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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Praying for you girl!!!
  2. If there is a place to let it all hang out, it is in the presence of the Lord. I believe if we are going to be negative, let's do it to Him so that HE can correct and give us something positive to say. The Bible says that in His presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand, pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16?) He gives us the reason to speak according to His Word (positively). If we go around speaking negatively then we won't be there to edify those that are in our worlds. Yes, we should be honest, but we should have other people's interests at heart so we won't be 'downers' to them. I prayed for you...I prayed that when you go to the Lord that he will satisfy whatever this thing is that has you in turmoil. Sometimes issue doesn't disappear, but the peace comes so you can bear it until change comes. Be blessed!
  3. I dont' think the paperwork is literal...I believe its symbolic for things that you are working on that need to be placed in the hand of God. How do you let not your heart be troubled? By casting your care on to the Lord. You sit down and you express yourself in a real way. If you have to scream, then scream....if you have to cry, then cry. However you are feeling, then let it out to him and it's amazing how much better you will feel. I just had one of these moments yesterday. I had it with things being prolonged for me while everyone seems to be getting their breakthroughs. I was ANGRY! I went to God and I told him how mad I was and that if he is God, then He needs to be God. Well, that was my anger speaking, but after I finished sharing that, then he touched my heart and I felt so much better. I told someone what I did and they put on their "religious pharisee" hat and said "how could you be mad at a holy God?" It amazed me to hear that question because I have a relationship with the Lord. When you have a relationship with someone, you can be honest with them and vice versa. It's not like God didn't know I was mad at him...but the thing is...he loves me regardless and he knows in my flesh dwells no good thing. So...cast it over GoldenEagle. If you are like me, you will say..."but I did already"...however, you know when it's totally over in God's hand when you are in peace. Blessings!
  4. To both you Steadygaze and Daphanie...God is in control. I trust that healing is in both of your homes...THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!
  5. Cholette

    New Song

    Praise the Lord!!! There isn't a lot we have to do when it comes to God. He's just on his own timetable...LOL! I rejoice with you!!!!
  6. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! So happy for you. God is blessing his people with jobs. PRaise the Lord!!!
  7. Praying for your animal is NOT trivial. As a matter of fact there is a scripture for this: "A righteous man regards the life of his animal..." (Proverbs 12:10) God cares for EVERYTHING that we care about. I will pray for "the professor" that God would supernaturally heal his leg. And for you, I am in agreement with these temporal things to change. God is doing some things for his people in this hour. We need to rise up and declare what the WORD says about our situation. Doing this keeps our eyes off of what we see. It's amazing how much better we feel about everything, when we speak what God says about it. We have the creative power of God inside of us. So rise up my sister and speak and give birth to those things that are inside of you. God is faithful...it's not by might, nor by power, but by HIS SPIRIT!!!
  8. 1THE LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. 2He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters. 3He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him--not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake. 4Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me. 5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over. 6Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place. (Psalms 23 AMP) This Psalm always lifts me up during those heavy times. The Amplified Version ALWAYS ministers to me. I pray it does the same for you too!!
  9. Oh Mia!!! I feel EXACTLY where you are and I will be praying for you. Some awesome things have taken place in my life as well as some friends of mine and no sooner than we rejoice, those attacks you are speaking about began to happen in each one of our lives. We understand that we are on track...just like you...so we have said the same thing you have...we will stand in the authority that the Lord has given to us and possess the land. WOW...God is moving by His Spirit and each of us will see this thing unfold right before our eyes. STAND!!!!!! Hallelujah!!
  10. That was what I was going to say about you walking up from the back of the house. You are leaving your past behind and pressing toward the mark. To me, this seems like a "to be continued" vision. It's as if God is showing you where you are now and then there may be another time where you may see that you are actually in the house. I just love the way God communicates. There is NEVER a dull moment with him...we just need to yield... As far as being "haunted from your past"...I wouldn't see it like that. When God speaks, he doesn't "haunt" us...he informs us. Your friend could be symbolic of your past OR they could be shown to you for prayer...or all types of stuff. Never think you are being haunted...that's not how God rolls.
  11. Hindsfeet...rise up and declare this house sold. You have the authority to speak to the mountain YOURSELF and command it to move. YOU are the one with the mountain moving faith. Yes, agreement is good, but God doesn't wait until we have someone in agreement in order to move for us, because we have Jesus, who has finished the work already. Much of what I have isn't because someone agreed with me, it's because I'm learnng who I am and the power that's in me and I spoke it into existence through the POWER of the Holy Ghost. You and the Spirit of God are the majority, so SPEAK GIRL. Watch it come to manifestation. That house is SOLD in Jesus Name and there WILL BE NO FORECLOSURE!!! Speak, speak and speak some more. As you can see...I'm in agreement
  12. Be encouraged Ditte3. God has a way of doing things that bring glory to HIS name. I'm sort of in the same situation with my son's college as well, but God spoke to me and said that this is not unto death, but to the glory of the Lord. I pray this word over you and your situaton as well. God takes care of His own. Put it in his hands and let it rest there. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen when you think it should happen. He's a MIRACLE working God!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Cholette

    New Song

    WOW Deborah!!! How awesome is that??? Continue to move forward, regardless of the obstacles. I believe God gave you this song so because he did, he will make sure that your dad hears it and is blessed by it. Praying for you...
  14. WOW...what a testimony this is going to be. I love hearing stuff like this. It's a sad situation, but such an opportunity for our Heavenly Father to be glorified. I am praying along with you for God's PERFECT will to be done. The blue sheet reminds me of the God's glory, presence and essence being wrapped around him. To God be all the glory for what He's about to do in this situation. Double Salvation (husband and brother).
  15. Daphanie, I haven't stopped praying for him since the last time you asked for prayer. There is something about your son that has pulled my heart strings. I have a prayer team and we've been calling his name out and praising the Lord for his divine health. I've declared a total and complete miracle in his body and I belive that God has done it.
  16. Praise the Lord!!! I rejoice with you girl!!!!!
  17. Be careful that you are not beliving a lie MJ. You are in a "called" position and the enemy would LOVE to whisper lies to you and make you think something, so you can move out of position. My pastor, YEARS ago, was a female pastor and I wasn't her assistant, but I could have sworn she was throwing me dirty looks. I stayed FAR AWAY from her because I thought she hated me. It wasn't until years later that I found out that she would always look at me because God was speaking to her about my purpose in the ministry. I ended up playing a key role in her life before she passed away. I allowed the enemy to steal some precious years from me when I could have been getting to know her a little better. My point I'm making is...REALLY pray about this and allow the Lord to open your eyes. Make sure you are not jumping to conclusions because if the enemy is lying to you, it will affect the way you serve her. It's okay that you don't want to do certain things...that's your perogative. If it's a problem with your pastor, pray about that too. God has a way of touching the heart of others when we want to do what's right for US.
  18. You already have the favor Mia...just move forward in it. I mean this was handed to you on a silver platter and there is nothing left to do but to prosper in it. I know it's a little scarey because its so much, so quick...but girl, go forth and be the success that you were created to be. With GOD before you, WHO can be against you???? This is only the beginning...Can you see it???
  19. Linda, girl!!!!!!! Let me say this to you. A couple of weeks ago at Bible Study, we had a guest speaker from New Zealand (no it's not Dreamster...YET!...LOL). The title of his message was "Today Creates Your Testimony". The main premise to the message was, that God wants us to focus on TODAY and only TODAY. Yesterday is gone and is history and tomorrow, we were commanded not to worry about. TODAY is the DAY that the Lord has made...we shall rejoice and be glad in it. TODAY, He loads us up with benefits...We have brand new mercies given to us EVERY MORNING!!! etc, etc, etc. He said that each morning we should start our day, asking the Holy Spirit to give us diving guidance into the day and take us into places and meet people that need the Lord. He said many of our days are normally spent worried about what happened yesterday and worried about tomorrow, but not enough time spent in our TODAY...the REAL GIFT! What you are learning is just that. You are practicing the presence of the Holy Spirit...tuning your heart into his lead. The way I see it for my own life is that I've been invited to "THE DANCE" and I'm allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me in the steps of the dance. We are dancing to the music of the day...whatever that may be. He is ALWAYS with us, whether we acknowledge Him or not. There are times when I'm driving and I will catch myself thinking about something that will take place at the end of the week and I have to reel myself back in and that's when I say..."Holy Spirit, I love you and I'm glad you are here in the car with me". It's amazing how those words nestle me into His bosom and the closeness I feel...IMMEDIATELY!! It's the enemy's attack to keep us boggled down with STUFF...NOISE...LIES. He has no power, so he uses those things to keep us away from acknowledging that God is there. He keeps us caught up in the details of everything...trying to figure out EVERYTHING instead of letting Him lead us in the "dance" of our day. Your post has warmed my heart because it's been my prayer that ALL the saints in the Body of Christ would recognize who we really have inside of us. We are the container of the supremacy and holiness of God. That is why you can be led to a table that just so happen was next to a family that would eventually be in distress and you were able to help them. That is why when you let go and not pay attention to the amount of money that is in your hand, God can meet your need. WE ARE HOLY BECAUSE HE IS HOLY!!!! We live, move and have our being IN HIM!!! When we KNOW and RECOGNIZE that, the sky is the limit to what we experience in our TODAY. Thank you for sharing this...thank you for hearing the Lord...thank you for being obedient in writing the book...thank you for being obedient to practicing the presence of the Lord. May we each follow your example. Praise the Lord!!!!!!
  20. You are so welcomed LovelyWomanofVirtue. So happy that God met you at your point of need!! I'm just amazed how Lurdys and I pretty much shared the same thing. We were posting at the same time. Lurdys, we have to stop meeting like this... ..or do we??
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