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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I agree with princessdelia when she said that you may have been led there to be a catalyst. I belong to a dead church as well...however I'm being called to pray and intercede. The church is perishing for a lack of knowledge BUT the prayers of the righteous avails much. The other thing is this, you can't take someone else out of a church with you...especially a youth. Do the parents attend there? You don't want to remove someone out of a ministry just because you don't feel it's meeting THEIR needs...only God can determine that. Allow the "awesomeness" of God to intervene on behalf of that youth. Also, we can't forget the MIGHTY and POWERFUL ways of God. If a church is dead, then He has the ability to resurrect it. If the church's music is dead, don't wait to worship the Lord when you get to church...do it before you get there so you will already be spiritually charged. Don't forget to REALLY pray for your pastor and his wife. I used to be the administrator in my church office and I know firsthand the things that they have to deal with, as it pertains to the church. It's not all about getting up there on Sundays and deliver the Word...there are so many different dynamics to leading a church. Pray, pray and pray some more.
  2. I am praying for your friend Christa that the unmerited favor that rightfully belongs to him will manifest exceedingly and abundantly beyond what he can think of or imagine. I am praying that the divine health that Jesus purchased for him will saturate him from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet...even into the joints and the muscles. God is faithful and it is already a finished work and we call it DONE in the name of Jesus Christ!!! To God be the Glory!!!
  3. Hello Sister in Christ...I am praying for you!! Rest in the promises of God. If God promised you, then HE is faithful to perform it. His timing is IMPECCABLE!!!! As far as the "life partner"...be still and KNOW that God is God! He has the right one for you. Get into the Word of God and allow it to transform and prepare you. Desire to go deeper into your relationship with the Lord. In that place, the Lord will minister to you...and in due season the man will find you!!!
  4. Hindsfeet...AMEN!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you divinefavor43 for your prayer...it TRULY brought tears to my eyes. To God be the Glory!!!
  5. Girl, you are truly being used by God...Good for you!!!!! I will be praying for you Unaday...let the Lord use you!!!
  6. God is so good!!! He really cares about EVERY detail of our lives... I rejoice with you my friend...
  7. Hello divinefavor! I want to let you know that I am praying for you and will continue to do so. I also want to encourage you. You said: I wish I could get everything all right; and have it all together but My life however is not perfect I have good news for you, your life may not be perfect and you may not be perfect, but our loving Heavenly Father sees you as perfect through Jesus Christ. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God...For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified (Hebrews 10:12,14) The sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross has alotted us to be seen as perfect in the eyes of our Father. We will NEVER be perfect in the natural because we are in this flesh...so you can stop trying. You are saved by grace, not by works. You have favor, not because you deserve it, but because of Jesus Christ. Grace means "unmerited favor", so that means you don't need "merits" in order to receive it. God knows where we are and the fact that you "long to worship him" and that you "miss Him"...He knows that. My prayer is that God will show Himself STRONG in your situation and give you the favor that is RIGHTFULLY yours in your living situation. May His miraculous provison come to you in a way that you KNOW it has come from Him. May you give Him all the glory in the name of Jesus...SO BE IT!!! God loves you...believe that!
  8. Cholette


    YES!!! I love it!!!! This is God...these are the things that He does for His children. I rejoice with you. A woman HAS TO have a black bag. LOL!
  9. I do believe that spirits and all of what you mentioned exists, but what I'm saying is that we are NEW Creatures and we no longer are controlled by them any longer. We have been given the keys to the kingdom and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against us. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:17-19) The Bibles says that we will NOT prevail against it...the Rock, which is Jesus...the Son of God. When we understand what Jesus' sacrifice has done for us as children of God, all of these demons that we focus so much on CANNOT or WILL NOT stand. The authority that we have been given allows all of heaven to back us up here on earth. I believe we are tormented by these spirits because due to our lack of knowledge. We believe that these spirits are bigger and stronger than us...and they are not! What we believe is what we accept. The Bible clearly says: 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:30-32)
  10. Unaday, you have NOTHING to worry about going "without the power and the anointing" because it's in you girl. You have the Holy Spirit in you and He goes with you wherever you go. My prayer is that you remain open and that you are a vessel that God will use to reach the youth. May your words be powerful and encouraging...leading them to a deeper knowledge and understanding of who God is. Blessings...let us know how it goes!!
  11. Praise God!!! The Lord is faithful and I trust and believe that your brother will receive the knowledge and understanding that he's in seach for. I pray that peace will be his umpire...(Col 3:15)
  12. Beautiful!! This is my daily prayer and God answers it EVERY TIME!!!!
  13. You will find it Hindsfeet! Be at peace and the Holy Spirit will bring it back to you rememberance...
  14. Be sure to come back and share what God leads you to do. I'm curious to know...
  15. I can be touched by your situation. I will be in prayer with you. Blessings!!
  16. Amen...and we call it in from the north, the south, the east and the west. We command it to come back exceedingly and abundantly beyond what she can think of or even imagine. In the midst of this give God ALL the praise and the glory. This was designed to steal your joy and your praise...don't give in to it!!!! Girl...you are somebody. The devil NEVER wastes his time on a "nobody"!!!
  17. It seems I still need a lot of help in determining what God is saying to me although I do pray a lot myself. What happens to a person when their spirit is wounded or such that God cannot speak and the person hear? I mean, God can hear us very well, but what if I cannot hear God? Isn't it our spirits that connect us to God? Blossom, the ONLY answer I am able to give you is to continue in His Word. We've all been wounded in some form or fashion and have our seasons when it's hard to hear the Lord. That doesn't mean He stops speaking to us, we just need to get into a place where we can hear Him. When seasons like this come, I am in His Word. I read scriptures and the Holy Spirit causes scriptures to come to life for me. The Word of God is LIVING and POWERFUL (Hebrews 4)...it does things inside of us even before we know anything about it. It's supernatural in the way that it works. It goes deep down into the places and fixes, heals and ministers. Trust me, if you can't hear His Voice, then listen for Him in the Word of God. I also want you to know that the scripture in Exodus is a promise. Stay connected to God through His Word and it will lead you to where He has predestine for you to go. You will make mistakes along the way, but the punishment for those mistakes were placed upon Jesus. He completed the work for you and you have already been blessed with EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) Blessings my sister!
  18. Receive the favor that is already yours through Jesus Christ. Blessings to you!!!
  19. Interesting that God gave you that scripture Blossom because he gave me that same exact scripture (the whole chapter) YEARS ago. In my case, the Angel was symbolic for my Pastor and the Holy Spirit. I've had several pastors since I've received that scripture, but as I've removed my eyes from "man", I've realized that the scripture was about the Holy Spirit leading me into the place that God prepared for me.
  20. You have favor with BOTH God AND man. We look forward to the testimony!!!
  21. If you were to return to school now, would that gel with your current schedule with work and family? If so, take the first step and see where that takes you. Sometimes you have to take one step towards something in order for clairty to manifest. I will pray that God makes it clear what your next step should be.
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