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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I'm with you Hindsfeet. I love the way that God's love is so HUGE that it covers the unbelievers. I know you may have mentioned before that your husband is an unbeliever however, I ran across a scripture not too long ago that I wanted to share with you. You may already know this, but I wanted to share it because I'm still amazed by it. "For the unbelieving husband is set apart (separated, withdrawn from heathen contamination, and affiliated with the Christian people) by union with his consecrated (set-apart) wife, and the unbelieving wife is set apart and separated through union with her consecrated husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean (unblessed heathen, outside the Christian covenant), but as it is they are prepared for God [pure and clean]." (1 Corinthians 7:14 AMP) God sees your husband as "set apart" because of YOUR covenant with Him. Man oh man...speaking of an awesome and loving God...this blows my mind. God is soooooooooooooooo Good!!! Didn't mean to change the subject, but I wanted to share...
  2. Okay...well you are in an interesting place and I say, remain in prayer. As far as missionaries...the ones I know of, ARE a part of a church because its the church that funds and supports their mission. My former Pastor had another Pastor who was his spiritual mentor. I'm not sure how the other pastors do it. The scripture I hear for you is..."And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9)
  3. I can relate to how you feel because I was right where you were about the church building. No one was being saved...no one was coming into the church...no one was being delivered...just a bunch of people meeting together and stirring up drama BUT not all churches are like that, even though we know there is no perfect church. We need the house of God and we need a pastor so we can be taught and fed. Yes, we do that by daily reading the Word of God however, the Bible says how can we hear unless we have a preacher? I think it's awesome to have the desire for OUTreach and you can do that, but make sure you remain hooked up to a ministry so that you can have a pastor to "cover" you. Trust me...there are churches out there. I found a fantastic one HOWEVER, I know it's not perfect. My thing is that I wasn't being fed at my other church. I could have stayed there and put up with the drama as long as I was being fed, but I wasn't. That's the MOST important thing for me.
  4. Very well said Angelwingz!!! I like the analogy that God gave you about the soil. I was hearing something similar a while ago, but didn't use it to step out in faith because I had so many people in my ear. Doesn't it feel good to be free??? I'm just sayin!!
  5. Christa...well girl, 80% of what you described is just like the church I just left last month. If you are waiting for God to give you specific instructions, you may be missing his promptings. This is what I was doing. I wanted God to tell me that it was time to leave because I was afraid to "miss Him" and I thought I would "abort my purpose" if I didn't stay. I was a part of that building since my son was 8 months old and he will be 20 years old this year. Anyway, God used the uneasiness that I felt in my heart about this church to get me to go. I had people tell me NOT to go...they told me that my purpose was there and I will abort it if I leave...they told me that I won't be blessed...etc, etc, etc. Girl, I woke up one Sunday morning and made a decision that it was going to be the last Sunday I was going to be unhappy. I KNOW what my purpose is and the climate of this church was not condusive for the growth of it. If you are not happy, it's time to go Christa. Remember, there is ONE GOD, but there are MANY church's. God is so loving and simple. He's not this mean God that says "Stay or else..." You should visit some church's and get a feel for what's out there and go from there. I just found an awesome church. It's a little further than I wanted to drive and the church is a little larger than I wanted, but I AM HAPPY and God is in this place. His presence is undeniable and once again...I AM HAPPY!!!!! I hope this helps you...
  6. The seasons of "Quietness" are the best. That's where I'm at. Although I'm in school and I have a little part time job and I'm around people throughout the day, it's still quiet. Those are the seasons where we are set apart and we are drawn to the Word of God to be counseled by the Holy Spirit. I LOVE IT!!! Take advantage of these seasons. It's great to have friends, if that's the season we are in, but if it's not...think about it as a time that God has cut out for you to become more intimate with Him. WOW...an Almighty God doing all of that for us??? Think about it...utilize it...it's awesome!!!
  7. My prayer team and I will pray for her tonight!
  8. Today is a new day. You have an opportunity to do better. God still loves you and is NOT holding what you did, against you. Move on from it!!
  9. Well the good news is that God hears your prayer and that you NEVER pray alone because Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father making intecession for us daily. I will pray too because I know how devastating it could be to go on a job and deal with people who don't like you and who are trying to set you up. There is a scripture that God gave me years ago when I was going through a similar situation. Share it with your husband and pray this scripture to the Lord and put Him in rememberance of it. [i]Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.Behold, all they who are enraged and inflamed against you shall be put to shame and confounded; they who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish. You shall seek those who contend with you but shall not find them; they who war against you shall be as nothing, as nothing at all. For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not; I will help you! (Isaiah 41:10-13 AMP)[/i]
  10. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 - NLT) Call me tomorrow afternoon if you need to...
  11. Praise God Lurdys. Once again, the love He has for us continues to amaze me. Thank you for sharing this.
  12. I can be touched by this because I've had to cut quite a few people out of my life in this season. The thing is, it didn't hurt me or them. God has a way of doing things and it leaves both sides okay. I know there will be a "crossing of paths" somewhere down the line with a few of them, but for now, they are enjoying their lives and I'm enjoying mine. I had to understand where God was taking me...my purpose in THIS season. When I figured it out and realized people were dragging me down and it was slowing up my progress, something happened where things just began to dissapate. There weren't really any hard feelings (accept for one person, but she's not really a Christian), and that made it good for me. I felt the freedom and I'm enjoying this season, practically friendless, because most of my time is spent with the Lord. It can't get ANY BETTER than that!!!
  13. You don't need US, you need JESUS!! You need to go back and remember all of the other times God has come through for you when your back was against the wall. He's never failed you so focus on that instead of the natural situation. TRUST THE LORD D!!! He's faithful and He longs to bless us...we just need to believe that He loves us.
  14. I will pray God's will in this situation... Welcome to the site!!!
  15. You are NOT alone SisterinChrist. Discouragment is at it's height in the lives of God's people. I've had to battle it away from myself for the past week or so. I can usually shake it by getting in the Word of God, but it keeps coming back. God is doing something sweety...we just need to hold our ground and push!!!! When we don't feel like praising...worshiping...reading...praying...we have to do it ANYWAY. I'm not sure if you've ever given birth to a baby, but it's the same way. Even when you DON'T feel like pushing, you have to push. At some point, we dig down deep within ourselves and muster up the strength to do those last few pushes and then the baby is here. I'm here to coach you girl...the baby is almost here...bear down and PUSH!!!!!!
  16. Hi Linda...I missed seeing you around. The one thing I want to encourage you about is YOU ARE in God's divine will because the enemy doesn't come at us, in the way you described, unless he's trying to mangle things up to take you off track. I'm in a similar season and the thing that God spoke to my heart is to keep pushing forward. The enemy's whole plot is to get us to give up and give in...to distract us from doing what God has called us to do. Push in prayer, Push in your faith and Push in praise/worship and you will make it girl. This is like a woman who is in labor...the most painful moments are when she's transitioning from one centimeter of dialation to the next. There is an overwhelming feeling of desire to give up, but we keep going forward until the baby is born. God is with you because He has equipped you to do what He's called you to do. Praying for you...
  17. Let me recommend that you read a post that True Flight started in the "Fellowship Hall" forum entitled "Easter Weekend, A Time For Tears?" I pray that it helps you in some way to go to the cross and remember all that Jesus Christ did for you. Blessings to you and I am praying for you!!!
  18. This is absolutely beautiful TF!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! As people of God...chosen to receive unmerited favor...a royal priesthood...a people who reign with Jesus at the right hand of the Father...chosen for HIS glory...we don't get it. It's taken me several years of intense studying and seeking God regarding the cross and what it meant FOR ME! My heart was grieved going in and out of church each week...serving in the ministry, yet not feeling whole inwardly. I cried out to God "Is there more than being a child of God than this?" It was HIS LOVE that answered me and led me to the right teacher of His Word that pointed me the right direction in the Word of God and the studying began. Yes, I've been to the cross...I saw Him being beat FOR ME, not willing to call an end to it because He had me on His mind...I saw Him as they were driving huge steaks through his hands and feet, drenched in blood with ME on his mind. He could have cried out to come down, but he had ME on his mind. Yes, I have to make this personal because these are the thoughts I have now when I open my mouth and sing praises to Him. These are the visuals that I constantly keep in the fore front of my mind when I become discouraged and want to give up. Give up? How could I think about giving up? I have this life because HE DID NOT GIVE UP!!! How could I magnify everything the devil is doing in my life and not give a thought to ALL THAT JESUS DID FOR MY LIFE??? Yes, it's a slap in a loving God's face when we harp on what's going on in our lives and all that the devil is doing and not realize that Jesus gave up his life/body...his blood, for us to live an abundant life filled with joy. It's a life filled with UNMERITED favors because Jesus paid the price already...yet, we don't get that. We allow the enemy to beat us over the head with everything that we do wrong...something that was already paid for. This is an awesome weekend...a time for us to reflect, but to also take on and walk in ALL THAT JESUS DID FOR US!!!!! The peace and the joy...ALL OF IT! We bless you Lord because we all know and MUST recognize that if it wasn't for what you had done for us, we would NOT be here. We worship YOU Almighty God!!!!
  19. Praying for you heavenlymama. I have many married friends who are going through issues with their marriages. I can tell you this, the enemy is doing all that he can to divide and destroy families...BUT GOD!!! Blessings!!!
  20. Joshua...your heart is to want what God wants for you...that's all that God is looking at. Forget about the fact that you felt this whole idea became an idol...move forward! You are a warrior...warriors go forward in battle KNOWING that their Lord and Savior has them hidden under the shadow of His wing. To God be the glory!!!!
  21. Well, good news...I'm not going to tell you to wait it out because I've learned recently THAT'S not always what God wants us to do. There is a scripture that always comes up in my heart in this season of my life: "A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps" (Proverbs 16:9) We live this life in faith and by faith. God speaks...He's ALWAYS speaking. There are times when we listen for him in a voice, but many times he speaks to us through our desires. He speaks to us through our peace or lack thereof. (Col 3:15)...Peace is our umpire...it leads us and helps us make the right decisions. The fact that you are up and down with God...He doesn't hold that against you. You are saved by GRACE...not works. If it was by works, then we would not be saved in the first place because think about what you were doing before you professed Jesus as your Lord and Savior...you were in a way worst state than you are in now and He still drew you with His love. Please know that God's love for you is so awesome and He desires more for you than you do for yourself. I would suggest that you sit down with the Lord and once and for all tell Him what your desire is and pay attention to how you feel in your heart...God will give you peace. Sometimes you will just need to step out of the boat like Peter did. The beautiful thing is that no matter direction you take, there is a net under you and God will make ALL THINGS work together for YOUR GOOD because you love Him and because He loves you!!!! Blessings to you and I pray this helps.
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