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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. MUCH NEEDED vacation for you Lurdys. What in the world will we do without you? Glad you are taking some time away. Have fun, but more than that...reeeeelaaaaaax
  2. Stay CLOSE to God through His Word. In the most trying seasons of my life, I found the Word of God to be my ROCK...MY FORTRESS!! If God has warned you of this trial, He KNOWS you have what it takes to go through it. Keep your eyes UP and not out and you will come out not even smelling like smoke...
  3. Ahhhh...when I read your request IMMEDIATELY I heard this scripture in my heart for you FragrantOffering... And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. (Romans 4:19-21) You and your husband WILL have what God has promised you DESPITE what the doctors report says. You are healed from the crown of your heads to the soles of your feet. Jesus took infertility and EVERY sickness and disease to the cross so what the reports say is NOT GOD! I don't know if you take communion, but I would suggest the two of you take it and focus on the body that was broken for YOUR SAKES through Christ. Afterwards, relax and DON'T TRY...just do what you do and let it happen naturally...
  4. The place to begin is in God's Word...the Bible. It's interesting how God moves by His Spirit when His Word is going deep within us. The Bible says that the Word is LIVING and POWERFUL. It's able to go deep down into those areas in our lives that need correction and direction. (Hebrews 4) The past two years, I have been in the Bible like crazy. Studying different books in the Epistles. As I've been learning, God has opened up things for me. It's like I minister to different types of people and then one day God spoke to me that He has called me into that area. I don't think I would have received that information had I not been used to minister and I would not have been used to minister if God couldn't trust me to know what I was talking about. It's different for each person, but I bet if those who know what they are called to do would say anything, they would say that it starts by KNOWING and STUDYING God's word because He and His word are ONE. If you feel you are called to sing...taking choir or singing classes will perfect your gift, but to have the Spirit behind the gift and to be anointed God's Way, you still need the word of God. Your relationship is developed through prayer and through the Bible. Hope this helps!
  5. I will be praying in the spirit for you SCGirl...God knows and cares about all!!!!
  6. AMEN Connie!!!!! Also, I would like to add that you are NOT too old. If your desire is to have children then continue to believe God for that. As people of God, we can't adopt what the world says is too old to have children. We are daughters of Sarah and what was good for her, is good for you. Believe that Steadygaze...it ain't over until GOD says its over. You ARE healed...You ARE healed...You ARE healed...not going to be...but Jesus ALREADY died so you are ALREADY healed...no matter what the doc's say.
  7. Shake, rattle and roll???? Oh that was funny! Sooooooooooo proud of you. Now THIS is the beginning...your gift will make room for you. All you have to do is agree and move forward. Paise the Lord!!!!!
  8. Thank you everyone!!!!! Desi...THAT is my scripture for the season...I've been quoting it for several months now. HALLELUJAH!!
  9. Praise God Traveller...glad you had the worship music to rock to because it puts you RIGHT into the presence of the Lord!!!
  10. Continue to feast on ALL that God has done for you. Situations like this is designed to get your mind off of the goodness of God. He's good when you have unemployment funds and when you don't. Keep your eyes on the Lord during this time and TRUST HIM...not man...for your supply.
  11. Amen...I will join in, with everyone else, in prayer for you Traveller. God is with you!!!
  12. Ugh! My prayers are with them. They've had to bury three people since April...WOW!
  13. So sorry to hear about this. This article is so sad and the comments are even sadder. Is there any family left behind Hindsfeet?
  14. It's been a hard past couple of months for me. I've had one attack after the other, but God is faithful. I just felt to share this journey with you all here to encourage you that God is in our situations, whether we can see him or not. I will make this as short as possible. Two months ago, I decided to go on a fast...to get closer to the Lord. The first day of the fast, my father, who pays for my son's college education and housing...decided that he was no longer going to pay. He said this in the middle of the month and never told us that he didn't pay May's rent. I'm unemployed so there was NOTHING I could do about the situation. The apartment complex where my son lived began to request their money. Well after a week of notices, they decided to start eviction process. My son and another roommate ended up in court and the judge told them both to vacate the property within 5 days. I was devastated and so was my son because he's in AZ and I didn't have money to get him back here and he really didn't want to come back here. He had been searching for a job, and at that point to no avail. He found a guy that was renting out a room in a house. He knew the guy from school, so I told my son to move in. The guy didn't want any money for the summer...he said to just move in until he could get the lease and the amount ready. So he had a place to stay throughout the summer. To make a long story short, this journey was hard because my son has stepped away from God because of disappointments in his life and not really seeing God move the way I have professed that he was going to move in our lives over the years. I can take it, but it was too much for him. So he panicked through this whole process, which weighed on me and kept me on my face before the Lord. One thing after the other...family falling apart due to strife over this situation...constant gossipping about me and my son through out the family...my body coming under attack, out of the blue...bills and more bills piling up with no site of the end. Yes, it's been pure hell. And even through all of this, God was silent. No instructions, no direction...NOTHING! This past Thursday, my son needed $1000 to move into this house. I had no clue where it was coming from AT ALL!! I was peaceful inside. When my flesh wanted to panic, my spirit man got in controll. Even through the horrible texts I was receiving from my son, due to his panic, God gave me a peace that is inexplainable. So yesterday, my son did what I told him to do two months ago and email his grandfather (my dad). Apparently the words I told him to use, he remembered and yesterday, the Lord "unsoftened" my fathers heart and wired the money to my son for his move in. Not just that, but he also got a job working at a gym (a dream job for him) making pretty good money. I laid back in awe of the Lord. It's a strange awe because I wasn't surprised or shocked that he came through because inside of me I always knew he would, but when you don't know how and when...THATS when things get a little crazy. I stand back in awe because God is like "the cool dude". Nothing ruffles his feathers. He sees us going through and realizes that we will come out of this better than we were when we went in. I've always asked God to REDEFINE himself to me. Sometimes I tell him who He is during my worship, but I lose that essence of Him when you don't see it in your life during those winter seasons. The Lord is good and faithful. There is so much more to see him do in my life, but even after not having an income, I have NOT missed a step. God has placed precious people in my life who have sown into my life...the money just flows. He's a gracious and loving God. PS...the other miracle is...God didn't allow my son to get evicted from the apartment he was living in. It was considered a "move out", but his other roommate was evicted. Had it been an eviction for my son, it would have been an eviction for me because I was on the lease too. WOW!!!!! A merciful God!!!!
  15. How are you feeling now JBS?
  16. As the Centurion said to Jesus...just send the Word and my servant will be healed (Matthew 8:8). I send the Word to Leslie James and command his body to be healed in the name of Jesus. Jesus has already taken his afflictions, sicknesses and diseases to the cross. Therefore, we call his body out of captivity in the name of Jesus. RISE UP O man of God...RISE UP in the power and strength of Jesus Christ. We praise you for the testimony Lord...AMEN!!!!
  17. PRAISE THE LORD!!! I'm so happy for you!! God is faithful
  18. WhooooHooooo...I read this RIGHT WHEN the thoughts were beginning to start up. Ohhhh thank you Lurdys...it was GOD that told you to post this when you did. Praise the Lord!!!!
  19. CBVirtuous...you are NOT his Messiah. You CANNOT help him when you need help yourself. I don't mean to sound rough, but that's my way of getting points across and it's all done in love. The whole conversation you had with him this morning was about you trying to drag out of him that he didn't mean what he said about your looks. Why do you care about how he sees you? Why don't you go to the word of God, which is the real mirror (2 Cor 3) and find out how GOD sees you? Out of the mouth of two or three, let every word be established. Majority of the responses here has said that it's time for you to run. Like I mentioned before, YOU DON'T HAVE HIS ANSWER...but for some reason you feel as if you do. He's being VERY honest with you however you are not being honest with YOU. No one here can force you to do anything that you don't want to do, but it's evident that you care about this man because after sleeping with someone...even though it was only a couple of times, there is some emotional attachment. All I can say is, the picture is clearer looking from the outside in and there are some red flags here. The best thing you can do for him is to intercede from a distance. Do what you feel you need to do... Blessings and peace...
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