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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. NO WEAPON formed against you can prosper Raye. Um...wisdom would say for you to leave until things simmer down. God gives us discernment and the first thought you had was to leave. Why do you care how long you have been where you are? Someone is after you and you don't know what they are capable of doing. Yes, the angels of God surround you and they will protect you, but I think you need to lay low for awhile. There is no room for pride...this person is evil. Were you fighting out of self defense? Or were you out there in "the mix" and doing and saying things you weren't supposed to? Just asking... Praying for you... NO FEAR...God doesn't give it to us...He gave us a SOUND mind...use it girl!!!
  2. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU TF!!! I really am. God has opened up this door for you and the rest will fall into place. GLORY TO GOD!!!!! I will miss you...hope to still be here when you return...LOL
  3. I just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to all of you who have birthed children into this world and have raised them or are still raising them. It's a beautiful thing to be a mother and such an honor to be a vehicle to be used by the Lord to bring life into this earth. Being a mother has its ups and downs however if we really look hard at what we do, we can say there are more ups than downs. Even if you've never birthed a child into this earth, but you have mentored someone, cried and ministered to them...the YOU TOO are a mother, so you need to enjoy this day in the same way. If you are trying to have children and things are not working out the way you have planned and you are still in the season of wait, I still call you a mother because you have the desire and the mindset to usher life into this world. I would say to celebrate this day in faith and watch what God does because it brings him delight for you to have what you desire. Have an awesome day!!!
  4. This is good stuff. I've enjoyed everything that each of you have posted. Praying for you Raye
  5. I know you have to do what you have to do Miss Connie. May the Lord take you to higher heights in Him. I'm sad to see you go, but at the same time excited for where God is taking you. Until we meet again...
  6. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. YEP!!! The thing you need to do is pray in the spirit. Those are words that only your spirit man knows how to express to God. You will notice you will feel lighter and less hectic interally. This is only a season and it will pass. You will feel better right away and as you continue to do it, you will begin to feel empowered. Praying for you...
  8. Hi Christina... First of all... 1) God is NOT unhappy with you. How can this be a thought in your mind after having such peace with him for the past several months? God is not fairweather, like man is. He said He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. He loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love. In your signature you have "Be still and know that I am God"...that's for you now... 2) Will he spare you of another dark period? Well, that's an interesting question because the Bible says in James 1:2-4..."Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Sadly we all have to go through these tribulations. They are not sent by God, he just uses it for our development. To spare us from it would deny us from becoming all He has called us to be. 3) Of course there is good employment for you out there, but I believe this is a time for you to really get into the presence of the Lord and find out the purpose of this season for you. The one thing I have found out since I've been UNemployed since last September, is a job is ONLY a means...it's not my source. When I need things to be taken care of, then I go to GOD, who is my source. More and more Christians need to know and understand this. He blesses us according to HIS riches...not ours!! 4) If God promised you the "fiscal help", then it will come. Trust me, he may not come when we want him, but he's always on time. This may not be the most encouraging response that you were expecting, but I will say this...if you are going through this, God has equipped you to succeed through it. You mentioned you had several months of peace, well it's usually after that when we go through. My life has been in an uproar as of late, but I made a decision to allow it to draw me closer to the Lord...and it has. The more WORD you have in you, the easier it is to handle. Praying for you... By the way...YOU CAN HEAR GOD!! Don't let the devil tell you that just because you go through a storm, you don't have the ability to hear. The closer you are to God, the clearer His voice is...GO IN!!!
  9. Hello Heavenly Black... First of all I want to share a scripture with you..."For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable" (Romans 11:29). God is NOT one to give you a gift and take it back. Once He gives you one, then it's yours, whether you tap into it of not. Your desire to be a musician is of God. If you have the natural talent to play an instrument or to sing, I can almost guarantee you that your "feeling led" is of God. I sing in the church and I have been since I was a child. I am now a part of a new church and it is HUGE compared to the one I just left. I just signed up to be a part of their music ministry and I have to admit, there is some anxiety there as well. You have to push pass that and move forward. It leaves once you get settled in where you are supposed to be. As far as speaking in tongues...we ALL have been given the right to have a prayer language (to pray in tongues), because that is our right as a child of God who has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I'm not sure if you have the "Gift of Tongues" which is what certain people have who do sometimes interpret. From my understanding with THAT gift, some can interpret and some can't. In my church, we had a moment during a move of God where a lady prayed out in tongues and then someone else interpreted. That's not to say that she couldn't interpret, but it was meant for the other person to interpret. Trust me, if you have the gift of tongues, relax a little and allow God to do a work in you. It's just like a baby walking, they just don't get up and know how to walk, they wobble and fall before their legs are strong enough to run. Let God do it in you...He's faithful to complete what He began in you. Most people DO NOT know specifically who they are going to be married to. From what I've heard, both people usually know when they are right for each other. What I discern about you is that you are anxious and in that you want things NOW...you want answers NOW. Reeeelllaaaaax...and let God do all that He's going to do. You are young and full of zeal for the Lord. It will work out in you, trust me...most of all TRUST GOD!!! "A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men." (Proverbs 18:16) "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)
  10. Myyyyyyyyyyy goodness!!! Haven't we been HERE before. I'm jus sayin... To God be the glory!!
  11. Well, tweak the prayer a little and ask God to show you in his Word about this man. Trust me, he will. If he is God's best for you, God will speak. He must have the gift of exhortation. I have that gift too and our lives our HUGE magnents for tragedies because it's the enemies way of keeping us focused on our issues and not on what God has called us to do...ENCOURAGE! Continue to keep him encouraged, regardless of what God reveals to you about him (unless he says to leave him alone). If He is God's best for you...you WON'T be on your way to misery unless you are with him in the wrong season... Blessings to you. I'm here if you need me!!
  12. I get it!! I really do GoldenEagle. The way I've handled it is that I had to look at the big picture. Ask yourself, "if this man remains this way, could he make me happy?" I'm talking happy in the way you KNOW you deserve and the way God planned it. I understand that when I'm in pain internally, I will attract people who are in pain...in the same way. It's not about his live-in girlfriend because 9 times out of 10, that won't work. The thing is, can you deal with a man who is angry with God? It's not to say that can't change after one touch from the Lord, but let's just say it takes awhile. Is this a person you desire to have in your life KNOWING the new direction that you are about to take in your life? Just some things to think about. All it takes is a simple prayer to the Lord saying that you know he's the wrong man and that because God made you royal, you are choosing to wait for the RIGHT MAN. God will touch you and "get him out of your head" because He has GREAT plans for you...and that includes healing you internally and physically...I feel that very strongly! God loves you GoldenEagle...more than you know...despite the things you've gone through. None of it is Him...He has set you above all the negativity you have experienced in your life and wants you to reign above all of the stuff you have experienced. It takes you laying down everything and allowing Him to unfold your life. He's waiting to do that and IT WILL BLOW YOU MIND!!! (and that includes a GOOD man...one that you never realized existed)
  13. WOW!!!! JBS...I am rejoicing with you. I didn't know you found a job girly!! Praise God...I'm so proud of you!!!
  14. GoldenEagle, I will pray with you that God will show you and give you peace in the way that you should go. The thing is, you have to give it to the Lord and wait for the peace in that area. What I mean is this...in Colossians 3:15 is says that the Holy Spirit is our umpire...he directs us internally with peace. He's our compass and the way you know to go is based on the peace you have inside. Could it be that the time you tried before just wasn't the season for it? If I were you, I would do whatever research is necessary...lining things up for the business...so that the transition will be easy for you. In the meantime, ask the Lord to settle things inside of you concerning your current job until it's time to go. I honestly believe that God never wants us some place where we are NOT happy. SOMETIMES that's an indication that the season is over OR that you are coming to the end of the grace you had for the job. So what I'm trying to say is...relax. Know that God doesn't want you unhappy and that it brings Him pleasure to give you the instruction and direction that you need, no matter what! Be blessed...I'm praying for the spirit of wisdom to be your portion NOW in the name of Jesus!
  15. The only thing that is keeping you from your calling is You...God hasn't changed His mind. You need to get in agreement with what he is doing in your life. We stop the move of God in our lives by doing things in our own strength. The same God that spoke this earth into existence is the same God that has spoken your life into existence. What keeps it from manifesting in the way He desires is our minds. We are told to be transformed by renewing our minds to the Word of God. I'm not saying that you are not doing this and when I use the word "you", I'm speaking to everyone because we all have fallen short in certain areas of our lives, but when we let it go and commend our spirits into God's hands, our lives will take off. I say to you...Take your foot off the brakes. Let go of any ideas you have on how your life should go and trust your life into the hand of God and watch where he takes you. I understand you wholeheartedly about letting go of a relationship. I've had to do the same thing before and I'm telling you...you will look back and realize that you made the right decision. No person and no thing should ever stand in the way of what God is doing in your life and your relationship with Him. God has a way of restoring those things that you gave up for him. So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life. (Mark 10:29-30) Be Blessed!
  16. For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.] (Romans 11:29 - AMP) Your divorce has NOTHING to do with your calling. What if God needed you to be free from something that was tying you down from walking in your call? We have to look at things from all perspectives. I'm praying for your healing because Jesus already went to the cross so that you would walk in Divine Health. What I'm learning is, there is a difference between quoting the scripture and actually believing them. You must believe that the scripture is for YOU! It sounds to me that you are in some condemnation...meaning that you believe that because you divorced your husband that you are being punished. The devil is lying to you sweetie. Jesus went though ALL that He went through so you can be free. Believe that...ask the Holy Spirit to teach you in the Word of God about healing and why it's YOUR inheritence. Walk in it my sister...WALK IN IT!!!! Blessings...and I'm praying!
  17. Ditte3, your husband may not know God, but because of your convenant with the Lord, your husband is sanctified... For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. (1 Cor 7:14) He may not know God now, but speak about Him what the Lord says about him...He's sanctified. Let God do the rest!!! Glad things are getting better!! I'm still praying.
  18. Hi Lyric... I will say this to you. The only thing God needs out of us in seasons like the one you are in, is rest. Rest takes a lot of faith. Sometimes we are so involved and we are trying to help God get things done in our lives. When that happens, He sits backs and waits until we come to the end of ourselves. When we are doing it...trying to figure things out...then we are not trusting Him. I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. I'm watching unsaved people all around me use "new age" tactics and seeing things manifest for them, while I sit and wait...and have been waiting...to see the manifestations that God has promised for me. Even during that, I have to trust the Lord. How do I do that? I stay in His word and load myself up with stories on faith and waiting on the Lord. I remind myself daily that He loves me and that it brings him pleasure to see me blessed and walking in what he's called me to do. I have trustworthy people around me that pray with me when I feel weak in my faith. They encourage me and lift me back up so I can stand again. Don't allow the cares of this world to steal the hope for the promise from your life, because it will. We MUST take our senses out of the natural and place it in the spiritual because what we can see, taste and feel is only temporary. That which we can't see, taste and feel is eternal. You said that you have sown seed seed...well if you feel as though God is moved by what you "DO" then you have missed the point of his blessings. God's blessings...His favor..His love...CANNOT be earned by doing GOOD WORKS! They are UNMERITED through the death and the power of Christ's resurrection. I would ask that you read Romans very slowly and find out about Grace (unmerited favor) of God. Yes, sowing seed works for our good, but it's not the prerequisite of being blessed...you are ALREADY blessed because of Jesus Christ. If you see it as a finished work...if you see that everything God has given you is already in place...then you will see that there is nothing you need to do except trust him that he has enough wisdom, power and sovereignty to get what has already been stored up for you into your life...to manifest it. You have already been blessed with EVERYTHING pertaining to LIFE and GODLINESS, so walk like it, talk like it, think like it and BE IT...and watch God blow your mind... Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, (2 Peter 1:2-3) Be blessed!
  19. Amen!! God is certainly doing something!! We need to remain steadfast!!
  20. Sweet Jesus!!!!!! Father we come to you in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. We thank you for Ditte3 and her family. Lord right now, we lift up Ditte3's husband to you. Lord you see Him right now, even as I type this prayer. You see his heart. We praise you for a heart that desires to take care of his family, for we know that is a heart of God. We come against the spirit of suicide, death, drepression and discouragement. We come against the spirit of despair and we command you to GOOOOOOOOOOOOO, right now in the name of JEsus. NO WEAPON formed against this family will prosper and evey evil tongue that has risen up against them, which includes the lies of the demons that try to whisper in their ears, THIS family shall prove to be wrong. Lord YOU get the glory out of this situation...YOU show this man who YOU are in this situation. We call forth salvation to him...we call forth peace to him...we call forth joy, increase and MIRICLES in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We call this done, done and done...and we praise you in advance. This man of God shall LIVE and not die and DECLARE THE WORKS OF THE LORD in the life of his family. Amen!!!!!!!
  21. PRAISE GOD PRINCESSDELIA!!!!!!!!!!! God is good!!! All of you that are waiting on the Lord to come through for you, rest assure that God is gonna get the glory. Just like what happened to Princess...no one can take the glory for what happened to her. All of us immediately gave praise to God and that's whats going to happen for each of us. It's not by might, nor by power, but by the SPirit of the Lord!!!! HANG ON!!!!! Rejoicing with you Princess!!
  22. Amen!!! We prayed for them in church today...and I will continue to pray!!!
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