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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. No, you don't come home to friends at night, but you do have a loving Savior who is with you 24/7. He DESIRES to overtake your heart so that you don't have those lonely feelings. Whenever the enemy use to put loneliness on me, I would sit down and have a "heart to heart" with the Lord and become open and real with my feelings. It does wonders... The more I did it, the less the feelings were a part of me. The enemy desires for us to stay in that place in our minds, but he realized that the more he put that on me, the more I ran to God and it ended the cycle...Praise the Lord!!! Praying for you!!!
  2. Cheer Up Butterfly...your father has been REDEEMED by the Blood of the Lamb in ALLLL areas in his life!!! His healing is a finished work...don't allow the enemy to steal your peace. He is giving you wrong imaginations...set your mind on things that are above because they are eternal!!! If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:1-2) I'm praying for you too!!!
  3. Okay so....I know that song you quoted V and my church has been singing it soooo wrong and I knew it. They say "I can search for all eternity long and find..." That doesn't make sense, now does it??!!!!! I told them, but they think that's what is says on the actual song. Lord Jesus, take the wheel!!!!!!!
  4. Even if you did forget...no love loss. You are my girl!!! Thank you so much!!!
  5. WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! I am moooooved!!! Thanks Lurdys for that powerful and scriptural blessing!!!!
  6. Praise the Lord Miss Halo!!! God is so good! Walk in the Divine Health that was purchased for you through Jesus Christ. Don't allow the spirit of infirmity to trespass on you any longer. Divine Health is YOUR inheritence girl!!!
  7. Praying for you Danny and I'm in agreement with the beautiful prayer Lurdys prayed for you!!!
  8. SUDDENLY!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!
  9. God is soooooooooo awesome!!! I love it when he makes a thing come together. WOW!! To God be the Glory!!!!!!!
  10. Thank you Butterfly!!!! I appreciate the love!! V...you are crazy!! I know how you are feeling!!! LOL!!!!
  11. Okay now Miss Virtuous!!! You are flowing in the gifts right now because GOD told me last year that when my manifestations show up, it will be "SUDDENDLY"!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!! That's why you "felt that" because it was the Spirit of God!!!
  12. Thank you Connie!!!!!! Two is better than one!! HEHEHE!
  13. Awwwww Thank you MB and Connie!!!! I'm the most happiest 43 year old woman today!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!
  14. Awwwww, this is beautiful!!!!! I'm feeling the love today. The first emoticon is enjoying the sun on the beach. That is my plan for today. I want to go to the beach and spend time with the Lord. WE HAVE A DATE!!!!!!
  15. THANK YOU GIRLFRIEND!!!! I sooooooo appreciate it!!!
  16. You will be just fine Unaday! Fear is a tell tell sign that things will be okay. Fear is a smoke screen that distorts our view of things. I always try to gather myself when I feel fearful and say "the opposite is true". I believe in my heart that you will walk into this position and things will be easy for you. I was intimidated by my job assisting my pastor. I couldn't sleep at night and I was nervous that I would mess up everything in the office. When I started my position, the work was EASY and I felt like an idiot for thinking it would be hard. By the way...the money was MORE than they told me it would, so I just feel that everything will be okay for you. Relax and enjoy the promotion because it comes from the Lord. He didn't promote you without equipping you.
  17. You will be able to do "His Work" effectively once you are released from the "baggage" that you are carrying. His tug on you is real and He loves you too much to have you carry all of that around...you weren't designed to do that. I'm headed out for prayer right now...I am going to lift you up to the Lord.
  18. Happy Birthday girl!!! January is a GREAT month to be born in...
  19. Well praise the Lord for their salvation Butterfly! What a blessed time THAT was for you, I'm sure. The enemy is mad right now and now that your father is in the kingdom of God and has accepted Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior, He has the RIGHT to Divine Healing! The devil is a liar and I come against the foul unclean spirit of infirmity that has attacked this Man of God's body right now in the Might Name of Jesus Christ. I speak to the cancer and say that you have to BOW TO THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. This man shall live and not die and declare the Word of the Lord. Cancer was taken to the cross and has lost it's power. The Blood of the Lamb is on the doorpost of his life so therefore the spirit of infirmity, fear and death MUST pass over in the name of Jesus. We praise you Lord for this miracle that you have completed in His life. We praise you ahead of time even before we see the manifestation...in the name of Jesus...SO BE IT!!!!
  20. Whenever you are in the Word Lovelywomanofvirtue, the distractions are enormous. The enemy does NOT want us in the Word. The problem is...you can't deal with your issues...that's the Lord's job. We are asked to cast the whole of our care upon the Lord because He cares for us. When we do that, things change...we fill lighter. It will remain that way as long as you don't take back the things you have turned over to Him. I know all too well what that "sadness in my soul" feels like. Take it to Jesus girl!!!
  21. Girl, isn't it a trip how God brings us back to the Word of God? Gotta love it!
  22. What I have found out is that the Word of God is the answer to EVERYTHING. It's amazing to me how so many things are rectified just by studying the Word of God. It seems to correct things on it's on until one day you realize that some of those things that used to vex you don't vex you any longer. A friend of mine had a weight problem and refused to go on a diet because she had come to the conclusion that they didn't work. She cried out to the Lord and the only thing he told her was to "eat His Bread". It took her a minute to truly get what he was talking about, but she heard a message that equated the Bread of God to the Word of God. She jumped into the Word of God and ate it like her life depended on it. I had not seen her for several months and when I did, she was MUCH smaller. I asked her did she go on a diet or is she working out and she emphatically said NO! She admitted to me that God opened up some things inside of her that she was feeding with food. When she turned those things over and allowed the Word of God to heal her, the weight began to melt off. The Word is our medicine for EVERYTHING. If you want balance, the Word will show you how to achieve it. If you want to be a healthy size or weight, the Word will show you how to achieve it. Most likely you have the gift of service. You love to serve people by helping them and there is nothing wrong with that because it's needed in the body of Christ. Just like any other spiritual gift, it needs to be tempered. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you...and He will. Open up the Word of God and allow Him to teach you...and He will. I pray this helps...Blessings!
  23. I will pray for total and complete healing as well as God's perfect will to be done.
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