awesome!!!!
  17. Amen Connie!!!! The best gift IS Jesus Christ and that's what this season is ALL ABOUT! I'm also in agreement with Connie...I will pray for extra income. My first question when I read your post JBS was, why do you feel that you MUST buy gifts?
  18. This is what I do...I just pray for them. It doesn't hurt to pray. The prayer would be that IF this person is sick, that the healing power of Jesus Christ would penetrate their being and bring about the DIVINE healing that He purchased for them. Then...if you feel like it was YOU that conjured this up some how on your own, then you just pray a general prayer over the person. God loves for us to pray for others. This use to happen to me sometimes and I would worry about it, but I stopped doing that because I used prayer as my weapon against any spirit that would cause me to think something that wasn't really going on. You can't go wrong. The more I prayed, the less I was faced with this issue. To be honest with you, I never found out if my thoughts were right or wrong...I just know, right now in my life, that I pray for whoever comes to my mind and I cover them with a blanket prayer. If it's the enemy trying to get you to think negatively regarding a persons condition, then he will leave you alone because he HATES prayer.
  19. I think you posted something like this before and the things that we told you were...you have to set the boundaries for your children and NOT allow anyone to say or do anything in their presence. You are their parent and you have the control to has influence over them. As far as forgiveness...YES! You forgive and you make it a point to not go around them if they are verbally abusive or disrespectful to you or your children. YOU control your own life sweety. To walk around with unforgiveness in your heart over someone who doesn't have Christ or isn't doing the right thing is NOT worth it. You have children to raise and a God to focus on. Remember what the Word says...Your fight is not against flesh and blood. Your fight isn't about your husbands family...it's THE DEVIL!!! See it for what it is...forgive them and move forward with your life. You can't be concerned what others think about you...it's for the protection of your children. Love ya and I hope things get better for you...clear your head and walk in the peace of God!
  20. I will start us off. I am grateful for Jesus!! He doesn't get His props because many don't really understand what He's done and what His death, burial and resurrection has alotted us to have so I am GRATEFUL FOR JESUS! I am grateful that even though I don't have a job and haven't worked for the past two months, my needs have been met over and beyond my expectation. I'm grateful for my son...after 19 years of him being on this earth and NEVER knowing what it is to have a father, He is alive and in college and doing wonderful. I'm grateful for my life...I won't go into any details on this one, but many times I should have or could have been buried...BUT GOD!!!! I'm grateful for people in my life...some have earned the title of "friend" and some are still at the associate level, but nonetheless, they are in my life for a reason. I'm grateful for a roof over my head. Some don't know where they will lay their heads tonight, but if it wasn't for the grace of God, it could have been me. Okay...that is a few on my list...how about you????
  21. To all of my Dream Team on this wonderful site...I wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I'm not sure if all of my overseas family here celebrate Thanksgiving this time of the year like we do here in the states, but Happy Thanksgiving to you too. This has been an interesting year with the economy in the state that it's in and some of us have been affected by it with layoffs and pay cuts HOWEVER we know that our source is not in this world. Let's challenge ourselves and lay aside all of the negativity that may have gone on in our lives this year and focus on the good things that God has done. Sometimes we are so focused on what we don't have and what we wished we had...and it drowns out the daily blessings that God gives to us. Oh how it must sadden his heart to know that he daily loads us up with benefits, yet all he hears from us is "I need this and I need that". Beginning right now, lets find the things in our lives that we are truly thankful for and give our loving Heavenly Father a praise for being who HE is in our lives. So....if you can, list some things on this thread that you are thankful for. There may be someone who reads this that may feel they don't have anything to be grateful for...there may be someone reading this right now who is sad and in depression...let's show them what we are thankful for and put a smile on their face.
  22. This is so true. I had a dream one time that I was walking down a sidewalk and one of those big anacondra snakes was slithering through the trees and whispering in my ear while I was walking. That season of my life was probably the worst, when it comes to having to cast down vain imaginations and battling my self-worth. The whispers are REAL!!!!! IT comes in forms of our own voice sometimes...or the voices of others. So I agree...we need to DEFINATELY ask the Lord to protect our ears and I think another thing we need to do is to build ourselves up with MORE of the Word of God because the Word will counter-attack the lies that the enemy says. I believe with my heart that the Word of God is the standard that the Lord will lift up on our behalf when the enemy comes in like a flood!!!! Great post Butterfly!
  23. WOW how awesome!!!! The one thing I know about God is that when you are in His Will, He provides. You need to put in for your passport NOW...it takes 6-8 weeks if you do it through the post office. I will be praying...
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