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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I agree with Traveller...it's time to go to God and receive your healing and pour your heart out to Him. I also want to add...RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! I would shut down ALL ties to this guy IMMEDIATELY! He is playing games with you CBvirtuous...He really is. I'm not saying that he isn't really looking for someone to help him, but YOU are NOT his answer. It's time to pack up your "bags" and leave him alone...I'm so serious. You have an 8 year old child who needs his mother to be as whole as possible. How can you be that if you are going to someone who is subtracting from you? I always live by this..."if they aren't adding to me, it's time to go". You could be pouring into someone and encouraging them, but it still adds to you...it gives you a sense of pleasure, but when you are pouring into someone and they take from your esteem and roll over you like this guy is doing, THAT IS NOT GOD!! The enemy is using him to play games with you. It's not about that other young lady, it's not about him...this is about YOU. YOU have to make the decision for YOU and for your son. This guy has major issues and I understand where he's coming from with being sexually violated as a child because I was too. It brings a lot of internal pain and damage that ONLY GOD can fix. You can't do that for Him. He's using his condemnation and taking it out on you...why sit there and let him do that? IT's not about your looks...it's never been about that...HURTING PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE. He didn't see you turning him down for sex as a "spiritual decision", he saw it as rejection. So to shield himself from being hurt any further, he turned around and tried to hurt you. Why take on someone elses false identity of you? It's not worth it. If I were you, no matter how much it hurts right now, it's time for you to run and cut off all communication with him. Don't see it as "him" per se...see it as you cutting off ties with the enemy. He's being used to tear you down by the enemy. Your fight is NOT against flesh and blood, but against principalities, demons and spiritual wickedness in high places. Please, please, please...don't have that "abused woman" syndrome where she knows she's being abused, but continues to stay in it only to suffer more. You are above this because you are seated in heavenly places with your Heavenly Father. Yes, it's time to heal...Yes, it's time to run to the arms of your Heavenly Father so he can heal you. The only way this can happen is if you run to Him while running away from this guy. I promise you that you will feel better and God will restore the esteem that you lost while being in connection with this guy. It is NOT your fault! This situation has NOTHING to do with you! Run girl...RUN!!!!!
  2. Amen to both comments here. It's time to take your eyes off of man and put it on God and the assignment he has given you. When we pray fo things or when God says to us what He has in store, we don't choose how they come or the circumstances that surround us. Like it was said earlier, sometimes God allows things like this to happen so that he can work something out in you for the next place you are going. Not just that, but why not be an example to Mrs. Jones? It's an opportunity to let you light shine...even among those who know Christ.
  3. WOW...I'm so happy for you Linda!! Give him a big hug from me and say "THANK YOU"!!!!!!
  4. Well, it's definately not "a Lord's judgement issue" because every error, sin and mistake you have made or will make has been put on Jesus and nailed to the cross. You have been justified through Christ. The bondage you feel is because you haven't forgiven yourself...it's condemnation and a healing that you may need. God doesn't see all that has taken place in there and you are FREE from ALL bondage because of Christ. I just really feel in my heart that there is something BIGGER here...I really do. God NEVER withholds unless there is a plan involved. Just go to God once again...lay all of that misery that you feel that is attached to the house at His feet and see if you can hear something with a clear heart. I'm not saying that what I'm saying is THE answer, but when I read your plea...something seems to be going on behind the scenes that is God Orchestrated. It really reminded me of my friends situation, which is why I shared the story. Still praying...
  5. Christina...have you sought God on the purpose or IF there is a purpose for this home? I had a friend who's husband left her and a 5 year old child and the house payment was way too high for her to take on alone. She put the house on the market and NO ONE looked at it NOR was interested in it. We prayed and prayed and prayed...NOTHING!! Finally she ran into a woman who she had not seen in ages and she asked her if she was still a school teacher (which she was) and was amazed that after 15 years, she was till teaching kindergarten. They got into a conversation about the pay level that she was on after being a teacher for that many years. She found out that she was TWO levels below where she was supposed to be. She went into the school district and within minutes, she was able to recoup back pay PLUS her income went up almost $20,000 per year...YES!! Now that she is STILL in the house, she realized that God's purpose for her house was to be a safe haven during these bad economic times. She has been able to house people who's homes were foreclosed on and bring forth ministry to them. God had a plan and a purpose for her to stay where she was. Like you, her back was against the wall in keeping this property, but God had another way...he brought someone from her past to inform her that she has been underpaid for awhile. I'm in no way sayin to you that you are supposed to keep this home, but what I am saying is to seek God on whether HE has a purpose with something that you deem "bondage". God is faithful and He does NOTHING to us to make us fail or go broke. What causes us to fail at times because we don't know the purpose of a thing. We can all learn from my friend's trial...God is after purpose...it's up to us to know what that is, by seeking HIM. I'm praying for you...rise up Woman of God...the JOY of the LORD is your STRENGTH!!!!
  6. I know the pain you are experiencing Latoya...I really do. I've never been married before, but I've been hurt in the past by the men in my life and had something similar done to me as well. The only thing I can tell you is that this is something you MUST go through. Trust me, you will be bigger, better and stronger. It doesn't seem like it now, but when you come out on the other end of this, you will be wiser. Do you have someone close you can stay connected to? When I went through my situation, God allowed my friend to need a place to live and I rented a room out to her. She's a prayer warrior so she wouldn't let me get down and out by laying around the house crying. We would pray. That was the best season of my life. God took me to another level in my prayer life and my relationship with him. Yes, it hurts...IT HURTS BAD!!! Just hang in there girl...it will get better...I PROMISE YOU. Just hold on to God's hand and take your eyes off of what your husband is doing...that won't last either. I'm here for you if you need me...my email is in my profile. I think it's right under my name to the left...just select the button that says "email" and type away. That's only if you want to...
  7. Girl...just cry...get it all out. Crying is healing. It reminds me of a scripture I read. You number my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book? When I cry out to You,Then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me. (Psalms 56:8-9) God is good Latoya...you will be a better woman because of this. Besides...now God can prepare you for a BETTER man...if that's what you want.
  8. Cholette


    WOW!!!!!! GOD IS GOOD!! If we would just believe him...he will work it out. I am so happy for you Hindsfeet...
  9. I'm in agreement for God's perfect job for YOU!!
  10. WOW! I am speechless, yet not enough to keep me from praying for you LaToya. God is faithful and although this season may be painful for you to walk through, you are not walking alone. God is crazy about you and is the only one that closes doors...even the door of marriage. I totally agree with Lurdys and love the scripture she shared with you. Just LEAN on the Lord. Go to Him when you are feeling those pains in your heart and lay them at His feet. You can go to him and tell him ANYTHING and he will hear you and NOT judge you for it. Peace be with you my sister...
  11. CBVirtuous, I believe both you and Joy ARE saying the same thing, but what Joy is saying is that because Christ is in each of us and HE IS strength, he doesn't have to give it to us ANYMORE. When you think of someone giving you something, it's coming from one place to another. She is saying that because he lives inside of you, you are ALREADY strengthend...it's our mind...and the things that the devil "says" that causes us to feel weak. Jesus IS OUR STRENGTH and that is why the Bible says "greater is HE that is in YOU than HE that is in the world". So yes, it's the same thing, but under grace, it's no longer GIVEN...it's in us already, just like peace, prosperity, joy, love, etc. It's not outside of us, it's in us because JESUS is in us. That's all!! I hope I didn't put words in your mouth Joy...
  12. This is the signs of the times because the Bible states that in the last days mens hearts will fail them. We need to lift him up as well as all of the body of Christ. So many people are losing it beause God is truly doing somthing in the spiritual realm for his people. I speak life to this pastor and command the spirits of despair and depression to leave him NOW!! In the Name of Jesus!!
  13. Jesus is your ultimate Source...focus on HIM and not the job!! You have the favor of the Lord that emcompasses you so walk in that and let go of the worry and the fear and allow God to be God...in Jesus Name!! Be blessed!
  14. Praying for you son...are you from the UK by any chance? My friend's son is taking exams as well this week and we prayed for him yesterday. Just asking... Be blessed...
  15. I will be praying for you CBVirtous. I'm sorry that you are going through this, but again, I'm happy because you said you were seeking to have an intimate relationship with the Lord and what better way to begin one by running to his open arms and receiving his comfort during this time. You must know this...God loves you. His plan isn't to make you fail because He sent Jesus so that you wouldn't. I've been without a job since September and have worked off an on with my friend at her salon...which at this point isn't much money at all. The one thing God wanted me to know is that a job is a "means" of provision, but HE is the ultimate SOURCE. If we see our jobs as the source, we have lost our focus of our loving Savior. This is a season for you to get into his Word like never before so you can be strengthened inwardly and learn to trust the Lord!
  16. I agree with SCgirlygirl. I would also like to add that you need to give yourself permission to grieve. Sometimes we act out our grief instead of just sitting down and just letting it out. It's sort of a way that we suppress it. Whatever you are doing is just a way for you to grieve. Once you go to the Lord, as Scgirlygirl suggested, just cry and allow the Lord to heal you while you are in his presence...that's what he's there for. God sees your heart and KNOWS you desire to NOT do what you are doing. He's not judging you for it because it's not your actions he's looking at...it's your heart. Jesus has already justified you so there is no condemnation to what you are doing. God loves you, despite your actions. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?...37Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:31-36,37) Blessings to you and peace to you!!!
  17. Praise God!!!!!! Congratulations Linda!! What type of book is it? Is it on the bookshelves yet?
  18. Hi Sneeubal...welcome to the site! You may want to copy and paste this in the SYMBOLS or DREAMS AND VISIONS TO BE INTERPRETED forums so that the interpreters can see it. This forum is utlized for questions about the site...not dreams. Blessings!
  19. Hallelujah!!! God is faithful and a DEFINATE protector!!!! What did you husband say about the situtation??
  20. WOW Martin!!! The encouraging side to this is that I've seen God move in situations similar to this, so I will definately be praying. There is NOTHING TOO HARD for the Lord...NOTHING!!
  21. Oh my!! How come I haven't heard about this on the news here? This is news worthy!!!!!! Praying right now!!
  22. The one thing we must ALL remember is that God gave us his destiny to fulfill in this life and we also have to remember that our lives do NOT belong to us. The reason why we have such problems in finding our purpose and understanding the things that God is calling us to is because we have our hands in it. God shows us something and we are eager to get it going instead of relaxing and letting God lay it out for us and through us. This is where FAITH comes in. Can we trust God to do this, even when we get impatient? I didn't read the link you provided because it won't change my response. I think there is impatience in all of us to do God's will, but are we doing all that God has called us to to prepare? Are we reading His word and connecting to it like we would a first love? Are we spending time praying in the Spirit? Are we working in the house of God and allowing our gifts to operate in the house of God? When a house is built, there is foundation and we must make sure that we have a secure foundation in the Word of God before we can even think about leaving the starting line of our race. If not, what will we have to sustain us when the enemy's camp comes in like a flood to trip us up? When God shows us something it's his best for us and it is a seed. If you compare it to the conception of a child in the mother's womb, it will make sense to you. The seed is implanted. The mother has a "special diet" of things that she should eat and not eat in order to grow a healthy baby in her womb. If she puts anything in her body that is lethal, it could cause the baby to abort. We are the same way. When God impregnates our spiritual womb with his word...vision...dream, we have to nuture that seed with a "special diet" of the word. If not, the enemy will come in with his lethal words to try to abort the baby. Many times we abort and not even know it because we believe lies. He uses people around us to say things to cause us to leave the vision and dream alone. We stop praying over it...we get discouraged...we lose focus and the baby doesn't grow. What causes the baby to grow is the Word and prayer. We have to make sure we have a "healthy diet" of these two things. During those times, our way will be made clearer. The Bible says in Psalm that HIS WORD is a lamp to our feet and a LIGHT to our path. It's in the word...but we have to make it our priority and not leave it in the hands of others to show us our way. This is just a little something for you to chew on...love you girl!!!
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