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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. That's what we are here for. THere are things we can't fight against in the natural because it's not a natural problem. God showed you that. If you had said something to those children or parents, it would have probably not been received well. The fact that you went spiritual, God was able to do HIS THANG!!! Hallelujah! This is a GREAT lesson for us all!!! Thanks for sharing. It's the little things that really are the BIG things!
  2. PRAISE THE LORD AND CELEBRATE YOURSELF because you made it another year!!!
  3. Oh My!! I'm not sure in what aspect you are struggling, but I am going into prayer in a few minutes and I will be lifting you up. If you have a prayer language, it usually helps to go and sit in God's presence and pray until you feel better. It words everytime for me. Regardless, I will be lifting you up in prayer!
  4. Thank you for rejoicing with me!!!!
  5. I"m happy for you Blossom! I will be praying for you because I KNOW that you will get through this part in your life. I can guarantee you that God is going to use this in your life somehow. You can't possibly go through this and God now use it. You are not alone in your "struggle" for freedom in this area. There are a lot of "undercover" Christians who are dealing wholeheartedly with this and need someone who has actually dealt with it and been delievered from it to speak to them. Not just someone who says "stop", but now tell them HOW to stop. God has you my friend...watch and pray!!! Blessings!
  6. I will pray for you Justblueskies. Even though it doesn't feel like it, God has you and your family in His Hand. These hard times did not come to kill you, but to strengthen you. This is the time for you to see Jesus as your strength and your focus. The job is a "means" to put money in your pocket and to help you pay your bills, but God is THE SOURCE! We can't seek the job, we have to seek THE SOURCE. I will pray for clarity so that you will know that you know that you know that you have heard from the Lord. God knows how to get through to us when we think we can't hear from Him. I would suggest to you to begin reading scriptures on faith to put yourself in rememberance of Who God is to YOU!!!! Expect things to change, because they will!!!
  7. Thank you Girlllll!! You just don't how long I was looking for this scripture. I said it out of my mouth one day to someone and they asked me where it was and I couldn't find it. I thought I knew where it was, but it wasn't it. I started to think I picked up a "saying" as opposed to a scripture. Out of all the things for you to say in your response to Justblueskies and it was EXACTLY what I was looking for. To God be ALL the Glory!!!!! I appreciate you!
  8. Praise the Lord and Thank you Jesus!!
  9. I am making it a point to share testimony's on here for everyone because I know it helps to read things like this when you are believing God for yourself. I shared once before how the Lord healed me from Eczema based on me standing up in the Gift of Righteousness that He gave us all through Jesus Christ. Well, I've been without a job since the end of September and I'm here to tell you that even without unemployment or any form of income, the Lord has provided. The Lord spoke to me and said for me NOT to look for another job right now. He wanted me to spend time with Him to grow and prepare for the next phase or level in my life. At first I was a little unsure if I heard from the Lord because I know the scripture says that if a man doesn't work, he doesn't eat....but this is different...a different season for me. My cousin's wanted to do a trip to Northern CA for New years Eve. We love football so we are going to go see the Oakland Raiders play that weekend also. Well they both have jobs and they wanted to fly up there. I didn't know how I would get the money for a plane ticket, PLUS my portion for the hotel room PLUS food and other things. My cousin had sent an email asking if we were ready to purchase our plane tickets. BY FAITH I said, "Yes, let's do it". So, here it is two weeks away and I'm telling them let's go ahead and get the tickets. I remembered who I was through Jesus Christ and I said "If anyone needs to be on the trip, it's me". Well, I drove to the parking lot of the grocery store and sat in my car (a place I go when I need to REALLY pray privately) and I began to speak with authority and commanded the money that I needed to be in my hands. I asked for about $500. I had NO CLUE where it was going to come from, but all I knew was that God was going to take care of me. Yesterday,the next morning after I prayed, I received a phone call from a relative that said "I was going to wait until we saw each other on Christmas Eve to give you your gift, but I decided to give it to you today." What I received was a $1,000 CASH!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!! Not only did God give me what I believed Him for, but he gave me DOUBLE!! He is a God of increase and He is able to bless us beyond what we can think of our even imagine! Believe God my people! He is our ONLY source. He has given us ALL THINGS RICHLY to enjoy. Stand in your righteousness BELIEVING that you are already righteous. It's not based on what you have done or didn't do, but based on Jesus Christ, who DIED to make you righteous in the sight of our Heavenly Father. We have inherited the blessings from the Lord and we DO NOT HAVE TO EARN THEM...we can NEVER be good enough for them. It's about knowing who we are and standing in that place and TRUSTING that our God is MIGHTY to save!!! I bless YOU ALMIGHTY KING!!!!!
  10. Now this is the Princessdelia I've been waiting to see!!! HALLELUJAH to you Heavenly Father for doing ALL that you have done for Princess and your son. We thank you for all that you are about to do and it will be ALL for YOUR glory. AMEN!
  11. Oh Lightbeam, can you tell me where that scripture is about not despising small beginnings (if it is a scripture). I was trying to find it a week or so ago and could NOT find it. If you know where it is could you please help a sista out? Thanks!
  12. All of you May, October and November babies need to get a grip...You gotta know that the beginning of the year sets the tone for the rest of the year...hehehe...January is where it's at! I'm just sayin. SmOoChEs!! My sweet Dani...here is the link to the testimony that was posted in the Testimony Forum...enjoy /testimonies-f14/for-those-of-you-believing-god-for-a-financial-breakthrough-t5342.htm I'm praying and rejoicing with you!!!
  13. By the way...I've been without a job since September and I've had EVERY need met and have not had to borrow a dime. Stand in your Righteousness and KNOW that you are an HEIR of Jesus Christ!!! Your NEW job is on the way...FEAR NOT!
  14. By the way...my birthday is a day after yours...doesn't the bank know that January is a sacred month?? Only SPECIAL MIRACLES happen in Janaury!!!
  15. Standing in agreement with you as well Dani!!!!!!!! There is NOTHING too hard for the Lord...NOTHING!!!! He can come through in the 11th hour so stand your ground and don't let fear in. The tighter it is, the BIGGER the Glory!! Thank you Jesus for all you have already done on behalf of Dani!! We trust and believe that you have already worked this out and we will praise you because we know it is for YOUR glory. Show Dani and all who are involved what YOUR power can do in situations that seem grim and hopeless. We bless you in advance Lord because YOU ARE GOD!!!! In the name of you sweet and wonderful son Jesus Christ...AMEN...SO BE IT...IT IS DONE!!
  16. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:6)
  17. Good job LTWJ...in the season of "wait", we all should be working on ourselves...
  18. Hey Lightbeam...you took the question right out of my mouth!!
  19. HOW DID I MISS THIS???? Praise the Lord!!!!!
  20. Little words are good Connie. I'm VERY chatty...it takes me a whole paragraph and sometimes two to answer ONE question.
  21. But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. SPEAK LORD!!! I'm doing a study on the soul right now and this is EXACTLY what the Holy Spirit is speaking to me. We spend so much time caring for the "Outer Court" of our Temple (Body), but not truly understanding that the beauty and our true essence comes from within...our souls..our HEALTHY SOULS!!! Thanks for sharing this...so much confirmation here!!!!
  22. I agree with Connie. I also would like to add that when you receive a prophetic word, the enemy pulls out all the stops to prevent that word from taking root. In Mark 4 it says..."The sower sows the word. And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts. These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness; and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake, immediately they stumble. Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who hear the word, and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” (vs 14-20) I've learned over the past month that just because you receive a prophetic word doesn't mean it will automatically come to pass and THAT'S what the devil wants...for it not to come to pass. If he can uproot the seed that was sown into your heart then he has accomplished what he is after. You have to cultivate the seed and water it with the Word of God. Build your faith in that area and pray over it. As you do that, no matter how hard life becomes, you will be solid in your stance to see the word come to pass. Harder life? Like Connie said, whether you are in ministry or have received a prophetic word, the word "hard" is relative.
  23. I know Connie and the very people that are doing it are Christians. I'm apalled...truly I am because how can you NOT know that God is the only one that promotes? (Psalm 73) Where is the relationship with Christ to know that? Where is the discernment? It saddens my heart in a HUGE way!!!! I'm in agreement with your prayer girl!!!! The word curses are CANCELLED!!!!
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