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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Okay, I will make this as short as possible since I tend to be long winded...it's the teacher in me...LOL! First of all Christa, GOD LOVES YOU!!!! You have to not only walk in there with goodness and mercy, but you have to walk into that court knowing that God love you and He will move a mountain just for you. Your daughter really is GOD'S DAUGHTER, you "only" birthed her here and have the wisdom that GOD gave you to raise her. IF GOD sees fit for your ex husband to have visitation or not, you gotta know that God is in control...LET IT GO!!!! You are worried about something that God has in His control. You can't work it out...only He can. As a parent, we tend to worry about their well being, but when we remember that they belong to God FIRST and that HE will NEVER allow anyone to disrupt or harm them when they are in HIS CARE, we will be at peace. I have news for you...the decision has already been made...you worrying about it won't change it one bit so you might as well release it and leave it alone. Those were the same words the Lord spoke to me when my son was in junior high. His attitude began to change and he was no longer the quiet child that came from my womb. I found my self roughing him up one day (not abuse...but tough love) because he was "attempting" to disrespect me. I don't play that, especially from someone that I feed and cloth on a daily basis. Anyway, I went to God because I had it...I was ready to send him to live with my mother and then God spoke and said "He's mine, put him on the altar and leave him there for me to care for". There was a peace that came over me and I once and for all put him on the altar and I NEVER took him off. I said all that to say this...put your daughter in the lap (or altar) of God and leave her there. No one...not even you...can care for her like God. He created her for HIS GLORY and therefore he is "obligated" to care and protect her. Rest girlfriend...REST...God's "got this"...
  2. Is there an update on your friend Butterfly?
  3. Amen Newine!!! I agree with the title of this post as well...NEVER A DULL MOMENT IN CHRIST!!!!!
  4. Whooohoooo...Preach it Connie. I'm in agreement! Jill, I will be lifting you and your family up before the Lord. Expect change because the Lord is faithful!!!!
  5. Cholette


    You are so right V!!! To God be the Glory!!!!!!
  6. Oh Lord you are so good!!! Thank you for your provision...we bless Your Holy Name!!!!!
  7. GOOOOOOOO GOD!!!!! You are so awesome!! Thank you for your favor in Dani's life and we thank you for the things to come...
  8. I'm praying for you my friend!!!
  9. Cholette


    It seems as if when we leave things alone and let God handle it, He does. Once again, for those of you who don't know me, I've been off of work since the end of September. I've not had a desire to work and especially now that I'm in school full-time. Well, I've been solely depending on the Lord to pay my bills and He has done that faithfully. I mentioned to the Lord that if I ever was going to go back to work I would want it to be something where I could freelance my administration/accounting skills and help different people. I love organzing offices and helping people set up a system to help their offices run smoothly. I just mentioned it to the Lord probably three months ago or so. Well today, I was tired after a LONG day at school and I laid down. My cell phone rung and I started not to answer it, but I got up and answered it and my hairdresser called me. I thought she was calling because she had not seen me in a month or so. Nooooo, she called me because she is expanding her business and she wants me to come in and get her organized. She has clients who are getting on her because she's not returning phone calls or she never has her appointment book when they call her so they are upset. So beginning Tuesday, I will be going in and organizing her shop and setting up her computer system with client files and appointments to get her going. Not just that, but the money is pretty good and it is weekly pay... The Lord simply amazes me!!!!
  10. God bless you Dreamer777!! I am in agreement with your desire and prayer. Just know that you need to throw yourself into the Word of God. It's the very thing that can go deep inside of you and correct those things that need to be corrected. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12) Blessings to you!
  11. Hello Noah! The first thing about dreams that I learned when I first joined this site is this. God gives dreams as a means of communication with YOU!! Dreams are like parables. The same way He spoke in parables to his disciples and to the masses in the Gospels, He does the same thing to us. I NEVER leave ANYTHING in the hands of ANYONE else to interpret for me without me knowing it first. God has His own way of communciating with us. We can NEVER put Him in a box and say that a symbol in a dream means that for everyone across the board. I admonish you to continue to seek God on ANY dream that you have and let the Lord give you HIS interpretation since the interpretation comes from Him anyway. EVERYTHING that is said to you regarding your dream MUST line up to the Word of God. If it doesn't, then it's not the Lord. You mentioned that the Father in your dream could not be God the Father because of the way He made the person feel ashamed...you are correct. That doesn't line up with scripture because our Heavenly Father never makes us ashamed or guilty for anything because there is no condemnation. You have to try the word by the Word of God. I will say this to you. Sometimes the interpretation is NOT for you to know at the time of the dream. I've had dreams for years that I didn't understand until later on down the line. Since God is in our "tomorrows", He can give us revelation knowledge into something that we may not be mature enough yet to understand. I usually pray over my dream and see what the Lord will reveal...sometimes he reveals some, but sometimes he reveals none. Trust me, once you ask...He hears you and will do whatever it takes to give you the understanding. I pray this response helps you...blessings to you my friend!
  12. Halllelujah!!! You are a FAITHFUL God!!!!
  13. Yes...I knew you had to be on vacation because you usually beat me on the site in the morning. You log on in the WEE hours of the morning (PST). I had not seen your early morning posts in a while so I assumed you were doing your thing out of town...LOL! Glad you are back!
  14. Hi Suzy Q! You posted this message perfectly. Just go to the "just say hello" forum on the main screen and press the "New Topic" button and type away. If you want to reply to a post...press the "post reply" button and type away. I pray this helps! Welcome aboard!! I look forward to getting to know you!
  15. I agree with what has been said so far. I'm just tired of people saying this and that about whatever people are reading and find themselves comfortable in reading. We can't forget that the Holy Spirit is the TEACHER and is the ONLY one that can lead us into all truth. I read whatever translation that drives the point home in my heart. The Holy Spirit leads and guides and teaches me where I am, through whatever translation I read. People have to be careful in saying which translation is better than the rest because if you have a babe in Christ that is learning from the NIV and they hear a person say what this man has said, that can cause someone to put the Bible down forever becaue they feel they can't receive from the KJV. I personally don't like the KJV and it's not the first translation I pick up because I don't talk with the "thee's" and the "thou's". It's not saying that I don't refer to it from time to time, but it's not my first choice. The Bible I carry with me to church is NKJV because the church I attend reads out of the KJV and it's easier to follow along. Like Connie said, the Holy Spirit needs to direct you and we can't let man's opinion control us or make decisions for us.
  16. Connie...you know you and I think alike...
  17. Amen!!! God is your protection. No weapon that is formed against you can prosper and every evil tongue that has risen against you in judgment, YOU shall prove to be wrong!! The one thing we have to remember is that the enemy has been stipped...he has been rendered powerless. "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15) Be encouraged my friend...the Lord has you and your family hidden under His Almighty Shadow!!!!
  18. WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! Go God!!!!! We give you all the praise and all the glory!!! Kim, you and your husband enjoy yourself. It's obvious that God has a Word there for the two of you!!! The Lord is FAITHFUL!!!
  19. I will say to you what the Lord has said to me in this season of me being unemployed. God is the ultimate Source. The job and the unemployment benefits are only a means that he blesses us through (my job didn't pay into unemployment so I don't receive it). Regardless of how or where we receive our income, we have to keep our focus on the Source. After receiving this revelation, every need has been supplied. He blesses you according to HIS riches in glory...not according to whether you have your unemployment or not. The Lord is Real...I know you know that already!!!! REJOICE!!
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