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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I'm so excited for you. Once again, I can be touched with your joy!! I too left my church a few weeks ago, after being there for almost 20 years. I was very unhappy. When I resigned from my leadership roles and my membership...there was a weight lifted. You gotta do what God tells you to do. Sometimes he doesn't come in a voice, but He will speak to you through the lack of rest you feel in your heart. I had to learn this by my constant mediatation on Col 3:15, which gave me my internal exit papers. I had to remind myself through God's Word that there is ONE GOD and MANY CHURCHES. God never wants us to be unhappy going to His House. We won't miss out on blessings by leaving because the blessings are ON US...not in a location!!! You gotta love serving God!!! I'm happy that you are happy...I feel it girl...I really do!!!
  2. I'm praying for you too. Although I understand the physical side to this, I also understand that after fasting, the enemy usually retaliates. There doesn't have to be anything in particular that he's after you about, he just comes with his foot on the emotions. Satan came and tried to get Jesus off track when He finished His fast. Jesus Himself had to take the Word and stand His ground. After a couple of rounds...the Bible says (in one of the gospels accounts) the angels came and ministered to Jesus. My prayer is that you be ministered to by the Holy Spirit during this time. He loves you Hindsfeet!!!
  3. I agree with all of the above. The devil has gone crazy, however we already KNOW he's a liar.
  4. Hey Love's Child. I'm glad you are doing well!!
  5. NO WEAPON THAT IS FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER!!!!!!! That is a promise Raven. I don't care WHO is looking for you, YOUR footsteps are ordered by the Lord and though a thousand may fall at one side and 10,000 fall at the other side, NONE WILL COME NEAR YOU (Ps 91) Lord we thank you right now for Raven. We thank you that she is your beloved and because of that, you crown her with glory and honor. We thank you that the angels that have been assigned to her are standing guard over her and her household. I bind the spirit of fear, terror and torment that have tried to come to keep her in bondage. You said in your word that PERFECT LOVE casts out all fear and because Raven understands and knows that you love her, she will NOT be afraid. We thank you and praise you ahead of time Lord, that this situation is done with and that you have already diffused the situation and things are back to normal in YOUR powerful and HOLY Name...Jesus Christ...AMEN!!!
  6. Hi Claire... This is what I can offer you and this is my opinion and it's based on how I do things in my life. I used to drive myself CRAZY trying to find the "right" decision so I can do the "right" thing. I put myself in bondage for so long, living my life trying to stay on the "straight and narrow". The one thing that I always go back to is that we have this ABUNDANT life that Christ came, died and was resurrected for. He came to give it to US...God's children. We spend our days tormented and afraid of doing the "wrong" thing, but what we dont' understand is that God has given us ALL THINGS to richly enjoy. I am reminded of Paul, in the book of Acts. He was a very active man of God who had so much zeal for God and in his assignment. He had to go into all of these cities to preach the gospel. The only way Paul knew that he didn't belong in a place was when the door closed. If it closed, he chalked that up to being God's will for him NOT to be in that city. The Bible says in Proverbs that MANY are the plans of the righteous, but the LORD determines his steps. How come, as Christians and as God's beloved, we don't trust that? He clearly says that the steps of a RIGHTEOUS man are ordered by Him...so why do we walk so tentively? We don't trust the Lord in the way we need to. What I am saying here is this...follow your heart. Get quiet and tap into that place where you find the most peace and just do it. Commit your way to the Lord and allow him to open and shut the doors for you. Majority of what we do here in our lives is BY FAITH!!! We are not going to always have a blueprint of which way to go. We need to learn how to rely on the fact that God loves us so, so, so much, that HE will not allow us to fail. If we do take a wrong road, He works it out for our good, so it really isn't a failure anyway. My advice to you is to RELAX. What you deem as hard and confusing is really not that way. You belong to God and His Spirit, who is our compass...our umpire and He will guide you and lead you into all truth. You have to believe that goodness and mercy follows you ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. You have to know that you are covered with the unmerited favor of God, through Jesus Christ. If the doors aren't opening where you are, then try some place else...but just make sure you go to the place of peace that is hidden deep within you to find out where the Spirit of God has given you peace. It's okay, really it is. I just made a HUGE decision to leave a church that I've been TOILING in my brain on whether I should leave or not. I allowed people to tell me to stay because God's blessings were there for me. I was MISERABLE and not being fed, but I stayed because I wasnted to be blessed. God had to teach me what I shared here with you. I'm already blessed...no matter where I go. The Bible says I am blessed in the city and the field..I am blessed when I come and when I go. The blessings are NOT in a location...it's on me. So I say the same thing to you...no matter where you end up, God's blessings are yours...they cover you...you just have to believe that and you will begin to see it. All the days of your life have already been written in the book of your life. The book is finished and completed. Allow the Spirit of God to lead you with the peace (Col 3:15) that surpasses ALL understanding. Blessings and MUCH peace to you my sister in Christ...
  7. Praise the Lord and Hallelujah!! God is faithful Dreamster!
  8. I will take this into prayer ditte3. The Lord is in the midst of you and your family. Do what you can to tap into the peace that is inside of you and don't allow the enemy to blow everything up in your mind of what could happen. He loves to get us in those places to bring torment. God is MIGHTY and POWERFUL...He is faithful!
  9. Oh yes girl!!!! That's all that needs to be said. Now ask God to bring the peace that you need so you can move on and not care whether your mom responds or not...k?
  10. Praise the Lord!!! I read your other post. I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!
  11. That letter isn't about your mother...it's about you. You are right, it doesn't matter if she accept your letter or not...you are getting it off of YOUR heart so YOU can move on. The more you focus on what her response would be, the more you will be in bondage in your heart. She is who she is and it has NOTHING to do with you. Release her with the sending of the letter and move forward with your life. Like Dreamster said, it takes COURAGE to do what you are doing. Go girl...the truth will MAKE you free. Blessings and PEACE!!!!
  12. COMMUNION Pamela!!! That's all I'm going to say because I know YOU know what I am talking about. Love you and I will be praying for the family today!!!!
  13. I just read a quote by Smith Wigglesworth and I thought about this post. He said..."Some people read their Bible in Hebrew, some in Greek. I like to read mine in the Holy Ghost". We can't forget that it's the Holy Spirit who is the GREAT Teacher no matter what translation we read!!!!
  14. Praise the Lord!!!! I'm so happy for you. The Bible says that when you refresh someone's life then your life will be refreshed. One Door did that for you because some where down the line you did it for someone else. God isn't finished yet JJP...remain in expectation and watch the Lord shine His glory through your life. Blessings!
  15. Welcome to the site Anointed2009... This dream can be viewed by more people and possibly interpreted for you if you post it in the "Dreams and Visions to be Interpreted" forum. This forum is basically for questions and facts about the site. Blessings to you!
  16. He called you THAT over giving a muffin to your child? I will pray for deliverance from his anger and pray the wisdom of God for you. This isn't the first time he has lashed out at you, right?
  17. You must certainly have purpose on this job because we have to ALWAYS remember that our fight is NOT against flesh and blood. The enemy NEVER comes after us for no reason. The one thing that I am learning is that the enemy is a reacter....he reacts to things that God is doing in our lives. He will use PEOPLE because he knows that's what gets us off of our game. We begin focusing on what they do and say to us, instead of keeping our eyes on Jesus. I know you are praying about the situation, but instead of only praying about the situation, ask the Lord to reveal to you what your purpose is on this job...in that office. Once you know, then you can stretch forward...towards the mark for the "PRIZE" of the high calling in Jesus Christ. (Phil 3) I will be praying because...I've been there and it wasn't easy until I took my eyes off of the individual. Be encouraged...
  18. The Lord our God NEVER ceases to amaze me. I received your voicemail princessdelia...God is good!!!!!!
  19. Are you saying a Christian Counselor said this? If so, we must really be careful that these professionals aren't attaching the title "Christian" to what they do in order to get more clients. If one needs a Christian Counselor, they need to seek for one like they do a church...find out what they believe. I agree with what has been said. It's not easy to forgive and forget, but if we see that our sins have been forgiven and that the mercy that God has for us, then we should be able to do it. I know it's easier said than done, especially in a marriage situation. My prayers are with them.
  20. The Bible says to owe no many anything but love. We are to pay our debts. I'm not saying that God won't give you favor and have them forgive you of the debt, but the wonderful thing is that the same amount of faith that it takes to believe God for them to forgive you of the debt, is the same amount of faith it will take for you to believe God for the money. Why not do that. You have seen God come through for you in so many other ways. Walk in the divine unmerited favor that you have through Jesus Christ and ask your loving Heavenly Father to put the $1,000 in your hand...and He will!
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