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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. If you don't know what to do...DO NOTHING!!! I had to learn this the hard way...be mindful who you share with...including leadership. God is simplistic on how He deals with each of us. You have to go with how God is leading YOU!!! Nothing against leadership becaue they have their place in our lives however, they don't know everything! We have to see them as humans who don't always have all of the answers. You have to sit before the Lord and seek him on the season that you are in. When you KNOW and understand that, you can discern what you are supposed to do. Right now, I'm in a season of rest. Resting is HARD. I have to FIGHT to stay in rest because my flesh wants to get up and do something. Sometimes God just wants us to sit still and see His salvation at work. Sometimes he wants us to listen out for the next step. It's up to US to sit before HIM and find out where we are. I've seen God "bring me things" without me making a move...that's rest. Maybe God doesn't want you doing ANYTHING! Everytime you move, you could be moving from the place where the supply is headed. If Elijah had not gone to the brook at sat there like he was instructed...he would not have been there when the raven came with his food. No one knows your season except for God and you. If you don't know it...ASK!!!! Praying for you and I'm expecting a testimony soon!!!!!
  2. I can't find the words and that's unlike me...thanks TF!!!! My heart still...WOW!
  3. Well Angelwingz...if you are in the situation then God sees that you have enough in you to see it through. God is going to help you through this. Usually when big things come into our lives, its because God is drawing us into HIM. This is a season of prayer for you. Do more of it...listen more...be led by peace. Do the best you can to NOT include other people's opinions in the matter unless you feel led to share and its someone you can trust. It helps keep out the confusion. If you pray in the spirit...it's a VERY GOOD tool to use in this season because you don't know what to pray for so let the spirit pray for you. Praying for you...
  4. Hello jjp708... The one thing that we need to understand is that "it's not about us". God is not sitting back and judging everything good or bad that we are doing in order to make sure we get where he needs to take us. Yes, when God speaks, it would be easier to get us to the place where he wants us to be if we would heed to what he says and the direction he gives, but when we disobey, he STILL gets us to where we need to be. When things start falling apart or come to a stand still, instead of seeing it as a punishment for something YOU are doing, see it as God's protection. It's his love that surrounds us and if there is something that is taking place that will harm us in anyway, His love will keep us from going in that direction...whether it's because the timing is wrong or it's the wrong thing. I will tell you this...I applied to a REALLY good school for the Fall semester. I visited the school, met everyone, paid the money to submit my application and felt like this was going to be the school for me. I received a letter that said that my GPA was .2 below what the minimum GPA was which was a 3.6 and I had a 3.4. They said "due to the amount of applications that were submitted and the small amount of space for this program, their decision was based on the process of elimination." I was saddened because I felt that I had enough favor with God that a .2 should not have stopped me from getting in the program. Well, a month later, I found out that I am moving to another county this summer. If I would have gotten accepted, I would have had to drive almost an hour just to go to school...ONE WAY...not even to mention the gas it would take to get there round trip. It's God's protection and love that keeps us. So...take YOU out of the equation and see God's love more. He's POWERFUL and if works had nothing to do with us getting saved, then why would it be something that would keep God from doing what he needs to do in your life? Something to think about. Just begin praising the Lord for what He's doing...even when you can't see it. No more requests in this area...just praise and worship...because it's already done!!!!
  5. You have favor SisternChrist!! Walk in it...God is on YOUR side and He's before you...no one can be against you!! Praying...
  6. There you go!!! Reading the Word of God is like drinking water. The more of it you drink...even when you don't want it, the more you will develop the thirst mechanism. It may start of like you are reading because you "should", but then the desire kicks in and God will begin to draw you. Don't be afraid to ask Him to draw you...because he will. He did it for me, so I KNOW he will do it for you. Be blessed...
  7. Firstly....BE CAREFUL WHO YOU SHARE YOUR DREAMS WITH!!!!! I learned this the HARD WAY!!! When we read the story of Joseph, God showed him wonderful things about his life. Joseph's downfall was that he went and told his brothers and they became jealous of him. Their jealousy turned into rage and eventually sold him into captivity. When you read this story, it's a beautiful read because even though they sold him into slavery, which was meant for evil, GOD turned it around for His good and he became ruler over them, but ended up helping the very people who sold him out. Your "friend" is selling you into the captivity of doubt. What people need to understand, when it comes to receiving dreams from the Lord, it needs to be nurtured through the Word of God. God usually gives me scriptures that undergird my dreams so I can stand on them. I'm being reminded about the parable about the foolish man and the wise man. The foolish man built his house on the sand...something unstable...no foundation. The wise man built his house on the rock...stability...the foundation of the word. When the storm came, the wise man's house remained because it was built on a solid foundation, but the foolish man's house crumbled. Take your dreams and visions and ask God to assign a scripture to them so those dreams can be built on the solid foundation of HIS WORD. If not, when the storm of defeatful words come along, it won't tear down your belief in what GOD has spoken to you. Yes, I believe your dreams and visions are of God. YOU ARE somebody Princessdelia...you are!!!! YOU have to believe that and take your trust out of what man says and put it into what GOD says. He created you, so only HE knows what HE has for YOU..not man! Be blessed little sis!!
  8. Thank you everyone...God is wonderful and He's faithful!!!
  9. I will pray for you Pooky, but if I may say so myself, I'm not around "strong onfire Christians" in my season now. Our fire doesn't depend on man...it depends on the power of the Holy Spirit that is inside of you. I think I am more on fire NOW, even though I have separated myself from individuals, than I was when I was with them. Things didn't begin flowing for me until I got into the Word of God and began praying in the Spirit consistently. It's nothing that I did, I just connected to THE FIRE Himself and HE ignited me. God's Word is the "match" that you need. Don't sit and just begin to read...ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and show you things you've never seen before. I GUARANTEE YOU that it will "blow your socks off" and it will cause you to hunger and thirst after righteousness. Praying...
  10. WOW...there are just some thngs that I don't understand, but nevertheless, in ALL things we give thanks. My prayer is for you and your family that God, who is THE Comforter, will comfort all of you during this time. My prayer is that that peace of God that transcends ALL understanding will mount guard in your hearts through Christ Jesus. Amen!! Hugs to the family!
  11. I am writing this out as a testimony, but it really is an encouragment to everyone that reads because I want to show you the GOODNESS of our wonderful Heavenly Father!! I have gone through the ringer lately. It's been a HARD season, but I just don't tell anyone. I leave it in the Hand of God and let Him handle it. I've had some really tough times with the torment of the enemy, but it doesn't last long because I'm a warrior and LOVE to stand in the face of opposition and remind him AND his coherts who "I" am through Jesus. Yesterday I had this time with God that was worshipful to say the least. I said some things out of my mouth that only HE heard and understood. I heard Him speak back to me, but interpreted it in a general sense. I woke up this morning a little heavy inside and couldn't figure out why. I went to intercede because sometimes that's what heaviness is...a burden to pray in the Spirit. Before I could get going, it came to me to go to my email. I did and there was a couple of emails from someone on FB that said they REALLY needed to talk to me. I didn't know who this person was and I was a little leary of answering, but I did. I emailed him back and it turns out that he is a Pastor in the UK and he saw a message I left on one of the message boards to a minister. He said it wasn't what I said, it was that he felt like God wanted him to tell me something. At first I rolled my eyes and thought "oh God, another self professed prophet" (had some issues before with people like that). Well, I just did it and when I read what God shared with this man, I KNEW God was speaking to me. I'm a worshipper...I love to sing...but I put myself on hiatus from singing because of "issues" that I experienced. I still worship, but it's in private. Well, God spoke to me yesterday and said that He was giving me back my song. This pastor, all the way in the UK told me that and more. God used him to give me details...details that NOBODY knew about. I'm sharing this to those of you who may feel like you are not hearing God correctly...or that you are not hearing him at all. I'm sharing this with those of you who feel like your prayers are not getting past the ceiling...GOD HEARS YOU! God ALWAYS has someone praying for you. God always has someone who has a listening ear that has your answer. God can use ANYONE or ANYTHING to confirm His word to you. The Bible says that when you refresh the lives of others, your life will also be refreshed. I made up in my mind that I was not going to share my trials this season...I was going to fight by encouraging anyone that needed it. I've been ministering like crazy and then God turns around and refreshed me. What a wonderful and loving heavenly Father we have. Trust Him people...TRUST HIM!!! Don't run to people looking for your answer...God to God and let HIM answer you in the way He desires to. The answer will come...JUST TRUST HIM!!!!! My prayers are for each of you...Blessings!!!
  12. Praise the Lord...glad you received what I said in love. Move forward girl. There is a scripture that I thought about last night when I was thinking about your post. "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." (Matthew 19:29) You are never really giving up anything...you are just making room for more friends, whether thats in quantity or quality. Remain in peace!!!
  13. Raye...I'm going to be very blunt here...you call them your friends, but they really are NOT your friends. I say that because a friend wants the best for you. A friend that is in God, wants you and encourages you to do what God is calling you to do. They sound jealous and very selfish and in all reality, you most likely won't be taking them to the next level that you are on your way to. I have learned that there are times when we have to walk 'alone'. When I say 'alone', I mean without natural people walking with us. God is ALWAYS with us and He fills those voids. If you choose to do what your friends want you to do and you finally stand before God to give an account for what you've done, are you going to be able to look in the face of a loving Father who gave you life and say, "I didn't want to leave my friends"? Think about it...staying with people who don't have your BEST interest (which is God's interest) at heart is stagnating you and you are literally choosing them over God. Don't let your friends be an idol to you. IF you are feeling that God is calling you to another place in your journey...release whatever is trying to hold you back and move on. I had to do that to several of my friends. Not only did they NOT want me to follow through with some decisions I needed to make, they had a hold on me emotionally because I've known them for so long. I made a decision that I wasn't going to allow NOTHING to stand in between me and my God. I gave myself back to Him as an offering. My desire was for HIM to increase in my life. In order for him to increase, I needed to decrease...which means...none of what I needed and all of what HE needs. You need to get into the Word of God more and allow the Lord to strengthen you so you won't care so much about what others think. People can uplift you, but they can also hold you down...if you let them. Hear this in love...I desire the best for you!!
  14. Praise God!! That's right...get yo praise on girl!!!!
  15. Continue to stand Heavenlymama!!! The biggest message you can send to the enemy's camp is to stand. There is a scripture that JUST came to my heart and I will share it with you. I gave My back to those who struck Me,and My cheeks to those who plucked out the beard; I did not hide My face from shame and spitting. “ For the Lord GOD will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed. He is near who justifies Me; Who will contend with Me? Let us stand together. Who is My adversary? Let him come near Me. Surely the Lord GOD will help Me; Who is he who will condemn Me? Indeed they will all grow old like a garment; The moth will eat them up. “ Who among you fears the LORD? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely upon his God. (Isaiah 50:6-10) The Lord gave me this scripture when I was under some persecution a while back. Take this word and hide it in your heart and allow the Lord to minister to you. I really believe it's for you because I haven't read this scripture in a while, yet it came to me when I began typing my response to you. Praise the Lord!!!!
  16. Let me just say to you Christina...GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! I've been without a job since September and God has made a way when there wasn't a way. He's given me a little small part-part time job to help with food and gas each week, but the peace that you explained...I have it. There is no fear because I recognize that God's love is deeper and wider and higher than I can even imagine and that His thoughts of me are GOOD! Just know that when you REST...which means you recline back...settle your heart...and wait for his instructions, HE IS FAITHFUL to take care of you. You too Dreamster...
  17. Interesting. It is a little hard to believe, but when you understand the "BIGNESS" of God, then NOTHING seems impossible. Thanks for sharing!
  18. I will pray, but Hindsfeet, just because he can see into the spirit world doesn't necessarily mean its a bad thing. His eyes have been opened for a reason and it's probably because he has a prophetic gift, even at his young age like Dreamster said. Right now it may be scarey to him because he doesn't understand, but I would pray that fear would not overtake him and that God would minister to his heart in his own way. Tell him, even at his age that whenever he sees shadows, pray to Jesus. I guarantee you God will begin showing him things. That is coming from someone (me) who has been seeing in the spiritual realm since I was very young too. The thing I'm most concerned about is not your nephew, but the fact that your parents home has demonic activity going on. That house needs some prayer. We just don't let the enemy move in with us, he needs to be served an eviction notice. You don't have to be there to do it...just send the Word like Jesus did!! I will be doing this, with my prayer team, tonight. The devil is a liar!!!!
  19. Yes, it's possible. I guess what the Lord is saying to you is "let you words me few". Whenever something is being said you don't always have to respond. Choose your words wisely or don't say anything at all. There is a proverb that says "A soft word turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger" (Prov 15:1). There is another proverb that says "where there are many words, sins is not far and he who restrains his lips is wise ". (Prov 10:19). Even if you mess up Raye, there is no need for guilt and shame because that is of satan. When we sin, the Bible says that God no longer remembers it because of Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 10:17) So shake it off...the enemy is playing with your mind and condemning you. You have already been justified through Christ. (Romans 3:23-24) Continue to pray in this area. You can't change on your own. We will only be transformed when we renew our mind through the Word of God. If you try to do it yourself, you will fail every time because it will be in your own strength. Don't be confused...you ARE hearing God. The enemy WANTS you to NOT be still and to keep doing what you were doing. God wants you free so He has sent His Word so you can be free from what's been holding you back. Be blessed and be free in the loving name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!
  20. Do you pray before you go to bed? God's power is bigger and mightier than anything that the enemy can do. When we focus more on what the enemy is doing, it does something to us. When we focus more on God's power, it does something for us. You belong to God...pray for peace in your mind before going to sleep and trust God. He can get a vision to you whenever He wants and the devil CANNOT stop Him. Jesus won the fight already!
  21. WOW Amber76...I am lifting you up in prayer sweety!!!!
  22. WOW!!! Praise the Lord Hindsfeet!!! All we need to do is Let Go and Let God!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!
  23. Absolutely wonderful Karen. God is soooo Good. This is how I've come to know the Lord...He is simple. We have made Him so complex and difficult and He is the epitome of simplicity. Your communion with Him is a good lesson to all of us to "settle down". It's not that hard. God sent Jesus to make our life so simple...we just need to read and allow our Friend, the Holy Spirit, to minister these truths to us and life will be as easy and simple as God designed it to be for us, His Beloved. I feel blessed for reading...thank you! "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)
  24. Cholette


    Hi Fess52, welcome to the board... You should post this in the "dreams and vision interpretation" forum. This forum is usually for questions regarding how to get around the site or if there are any technical issues. Be blessed!!
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