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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I know how you feel... I like the scripture you have in your signature Hindsfeet. The first three words say "YOU ARE MINE!" God is with you...even though you may not "feel" him. It's not a feeling, it's a knowing that He is with you. Praying for you...
  2. Have you talked to the Lord about it?
  3. Cholette

    New Things

    I have prayed God's will in your situation...but let me tell you po275, working with some Christians can be just as challenging (or more) than working with those who don't know the Lord. God strategically places us in positions and jobs where our light can shine. It's the rough things (or people) in our lives that sharpen us and matures us. Just be careful what you ask for. You have the grace already for the change. God doesn't bring anything to us without equipping us to be able to handle it. If God has a new door for you to walk through, I'm in agreement with you that the eyes of your understand will be enlightened so you will KNOW the hope in which you are called (Eph 1). Blessings to you!
  4. I'm sorry Christa...I didn't see your other response. I am glad that the Lord is fixing things for you at home. This is the season for you to REALLY cling to the Lord like never before. Remember this... "We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.” (Romans 15:1-3)
  5. I will put their names to the intercessors today and we will pray. “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? (Jeremiah 32:27)
  6. I would go to the Word of God and ask the Lord to confirm what He spoke to you in His Word. Whatever God says to us can ALWAYS be backed by the Bible because He and His word are ONE. No one can tell you if you heard from the Lord, but God can. Trust me, patience isn't always easy. I've been waiting for 18 years for God to get me together as well as the man that I will be married to together. While I have waited, I have learned to appreciate this season of wait. When I think about all the people I know who are miserable in their marriages, I don't mind waiting a while until God sees that the timing is right.
  7. Hello again JVonna! In my heart, I feel you already know what to do. I'm a little taken back at the fact that he would allow his sister to "convince" him. I always know God to always send us warning signs about people when things are not right. Where we go wrong is we overlook the signs based on our "feelings" and not based on the Spirit of God, who is our Umpire (Colossians 3:15). If I were you, I would move foward "with caution". If his sister has that much influence over him now, you getting married to him won't solve the issue.
  8. Hi Jvonna! I have prayed and I'm not sure how old your son is, but as a mother of a 19 year old son who is away living the "college life", I would say to focus on putting your son in the Lord's hands and leave him there. I practiced doing that since his personlity changed while he was in Junior High school. I would give him to God and then take him back again...driving myself crazy!!!! One day, God gave me a scripture and that was it...I finally left him in the Lord's hand and let me tell you, I am peaceful. I see him with alcohol bottles all around him with the "red cups" on his Facebook, but my trust is in the Lord and not what I see him do. Whenever I speak to him, it's always in love. I don't judge him for what he does, but I asked God to open my eyes so I can see him the way HE DOES! God is faithful and HE will protect our children because they belong to us and are apart of our covenant with the Lord. Continue to call his name out in prayer and speak life over him and one day you will see a change in his life. Even though I see the questionable pictures of him on Facebook, when I speak to my son, he has matured. They find their way back, eventually. If we look back over our lives and all the errors we made, we can see where we are now and we KNOW that it was the Lord. My favorite scripture that I speak over my son's life everyday is..."And all your [spiritual] children shall be disciples [taught by the Lord and obedient to His will], and great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children." (Isaiah 54:13 - AMP) Amen!!!! Trust him Jvonna...TRUST THE LORD!!!
  9. My prayer team and I prayed tonight for Devin Gabriel and we have asked God for a brand new heart. We prayed that God would baffle the minds of all those who are involved and that Devin would be a testimony of God's glory. We prayed that with this brand new heart, he will run around and play with the children his age...he will do all that he couldn't do before and that the healing anointing of God that has transformed his body will remain and that he will lay hands on the sick and they WILL recover. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Jesus paid the price for this already and the spirit of infirmity has trespassed, but it is gone in the in name of Jesus...NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE!!!! See him this way and tell him that God HAS ALREADY healed him...it's done Daph!!! We're just waiting for the testimony!!!!!! Thank you Lord and Hallelujah!!!!!!
  10. My desire is for God to do a mighty miracle for your son Daph. Four heart surgery's? I'm believing and praying that he won't need the surgery in the summer. God can do anything and there is NOTHING impossible for Him...nothing!!! I'm going to ask for what seems to be the impossible so the name of the Lord can be glorified in this situation and that your son's body can be at peace...in the name of Jesus!!
  11. Happy birthday Unaday!!!!! Have an awesome day!!!
  12. Hi Song of Seashells...did you have another screen name before? I'm not sure of who you are. I'm glad you are enjoying your family. May God continue blessing your family.
  13. The only signal that I got was that I was you 19 years ago. Reading your post was like reading that season of my life all back over again. Push past the fear and love on people. People are drawn by the love of God. You will be surprised how many people who are in the church who need a hug!!! Pass out plenty of them...
  14. Hello Ang! A scripture came to mind when I read your post..."A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24) I went through the SAME EXACT thing when I first started going to church. There were so many people in my church at the time and everyone knew each other, it seemed. I longed to have friends in the ministry because I had let go of my "running buddies". One day I went to church and the Assistant Pastor was teaching a lesson and out of the blue he said "some of you desire to have friends, but the Lord says that you will, but you have to show yourself friendly" and he quoted the scripture that I shared above. I will NEVER forget that day because from that point on, I changed the way I greeted people. It wasn't that I was mean, but I felt that maybe I was giving off a signal that I was intimidated or in awe of the amount of people that were in the ministry. As I started greeting people...each week as I went back to church, if I saw them, I waved at them or went out of my way to walk over and greeted them. I hate to toot my own horn, but I will say this, I became one of the most popular people in the church. I had and still have LOTS of friends in the church. Even though some have gone on and moved on to other churches, I remained friends with them. Another thing you can do is get involved in a service ministry within the church. That's a way of getting more closer with people on a smaller scale. I will be praying for you!!
  15. Oh Living4him, When I read your prayer requests, there was a "leap of joy" deep down inside of me. God is at work in these areas my friend...He heard you the FIRST TIME. The baby is coming, but not just that, don't count out having your own because I sense that is coming too. You and your husband have unmerited favor (grace) and there is nothing you can do to earn it...it's yours because of Jesus Christ. If God doesn't have a better job for your husband, then this one will be his...trust in the Lord!!! God knows how to open doors for His precious children, we just need to trust Him that He's awesome enough to usher us into the places that we desire, in HIS TIMING...His IMPECCABLE timing!!! Glory to God!!
  16. Happy birthday my friend. Miss seeing you around. Have a happy day!!!
  17. Sorry JBS...I've never heard of him. Is it that you don't understand? Or is it that some things that he said didn't sit well with you?
  18. TO God be the Glory for opening up His word to you V!!! We need to do a little more trusting in our Heavenly Father. Besides, all the days of our lives have been placed in a book even before we were born (Psalm 139). So it's a done deal anyway. If we would just let go and allow the Lord to unfold our lives FOR US, we will be in a better position in our spirit, soul and bodies!!!! To God be the Glory...it is the Holy Spirit that leads us into ALL truth!!!!
  19. A husband is sanctified because of the wife's relationship (or vice versa) because the two have become one. I know where you are going with the "covering" statement as it relates to your brother, but the thing that will bring your brother and his wife to Christ is prayer....no matter where they are. God hears it and will honor it. Don't go by what you see because what you see is temporal...what you cannot see is eternal. When it "looks" like your prayers aren't working, keep praying, because they are. God cannot and will not lie. He will do it because of His covenant with you. Come back with some updates, because there WILL BE some.
  20. Thanks Butterfly...I've been praying most of the morning! God is faithful and the prayers of the righteous avails MUCH!!!!!
  21. Why do you feel like your brother has to be in the house to be under the family covering? There is no distance in prayer. Interceding for your brother, no matter where he lives, will still produce the same amount of power than if he was living there. Your brother is married so he is to leave his parents and cleave to his wife. He will be okay. My son is in a different state while attending college. For some reason it seems as though I can see my prayers working more, now that he's away, than when he was in my house. Maybe it's because it's a lot clearer the further I am from him...who knows. Praying for you...
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